

The Research of Contemporary China’s Example Mechanism from the Perspective of Political Operation

【作者】 张爽

【导师】 付开镜;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范学院 , 政治学理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 中国共产党历来重视榜样的树立。新中国成立之前,就树立了一系列典型人物,他们包括军人、干部等,从而形成了一种独具中国特色的现象,在相当程度上满足了权威机构政治——道德运作的要求。榜样的树立在相当长的时期内发挥着重要的作用,随着经济的发展和社会的全面转型,榜样的树立活动受到了一定的影响,但这并不妨碍我们对其进行深入研究和分析。对于社会榜样、英雄模范、典型等,学术界以往大多是关注于榜样人物和群体本身进行客观性的评述,也大多立足于政治教育的角度对其意义及影响进行分析;而较少从政治运作的角度对整个榜样人物的生成过程进行探讨和解读。本文立足于政治运作的角度,运用系统分析的理论,结合政治学的相关研究方法,对榜样从树立至终结的全过程进行机制化的考察,力求通过对中国六十余年所树立的榜样人物和集体的分析,探讨榜样树立的一系列机制化过程,从而得出榜样相关机制本身的优势与不足,扬长避短的同时分析未来榜样机制的发展趋势。本文的基本思路是以榜样树立的时间为主线,通过对1949年建国以来不同时期的榜样人物的生成过程进行分析,得出榜样的相关运行机制;进而对榜样机制的不同环节逐个分析,阐述其内涵及具体形式,得出其机制的优势与不足。同时立足于政治学角度,对榜样机制的政治学本质进行分析,使文章内容更加符合专业要求。基于上述要旨,笔者将“政治运作视阈下的中国榜样机制研究”分四章进行阐述。即榜样机制与政治的关系,着重分析榜样机制生成的原因、榜样机制的政治学本质;榜样机制的内容,主要包括榜样的发现与树立、表彰与宣传、榜样的效仿及榜样的流传;榜样机制的运行特点与发展趋势,分析了榜样机制的运行特点和榜样发展变化的趋势;榜样机制的问题及完善,分析了榜样机制存在的一些问题以及进行榜样机制完善的主要路径。

【Abstract】 The Chinese Communist Party has always attached great importance insetting role models. Before the founding of new China, a series of typical charactersand models were set as examples, including soldiers, cadres and so on. Thus aphenomenon with uniquely Chinese characteristics was formed, which in some degreehas met the moral operating requirements of the political authorities. Setting exampleshas played an improtant role for a long period time. Althought the example settingactivities have been affected during the development of economy and the overalltransformation of the society, it does not hinder us to do some further research andanalysis.When talking about social models or the heros, academic circles mostly notonly make objective comments on individual or groups, but also analyse the meaningand influence based on the political educational angle. However, they are less likely todiscuss and study the whole process of models generation under the view of politicaloperation. Based on the political operation view and combined the theory of systemanalysis with related political science research method, this paper inspected the wholeinstitutional process of how the examples were set up.Through the analysis of both individual and massed role models during thepast60years in China, as well as the disussion of the series process of setting up rolemodels, this paper came out with the advantages and disadvantages of modelmechanism. In order to adopt the good points but to avoid shortcomings, thedeveloping trend of future mechanism has also been analysed in this paper.The basic line of this paper is based on the time of setting models. Fromthe analysis of the process of model generations in different periods from1949, theconclusion of related operation mechanism for models was reached. Moreover, thedifferent steps in this mechanism were analysed and explained one by one in detail, inorder to find out the advantages and disadvantages in this machanism.At the sametime, in line with the professional requirements, this paper is based on politicalscience angle to analyse the political essence of this mechanism.To sum up the above ideas, the paper was divided into four chapters. Firstly,the relationship between the mechanism and politics, which mainly analysed thereason and the essence of model mechanism politics. Secondly, the content of themodel mechanism, including the discovery, building, rewarding and promoting, andimitating and spreading of models. Thirdly, the features and developing trends ofmodel mechanism, which was mainly about the analysis of the operating features andchanging trends during its development. Last but not the least, problems andperfection methods in model mechanism, which was about the problems occured inmodel mechanism and the major ways to perfect it.


