

Educational Technology Normal College Students’ Information Literacy Investigation and Research

【作者】 李立垚

【导师】 李晓东;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 人类社会不断地向着信息社会的方向发展。决定一个国家综合国力的其中一个重要因素是教育,决定教育发展的是教育的改革创新。一旦教育改革创新的步伐跟不上时代的发展步伐,那么这样的教育就是不成功的。教育革新的基础是信息技术的革新,而信息技术革新的首要课题就是培养学生的信息素养,因此教育教学就要把培养和提高学生的信息素养作为信息技术革新的根本立足点。教育技术学专业师范生在未来既要扮演好教师传道授业的角色,又要做好未来信息技术学科的教学工作,其中对于学生信息素养能力的教学无疑成为教育教育教学的重中之重。本文由以下五个章节构成:第一章绪论,由信息素养研究背景,研究内容、研究目的及意义,研究设计及论文框架三个部分构成。第二章研究的理论基础和研究方法。界定与信息素养相关概念,综述国内外的研究现状,介绍本文研究方法、信息检索和教育统计分析理论基础,为教育技术学专业师范生信息素养现状研究提供研究方法和理论基础。第三章通过对信息素养的相关研究,结合学校的具体情况分析研究对象基本情况,设计并实施调查问卷。通过运用信息素养相关理论和SPSS软件对录入的数据进行统计分析,得出教育技术学专业师范生信息素养能力的构成要素,并对构成要素和其他相关问题进行信息处理,得出学校教育技术学师范生信息素养现状以及存在的问题。第四章针对第三章信息素养的现状和存在的问题,对提高信息素养的对策进行研究,从思想上、课程设置、教学方法、图书馆等四个方面提出了相应的解决方案和办法,希望能对教育教学能有参考和借鉴作用。第五章概括和总结本研究,并提出了在论文写作和研究中的在理论和实践方面的收获以及研究中笔者自身的不足之处。本文的观点是:教育技术学专业师范生信息素养能力的培养和提高关系到未来信息技术教师信息素养的高低,关系到教育的改革和创新,关系到素质教育的发展,关系到国家教育的质量高低,关系到国家未来的综合国力。可见教育技术学专业师范生信息素养的培养是高校教育教学中不可或缺的关键一环。因此必须引起教育领域的足够重视,高校和国家应该正确看待学生信息素养不足的现状,社会各界应该协力为学生信息素养的提升贡献力量。

【Abstract】 Human society toward the direction of the information society development. Oneof the important factors determining a country’s comprehensive national strength iseducation, decided that the development of education reform and innovation ineducation. Once the pace of education reform and innovation can not keep up the paceof development of the times, this kind of education is unsuccessful. Educationalinnovation on the basis of IT innovations, the most important issue for IT innovation isto develop students ’information literacy, education and teaching should train andimprove students’ information literacy as a fundamental foothold in IT innovation.Educational Technology Normal Students in the future it is necessary to play therole of corporate CEO are good teachers, but also make the teaching of IT disciplines,which will undoubtedly become the top priority of the education of education andteaching for the ability of students’ information literacy teaching.The consists of the following five chapters:The first chapter, by the information literacy research background, research content,purpose and significance of the research design and the paper the framework of threeparts.The second chapter of the theoretical foundation and research methods. DefinedResearch and information literacy concepts, review and abroad to introduce the researchmethods in this article, information retrieval and education statistical analysis of thetheoretical basis, and Normal Students’ Information Literacy in research methods andtheoretical basis for educational technology.Chapter III study of information literacy with my school to study, design andimplementation of the questionnaire Through the use of information literacy theory andSPSS software for statistical analysis of the data entered, drawn EducationalTechnology Major Normal College Students’ Information Literacy Competencyelements of and elements and other issues related to information processing, and cometo my school educational technology Normal school students’ Information Literacy andthe problems.Chapter IV Chapter III of the status of information literacy and countermeasures to improve the information literacy research, the solutions and approaches fromideologically, curriculum, teaching methods, library and other four, I hope reference andreference to education and teaching.Chapter Summary and Conclusion In this study, and harvest as well as research intheoretical and practical aspects of thesis writing and research in the author’s owninadequacies.View of this article is: Educational Technology Normal Students InformationLiteracy ability and relationship to the next level of IT teachers in information literacy,related to educational reform and innovation, related to the development of qualityeducation, relationship to the quality of national education high or low, related to thefuture of the country’s comprehensive national strength. Visible Educational TechnologyNormal Students Information Literacy training is an integral part of higher educationteaching. Must draw enough attention to the field of education, universities and the stateshould be a correct view of the status of students ’information literacy, the communityshould work together to upgrade to contribute to students’ information literacy.

  • 【分类号】G40-057;G652.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】692
  • 攻读期成果

