

On Foregrounding and the Realization of Communicative Intention

【作者】 樊明伟

【导师】 姜春梅;

【作者基本信息】 长春工业大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 前景化是文体学的一个基本概念。随着文学语用学的发展,前景化也可以看作是一个语用学的概念。文学语用学是一门语用学理论与文学理论相结合的交叉学科,它采用语用学的方法和原则考察文学语言。目前学者对前景化的研究主要限于前景化对文学作品的文体学分析。但关于作者应用前景化的动因和读者怎样通过前景化推理作者的交际意图的研究还不多。本文从文学语用学的角度来研究前景化在文学交际中的作用。本文选取《简爱》、《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》等文学作品做为研究文本,运用例证法和定性分析法来研究以下两个问题:作者是如何借助于前景化完成交际意图的设定?读者如何构建认知语境,寻找最佳关联,从而推理出作者的交际意图?交际意图是交际的起始点。作家创作一部文学作品是想表达特定的交际意图。当常规的语言表达不出作者想要表达的交际意图,那么作者就会有意打破常规,也就是采用前景化这一手段来表达他的交际意图。从读者的角度看,当读者看到前景化时会产生陌生感,这种陌生感会刺激读者寻找最佳关联,从而使读者推理出作者使用前景化的交际意图。读者一边读文学作品,一边构建认知语境。读者结合原有的认知语境和文本语境,根据关联原则寻找最佳关联,也就是作者的交际意图。最后本论文得出以下结论:文学欣赏的过程就是作者与读者交互的过程。这个过程是明示-推理的过程。本论文尝试从语用学的视角对文学作品进行解读,发现运用语用学的方法和原则来分析文学,能更好地帮助读者挖掘出作者的交际意图,从而更好地、深入地理解文学作品。

【Abstract】 Foregrounding is a basic concept of stylistics. As the development of literary pragmatics, foregrounding could also be considered as a pragmatic concept. Literary pragmatics is a discipline which combines pragmatic theory and literary theory and it uses the method and principle of pragmatic theory to study literary language. So far the study of foregrounding is limited to literary works’stylistic analysis. But the study about the motivation for the writer to use foregrounding and how the reader could obtain the writer’s communicative intention through foregrounding is seldom.This thesis studies the function of foregrounding in literary communication. It chooses literary works such as Jane Eyre, A Rose for Emily as materials for study. And it uses qualitative analysis and case study to study on these two questions:how does the writer set communicative intention through foregrounding? How does the reader constructs cognitive context and find the optimal relevance, thus decode the writer’s communicative intention? Communicative intention is the starting point of communication. The purpose of the writer to create a literary works is to transmit his certain communicative intention. When normal language could not transmit his communicative intention, he would break the language rule which could be seen as foregrounding to transmit his communicative intention. From the reader’s point of view, when the reader meets foregrounding, he would feel defamiliarized and begin to find the optimal relevance which could lead to the writer’s communicative intention. While the reader reads the literary works, he is constructing cognitive context. The reader combines the known cognitive context and textual context and according to relevancy theory to find the optimal relevance which lead to the writer’s communicative intention.At last this paper draws this conclusion:the process of appreciation of literary works is an interactive process between the writer and the reader. This process is ostensive-inferential model of communication. This paper tries to interpret literary works from pragmatic view and finds out that using method and principle of pragmatics to interpret literary works could help the reader obtain the writer’s communicative intention and have better understanding of literary works.


