

Under FOB Term, Research on the Problem of Delivery of Goods Without Original Bill of Lading

【作者】 王威

【导师】 于鸿;

【作者基本信息】 长春工业大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 由于海运事业不断发展,提单已经成为收货人向承运人提货的主要依据。根据我国《海商法》以及相关的国际公约等的规定,承运人应当凭正本提单交货。但是,承运人凭保函和提单副本放货的现象在我国的贸易实践中屡见不鲜,这就就会产生大量的无单放货纠纷案件。据相关资料统计,东南亚国家70%以上、日本90%以上以及我国国内有些口岸90%的进口货物都存在无单放货的现象。而当前我国出口贸易领域使用FOB条款(中外货物买卖合同)的合同已达60%-70%。因此在理论和贸易实践中解决好FOB术语下的无单放货问题尤为重要。首先,该篇论文从无单放货产生的原因以及FOB术语下研究无单放货的意义出发,研究了国内外关于研究FOB术语下的无单放货的研究现状,确定了本篇论文的研究方法。其次,采用比较与归纳相结合的分析方法明确FOB术语下的无单放货及提单的法律性质,并对FOB术语的概念及合同履行流程做出细致交代。接着笔者进一步由FOB术语下责任归属的理论学说与合同关系明确FOB术语下的无单放货在不同情形下的责任归属以及承运人无单放货的免责事由。最后,由具体案件的处理过程中分析出FOB术语下无单放货的法律问题。提出具体的法律建议,并提出并由此提出笔者所倾向的学说——侵权违约责任竞合说。接着从实体和程序上两方面比较了侵权之诉和违约之诉之不同后,提出对于完善国内相关立法的建议。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of the marine transportation, one kind of marine document,the bill of lading(B/L)becomes the essential certificate for the carrier to deliver goods to consignee. According to our country’s "Maritime Law", as well as the international convention, the carrier must deliver the goods depending on the original B/L. Along with the development of the marine transportation, the bill of lading has become to the carrier to the consignee the main basis of delivery. However, in reality, the carrier sells goods depending on the letter of guarantee and the transcription of the B/L frequently and this has caused massive disputes. According to relevant statistics, southeast Asian countries more than 90% above 70%, Japan both in China and some port 90% of import goods have no single put the goods the phenomenon. And the current China’s export trade fields use FOB terms (Chinese and foreign goods business contract) contract has reached 60 percent to 70 per cent. So in theory and trade practice there’s some need to do some research on the topic.First of all, this essay research on the problem of delivery of goods without original Bill of Lading and the significance under FOB term. Under FOB term, Research on about delivery of goods without original Bill of Lading at home and abroad, and make sure the research methods.Secondly, the author appraises the legal nature of the bill of lading, the mean of FOB team and the contract fulfillment process. Then the author further appraises under FOB term the theory and contract relationship. Then the article discusses the different reorganizations of responsibilities under the different employees.Finally, research the problem of delivery of goods without original bill of lading from specific treatment process of case. Puts forward specific legal advice, and puts forward the author’s preferences. This paper is the core and two new places.


