

A Study of the Economic Effects in Free Trade Zone

【作者】 刘思伟

【导师】 王琦;

【作者基本信息】 长春工业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 经济全球化和区域经济集团化是当今世界经济发展的两大趋势,在世界贸易组织多边框架下达成合作协议十分困难的情况下,自由贸易区成为世界各个国家开展区域经济合作的主要方式。诚然,一个自由贸易区的建立承载着很多的目的,但是获取积极的经济效应才是自由贸易区成立和存续的持久动力。伴随着自由贸易区实践内容的不断丰富,其内涵逐步由以贸易自由化为主的浅度一体化逐渐向以括投资为主的深度一体化转变。特别是20世纪80年代以来,跨国公司的国际投资在推动区域经济集团化发展中扮演越来越重要的角色。国际直接投资相对其他贸易方式更能反映区域经济发展的水平,直接或是间接地影响其他的经济效应。因此,投资效应最能反映自由贸易区的发展成果。从学术研究的角度看,针对区域经济一体化贸易效应的理论和实证研究很早就已开展,而且相关的理论体系和研究方法都已经相当成熟。相比之下,区域经济一体化的投资效应的研究显得相对滞后。在方法上,表现为由静态到动态的过渡,表现为是时间节点的切面的一种间断性的连续方法,该方法忽略了其连续不断地运动轨迹,在内容上主要变现为投资创造效应和投资转移效应,只是对于现象的经检描述,没有认清投资效应产生的根源及其影响因素,本文依据国际生产折衷理论和自由贸易区经济效应认为:自由贸易区的建立从根本上改变了成员国的区位优势和投资环境,进而影响跨国公司的收益和成本,跨国公司为了获取更加合理的收益,必然对原来的投资布局和数量进行调整,其结果反映在区域层面上就表现为自由贸易区的投资效应的变动。这也就比较合理的解释自由贸易区投资效应产生的根源以及影响因素。针对自由贸易区存在的投资效应问题以及影响因素来探讨提升投资效应的对策,这无疑使得自由贸易区投资效应得到更好的解释,同时也为该领域的实践方法和研究内容增添了新的篇章。北美自由贸易区作为典型的南北型自由贸易区先驱,经历了几十年的发展,并取得了巨大的成就,通过分析北美自由贸易区投资效应,一方面验证了本文的理论模型;另一方面为以后进一步研究自由贸易区投资效应积累更多的经验。对发展中国家特别是中国参与与发达国家的合作提供了一定的借鉴经验。

【Abstract】 Economic globalization and regional economic integration is the world’s two major trends of economic development. Now that it was difficult to come to an agreement under the multilateral framework of the Word Trade Organization, countries were actively exploring the Free Trade Zone, a more efficient form of organization. It was proved that the Free Trade Zone was a good way to improve the regional economic integration and economic development. The establishment of the Free Trade Zone may be in accordance with political or security purpose, but the primary goal it should be obtaining a positive economic effects, regional prosperity and high-speed development. Therefore, researchers turned to focus on the study about the economic effect of the regional economic integration. Since 1980s, international direct investment played more and more important role in promoting the development of international and regional economic integration. But most studies on the investment effects were launched from a trade perspective, they regarded the investment effect as a secondary effect and derived effect. Thus, it was impossible for them to give an appropriate interpretation of the investment effect of the Free Trade Zone.Countries take part in the corporation in the Free Trade Zone, but it is the TNC who executive the direct international investment. So the changes of countries caused by the establishment of the Free Trade Zone must via the influence on the decisions of the TNC. By changing these factors, in turn affect investment decisions of TNC, and ultimately affect the flow of multinational investment in the region and investment in distribution. According to Deng Ning’s international investment theory, we can improve the interpretation of the investment effect of the Free Trade Zone by study the relationship between the TNC’s investment decision and countries’ status change on Comparative Advantage.The investment effect of Free Trade Zone will achieved by improving terms of trade and the investment environment, but previous studies neglected the new international direct investment in the region, the uneven distribution among the members caused the dispute. Thus, in order to maintain the stability of the positive investment effect, we should find a good solution to the dispute. Therefore, theoretically analyze the cooperation and conflict of interest under the investment effect of the Free Trade Zone will be practical significance.After several decades of development, NAFTA, as the pioneer of north-south-type Free Trade Zone, has made enormous achievements. Analyzing the overall investment effect of the NAFTA and the investment effect of the member countries will accumulate more experience.

【关键词】 自由贸易区经济效应北美自由贸易区
【Key words】 Free Trade ZoneEconomic effectsNAFT

