

The Reinforcement and Theoretical Studies of Small Suspension Bridge

【作者】 刘欢

【导师】 王佶; 彭自强;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着交通压力的增大,桥梁使用环境的复杂化,材料使用期间的疲劳,许多在役桥梁出现了各种病害,尤其是服役期限较久的梁桥、拱桥和斜拉桥。悬索桥以其良好的适用性被广泛应用于超大跨径情况,其在国内发展的高峰期起于20世纪90年代,至今我国已成为世界上拥有超大跨悬索桥最多的国家。近些年来,也有少部分悬索桥出现了病害,主要是主缆、吊杆的锈蚀、腐化和断丝,锚碇的松弛、加劲梁的破坏等。可以预见,随着服役年限的增加,悬索桥的病害将会陆续出现,对悬索桥加固理论与技术的研究将会非常有现实意义。目前,国内外对悬索桥的维修加固主要是停留在小修小补上,少部分采用增加斜拉索等改变结构受力体系的方法对悬索桥进行加固并取得不错工程效果,对大修加固甚至需要更换整个主缆、吊杆、锚碇、桥面板系统等的实际项目及加固技术研究较少。庐山石门涧悬索桥是位于庐山景区内的一座小型人行悬索桥,其加固工程主要是更换主缆、主索、锚碇、栏杆及桥面板,对大桥的基础、索塔进行加厚加固,对钢管主桁梁进行涂装等。本文以该桥大修加固工程为依托,跟踪整个加固过程,实施现场监控,研究悬索桥加固理论及施工技术,以期抛砖引玉,引起对大跨度甚至超大跨度悬索桥加固技术的研究,从而推动我国桥梁加固事业的发展。本文首先采用Midascivil建立施工阶段分析模型,以便于对不同的施工方法、工序进行对比、摸索,进而确定出最优换缆换索工序为“先边后中”并预留中间两组旧吊杆,待主缆固结后再拆除,以实现桥塔与加劲梁应力的平稳过渡;根据主缆的悬链线方程,用Matlab计算出新缆的下料长度,并用抛物线近似模拟,把计算结果与悬链线进行比较知两者相差不大;用Midas Civil线形分析与非线性分析功能分别计算出新缆的架设标高,对于小型悬索桥,水平荷载与竖向荷载作用下非线性关系不明显。通过该工程的顺利竣工,现场吊杆拉力、锚索索力、桥面线形及塔顶偏位等实测数据证明该工程的计算理论与现场监控的正确性与有效性,可为类似工程提供参考和应用价值。

【Abstract】 With the increasing traffic pressure on the bridge and the complexity of the environment, material fatigue, many of the existing bridges has been during a variety of diseases, especially the longer-erm service bridges, such as arch bridges and cable-stayed bridges.Suspension bridge is widely used in large span with its good applicability, its peak period in the domestic development is the1990s, so far, China has become a big country which owning most large-span suspension bridges in the world. In recent years, some suspension bridges has become different diseases, mainly the main cable corrosion of the boom, corruption and broken wires, anchorages relaxation, stiffening girder damage and so on. It is foreseeable that with the increase of serving life, the suspension bridges of the disease will start to appear, the theory and technology of its reinforcement will be very practical and important.At the present, the repairment and reinforcement of suspension bridge mainly stay on minor repairments, a small part of changing the structure system such as increase cable-stayed suspension bridge reinforcement and get good project results, while the projects of overhauling reinforcement even replacing the entireless of the main cables, anchorages, bridge panel systems are scarce. The Lushan Dan Menjian suspension bridge is a small pedestrian suspension bridge in the Lushan Mountain scenic spot, and reinforcement works consist of replacing main cable anchorage and cable, railings and bridge decks, reinforcing the tower, painting the main truss steel pipe, and so on.The paper bases the engineering of the strengthening works, tracks the entire consolidation process, carrys out on-site monitoring, researches the reinforcement theory and construction techniques of suspension bridge, in order to coming into the notice of large span suspension bridge’s reinforcement, and promoting the development of our bridge strengthening. Firstly, the paper establishs the construction phase analysis model with Midas Civil in order to making some comparement between different construction methods and processes, then determines the best method for cable replacing process is "first side,last middle" and reserving the middle two groups of old hanging rods until consolidating the main cable, in order to achieving a smooth transition of the pylon and stiffening girder stress; calculates the cutting length of new main cables bsaing on its catenary equation with Matlab, then makes an comparement between the parabolic and the catenary results, knows that there is little difference between this two methods; calculates out the new cable erecting elevation with the linear analysis and nonlinear analysis functions which are were enbeded in the Midas Civil,and knows that the new cable elevation non-linear relations for the small suspension bridge is not obvious.The completion of the project, the tension of the scene boom, anchor cable tension, the linear of bridge deck and tower deviation and other realistic datas has proved the correctness and validity of the caculating theory and on-site monitoring of the project, it can provide a reference for similar projects.

  • 【分类号】U448.25
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】134

