

The Research of Online Full Iron Automatic Analyzer Based on Cygnal Technology

【作者】 张春彪

【导师】 孙墨杰;

【作者基本信息】 东北电力大学 , 模式识别与智能系统, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着现代电力工业的迅猛发展,高参数、大容量的发电机组已成为电力工业发展的支柱。机组参数与容量的不断扩大,对水、汽品质的要求更加严格,化学仪表的监督工作在火力发电厂中也越来越受到重视;水、汽中全铁离子含量的快速、准确、及时的测定,对确保热力系统的安全经济运行有着十分重要的意义。本文利用邻菲罗啉方法测量全铁,测量前应把水中其它铁离子转换成二价铁离子,根据实验设计出化学分析流路系统,在研制过程中工作如下:1.本课题应用“间歇式静态测量光电比色分析”方法测量全铁,减少基线漂移、管道污染等多种因素对检测结果的影响,提高了仪器的测量的准确度和重现性。2.实验室用邻菲罗啉测全铁,温度必须保持在400C以上,经过大量实验可知,适量盐酸可溶解邻菲罗啉,解决加热问题,控制芯片按流路流程控制电磁阀工作,进行加药,在把采集的信号传给单片机处理,本系统集分解、测量、控制于一体,设备紧凑合理。3.对整机安装调试,通过对自己配置样品中的全铁离子含量的测定和试验结果分析,验证了仪器测量结果的准确性和可靠性,在线测试结果与手工分析的数据进行了对比,在允许的误差范围内具有较好的一致性。

【Abstract】 With the development of modern electric power industry, high parameter andlarge capacity power units are becoming the mainstay of electric power industry. Thesupervision work of chemical instrumentation in power plants is also more and moreattention; Rapid and accurate, determinatiom full iron ion content, to ensure the safeand economic operation of the thermal system has a very important significance.This paper uses adjacent Philippines ROM Lin way to measure the iron, otheriron ion in the water convert bivalent iron ion before measurement, designingchemical analysis flow system according to the experimental, process of work is asfollows in the development:1. This topic apply "intermittent static measurement photoelectric than coloranalysis" way to measure the iron, reduce the baseline drift, pipe pollution and so onmany kinds of factors on the influence of the test results, and improve the instrumentof the accuracy of the measurement and reproducibility.2. using adjacent phillips to identify the nature of Saul iron in The laboratory,temperature must be kept in the400C above, after a lot of experiments, it is knownthat the hydrochloric acid soluble adjacent phillips apply luo Lin, solve the heatingproblems, according to the flow control chip process control electromagnetic valvework, add medicine, in the acquisition of the signal to the single chip processing, thissystem set decomposition.3. For the machine installation and debugging, through to determination andanalysis content of the full iron ion of their configuration samples and testresults,which verify the accuracy and reliability of the instrument measurementresults,by comparing with Online test results and manual analysis data,which hasgood uniformity in the allowable error scope.

【关键词】 全铁在线分析C8051F020间歇式传感器
【Key words】 Full irononline analyticalC8051F020intermittentsensor

