

On the Incontestable Clause of Chinese Insurance Law

【作者】 王庆

【导师】 杨华;

【作者基本信息】 长春工业大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国保险行业的发展,原有的《保险法》已越来越不适应新的保险业形势,理赔难等问题成为大众关注的问题,如何解决这类问题成为学者研究的目标,在旧法越来越不适应时代发展的情况下,新《保险法》的出台就成为了必须。2009年新《保险法》加强了对被保险人利益的保护,完善了保险行业基本制度,加强了保险行业自律管理,明确了法律责任,其中笔者认为最有意义的是不可抗辩条款,如果得到合理的适用,则对被保险人的保护以及保险公司的利益都具有重大意义,正确科学的理解不可抗辩条款,深刻内在的认识不可抗辩条款的一系列相关问题,对于我国保险业的发展的推动和促进,都有极为重要的价值,因此,我国的不可抗辩条款很有研究意义。本文在综合了国内有关学者的理论以及国外先进保险法的不可抗辩条款的既有成果上,运用比较分析方法,对我国保险法中的不可抗辩条款制度,按照发展现状、理论基础、适用条件及出现的问题、解决方法的思路进行了探讨。不可抗辩条款最早出现在英国,发展成熟也是在英美法系国家。与国外的保险立法进行对比,我国的保险立法尚不完善,如《保险法》第16条存在如下问题:我国不可抗辩条款的适用对象规定不明确,未规定被保险人两年内死亡的情形,不可抗辩条款的相关时间点不明确,且未规定适用例外;同时,针对上述问题,对于完善我国保险立法的不可抗辩条款,笔者提出了下列建议:不可抗辩条款应仅适用于人身保险合同,应增加对被保险人在世的要求,还应增加不可抗辩条款的适用例外,并规定不可抗辩条款在保险合同复效时的适用。

【Abstract】 With China’s insurance industry development, the original "Insurance Law" has less to adapt to new insurance situation, manage compensate the difficulty of the problem, become public concern how to solve this kind of problem, the research target of scholars in the old method less to adapt to the era of development situation, new "Insurance Law" releasing became necessary.2009 new "Insurance Law" strengthening the protection of the interests of the insured, improve the basic system of the insurance industry, strengthen the insurance industry self-discipline management, has been clear about the legal responsibility, which I think most meaningful is cannot contradictory clause, if applicable, then get reasonable to the insured’s protection and the interests of the insurance company to have the great significance, correct scientific understanding cannot contradictory clause, deep inner know cannot contradictory clause of a series of related problems, for our country the insurance industry development and promote, have very important values, therefore, our country cannot contradictory clause is a research significance.Based on the comprehensive domestic scholars’s theory as well as the advanced foreign insurance cannot contradictory clause both results by using comparative analysis to our country insurance law, the cannot contradictory clause system, according to the development present situation, the theoretical basis, suitable condition and problems, solutions explores. Cannot contradictory clause first appeared in Britain, development mature is in countries of Anglo-American law system. And foreign insurance legislation in China is compared, and the insurance legislation still is not perfected, such as "Insurance Law" article 16 exist the following questions:applicable objects shall not clear, not stipulate insurant two years of the situation, the death cannot contradictory clause related time points, not applies explicitly exception; Meanwhile, in view of the above questions, to perfect our country’s insurance legislation cannot contradictory clause, the author put forward the following Suggestions:shall apply only to person insurance contract, an increase of insurant living requirements, regulation cannot contradictory clause suitable exception, regulations cannot contradictory clause in the contract of insurance is when answer effect.


