

On Cultural Value Orientations of Contemporary Chinese College Students in the Light of Hofstede’s Value Dimensions

【作者】 刘佳汇

【导师】 杨希燕;

【作者基本信息】 长春工业大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在全球化发展趋势日益加强的今天,跨文化交际这一领域不断受到重视。作为跨文化交际研究的核心,文化价值观直接影响着交际的过程和结果。中西方由于不同的文化背景,表现出了不同的文化价值观。我们在承认中西方文化价值观差异的同时,更要考虑到文化价值观的动态性特征,要看到中西方在文化价值观上的发展变化趋势。当代大学生代表着最前沿、最先进的思想,他们的文化价值取向可以代表价值观的发展趋势。本文主要依据荷兰社会心理学家吉尔特·霍夫斯泰德的文化维度模式来分析中国当代大学生的文化价值取向。本文分为七部分:引言;第一章,文献回顾;第二章,理论基础;第三章,问卷设计;第四章,数据分析;第五章,研究发现和启示;结论。引言部分指出价值取向在跨文化交际研究中的重要性,以及研究中国当代大学生文化价值取向的意义。第一章开篇首先对文化价值取向的基本概念进行了界定与阐述,然后对学者们就这方面的理论研究进行了概括性的描述。第二章详细地介绍了霍夫斯泰德的五个文化维度模式及其在行为上的表现并探讨了霍夫斯泰德文化维度模式的应用。第三章依次介绍了问卷调查的研究问题、研究目的、研究对象、研究方法及研究步骤。作者收集400份问卷,共计10400项数据,运用SPSS软件进行数据分析。第四章分别从五个文化维度的角度对所得数据进行分析和说明。第五章详细探讨了问卷反映出的中国当代大学生文化价值取向的现状,及其对第三文化的启示。最后一部分是结论,对本文进行了总结和提炼,指出中西方文化价值观的融合为第三文化打下基础。

【Abstract】 Increasing globalization and intercultural communication are gaining more attention every day. As the core of intercultural communication study, cultural values directly influence both the process and results of communication. With different cultural backgrounds, Chinese and Western cultural values are not the same. We admit such differences, at the same time, we should take the dynamic features of cultural values into consideration, giving emphasis on the development trend of Chinese and Western cultural values. With the newest and the most advanced thought, the cultural value orientations of contemporary college students can represent the development trend of cultural values. This thesis make an analysis on the cultural value orientations of Chinese contemporary college students in the light of five value dimensions developed by Dutch social psychologist Geert Hofstede.This thesis falls into seven parts:Introduction; Chapter One Literature Review; Chapter Two Theoretical Background; Chapter Three Research Design; Chapter Four Data Analysis; Chapter Five Findings and Implications; and Conclusion.Introduction points out the significance of the study and the meaning in the study of the cultural value orientations of contemporary Chinese college students. Chapter One begins with a general explanation of the definition of cultural value orientation. This is followed by review of previous studies on the theory. Then, Chapter Two makes a detailed introduction to Hofstede’s five value dimensions. The following section talks about the applications of the value dimensions. Chapter Three introduces the research questions, purpose, subjects, method and procedure respectively. Altogether,400 participants have taken the survey and 10,400 survey items have been collected for data analysis. Chapter Four analyzes the data according to the perspective of five value dimensions. Chapter Five investigates the cultural value orientation of Chinese contemporary college students and concludes the implication for the third culture. Based on the four chapters, the last part arrives at the conclusion that the integration between Chinese and Western cultural values lays foundation for the third culture.


