

Research of Professional Quality for Pre-service Middle School Physics Teachers

【作者】 刘贺民

【导师】 赖小琴;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范学院 , 教育学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以基础教育课程改革对物理教师提出的新培养目标,以及中学物理教师是实施课改中的核心因素为背景。通过对教师专业化及专业标准、教师专业素养的定义及构成、教师专业素养研究现状的整理分析,结合中学物理课程标准、高师物理教育专业特点及基础教育课程改革理念和目标、教师教育课程标准,对职前中学物理教师专业素养提出了专业情意、专业知识、专业能力、教育实习四个维度,并在此基础上编制《中学物理教师职前专业素养现状调查问卷》。对广西壮族自治区内广西师范大学、广西师范学院、玉林师范学院大四物理教育专业300名学生进行了问卷调查,并对其中的部分学生进行访谈。得到结论如下:1.在专业情意方面,师范生大多数有职业规划,但是表现出对未来职业的模糊、迷茫、不明确;在物理教育事业方面表现出极大热情,但是有相当一部分感到未来的职业压力大。2.在专业知识方面,大部分师范生认为缺少教育学科知识和个人实践知识;对物理前沿知识关注度不高。3.在专业能力方面,师范生在教学能力、实验能力、研究能力、阅读能力、探究及探究课程设计能力、反思能力方面表现出不足。4.在教育实习方面,师范生总体认为在教育教学技能提高方面效果良好,但是在具体实习时间、实习教师的指导方面还是需要改进的。本研究的结果,可为高师物理教育专业的发展提供帮助,为培养合格的物理教师提供一些参考。

【Abstract】 This paper is based on the new objectives for physics teacher inbasic education curriculum reform, and physics teachers in middle schoolas the core factor of conducting curriculum reform. Through collectingand analyzing the standard of teacher professionalization, the definitionand components of teachers’ professional quality, and the currentsituation of study on teachers’ professional quality, combined with thestandards of physics curriculum in middle school, characteristics ofphysics major in normal university, the ideas and objectives of basiceducation curriculum reform, and teacher education curriculum standardsprofessional quality for pre-service physics teachers is proposed in fourdimensions: professional cordiality, professional knowledge, professionalcompetence and educational practice. Questionnaire for current situationof pre-service physics teachers in middle school is made out on the basisof these four dimensions. The questionnaire survey of senior studentsmajor in physical education is carried out in Guangxi Normal University,Guangxi Teachers Education University and Guangxi Yulin NormalCollege in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. A total of300students are administrated in the questionnaire survey, and some of themare interviewed as well. Conclusions are as follows:1. In the dimension of professional cordiality, most normal studentshave their career planning, but they seem to be fuzzy, hazy and unsure; many students are fond of physical education, while substantial portion ofstudents feel the stress of future occupation.2. In the dimension of professional knowledge, many students thinkthat they lack of pedagogical knowledge, many students think that theylack of personal knowledge; they do not pay much attention to frontiersof knowledge in physics.3. In the dimension of professional competence, normal students donot performance well in teaching ability, experimental ability, researchskills, reading skills, exploring ability, course design ability and reflectionability.4. In the dimension of educational practice, students generally viewthat this practice indeed has effective influence on improving teachingskills, but specific time of practice and practice supervisors are needed tobe enhanced.The results of this study can nor only be helpful for physics teachersprofessional development, but also provide some references forcultivating qualified physics teachers.


