

The Research on the Construction of Small and Medium-sized Logistics Enterprise Alliance Mode in Our County

【作者】 黄文军

【导师】 张智利;

【作者基本信息】 长春工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的蓬勃发展,我国物流企业如雨后春笋般大量涌现,其中中小型物流企业占据绝大部分。这些大量涌现的中小物流企业同样也面临着严峻挑战:中小物流企业呈现出“小、少、弱、散”的特点,基础设施薄弱,资源利用率低、核心竞争力较差,难以为客户提供多样化、差别化、综合化服务。为了摆脱这一现状,实现中小型物流企业资源优化配置,达到资源整合效果,本论文从企业扩张的角度,通过比较分析企业并购和内部化扩张的利弊,提出了适合中小型物流企业健康发展的新型模式——构建合作联盟。组建合作联盟,可以把价值链上不同作业环节上具有独特优势的企业联合起来,实行分工合作,扩展价值链,强化企业的战略环节,利用一切可利用的资源和能力来创造市场机会,来更好的满足客户要求。这样不仅能够降低各自的经营风险,而且能使各企业分享更多利润,也更有利于提高企业竞争力。本文通过博弈论和联盟优势的分析,强化了走合作联盟道路的必要性。本文重点对中小型物流企业合作联盟模式的分析、构建、实现保证进行了研究。其中以合作联盟模式构建为重中之重,将构建过程分为联盟合作伙伴的选择、业务资源的整合、信息平台的建立及联盟企业利益的分配四个阶段。采用AHP层次分析法选择合作伙伴,利用Nash均衡法构建利益分配模型。为了保障中小型物流企业合作联盟的稳健运行,本文又从伙伴信任机制,风险防控机制,激励机制等角度提出相应的建议,来确保联盟合作更成功。本论文研究目的就是为了让我国中小型物流企业在激烈的市场竞争中获得健康稳定的发展,避免资源过度浪费,实现企业间优势互补,资源共享,从而提高企业的竞争力。实现物流企业在合作中竞争,在竞争中合作,达到共赢的效果。为我国中小型物流企业降低物流成本,提高物流效率,走出现有分散模式提供了借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 With the booming development of Chinese economic, more and more logistics enterprises have mushroomed, small and medium sized logistics enterprises are the most. At the same time they are facing serious challenges:"small, little, weak, scattered" features, poor infrastructure, low resource utilization, less core competencies; it is difficult to provide diversification, differentiation, integration services for customers.In order to get rid of this situation for small and medium sized logistics enterprises, achieving optimal allocation of resources and the effect of resource integration, this paper from the perspective of business expansion through mergers and acquisitions and internal comparative analysis of the pros and cons of expansion, proposed for the healthy development of small and medium sized logistics enterprises new model-building alliances. Building the alliance can make the unique advantage enterprises unite in the value chain, execute division and cooperation, expand the value chain, strengthen enterprise strategic link. Using every available resource and ability create market opportunity to satisfy customer demand. It not only can reduce their respective business risks, but also make each enterprise share more profits and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.It is a must to take the road of alliance by the analysis of game theory and alliances advantages. This paper focuses on the studying of alliance model, building, realized guarantee in small and medium sized logistics enterprises. The top priority is the mode of cooperation; the build process is divided into four stages:the choice of alliance partners, the integration of business resources, the establishment of information platform and the distribution of alliance benefits. Selecting partners is in the way of AHP analytic hierarchy process, the distribution of benefits is in the use of Nash equilibrium method. In order to protect small and medium sized logistics enterprises in the stable operation of the alliance, this paper studied the trust mechanism of partners, risk prevention and incentive mechanism to ensure the alliance more successful.The purpose of this paper is to allow small and medium sized logistics enterprises in the market fierce competition to get healthy and stable development in China, and avoiding excessive waste of resources to achieve share resources and enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. Cooperating makes the logistics enterprises to cooperate in the competition and cooperation in the competition. The paper provides a reference for the small and medium sized logistics enterprises to reduce logistics costs and improve logistics efficiency.


