

【作者】 林学君

【导师】 刘裕权;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文研究的核心是班级常规管理的现状及存在的问题,并试图深入分析其存在问题的原因,结合当前班级常规管理的实际,提出建议和对策。本文以文献分析法和案例分析法为主,在吸收和消化国内外班级常规管理研究成果的基础上,结合本人多年班级管理实践工作经验,运用班级常规管理理论进行长时间的观察,收集班级管理者,特别是班主任管理的实践材料,在对学生和教师的访谈内容进行分析、整理的基础上构思而成。全文共分前言、正文、结束语三部分:前言部分主要对本论文研究问题的提出、文献综述、核心概念界定以及本研究设计进行了阐述;正文由四部分组成:第一部分诠释了班级常规管理的内在诉求,即班级常规管理为班级创造有序生活环境、常规管理是班主任和科任教师管理班级的“切入点”、常规管理促进学生的养成教育、常规管理促进学生继承中华民族的优良传统;第二部分阐述了班级常规管理的目标不清、内容不全、主体单一、方法简单、较为封闭等五方面问题;第三部分进一步分析班级常规管理存在上述问题的成因:主要是教师的教育管理理念滞后、班级常规管理的评价体系不健全、班级常规管理深受应试教育的负面作用、不良社会因素的消极影响、家庭教育观念与方法的滞后等五方面;第四部分探讨了优化班级常规管理的对策与思考。主要从树立先进的班级常规管理理念、提高班级常规管理者的素质、细化班级常规管理内容、丰富班级常规管理方法、健全班级常规管理评价体系、加强班级常规管理与家庭、社会的沟通与协调六条路径入手;结束语部分对全文进行总结,并指出研究中的不足之处以及后继研究的深入和努力方向。

【Abstract】 The questions that the graduation thesis discusses are to analyze the current situations and the problems of conventional administration of classes, afterward make a thorough discussion of the reasons and put forward some rationalization proposals and treasures. After absorbing internal and external fruits by analyzing the theories and examples of cases, the author spends much time observing conventional administration of classes, colleting the materials, having informal discussions with students and teachers, analyzing and sorting out the materials. In the end, the author writes the thesis combining with his own teaching and administration practice. This graduation thesis is made up of three parts, including preface, main body and concluding remarks. Putting forward of questions, summary of documents, definitions of conceptions and the design of this research are expounded in the preface.In the first part, the internal demands of conventional administration of classes are explained. They are helping classes create normal surroundings, beginning of administration of classes, promoting students to form good habits and helping students inherit good Chinese traditions and culture.In the second part, the following contents are explained. The purposes of conventional administration of classes are unclear; the contents of conventional administration of classes are incomplete; the main bodies of conventional administration of classes are too unitary; the ways of conventional administration of classes are two simple and conventional administration of classes is too closed.In the third part, the reasons of problems of conventional administration of classes are analyzed. The reasons are the following five aspects. The ideas of teachers’education and administration lag behind; the system of appraise are incomplete, conventional administration of classes is influenced by old examination system; conventional administration of classes is influenced by bad social factors and the notions and ways of family education lag behind.In the fourth part, the proposals and treasures of improving conventional administration of classes are discussed. They are setting up the modern theory improving administrators’attainments, analyzing the contents administration, enriching the approaches of administration, improving the systems of appraise and strengthening the relations with families and society. In the end, the author makes a summary and points out the insufficiency of the research and directions of research in future.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【下载频次】758

