

The Research for the Redesign of the Rural Tourism Village

【作者】 李娇

【导师】 常健;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国城市居民休闲游憩需求的不断发展,使得乡村旅游成为了近年来的热门话题,社会经济的发展,使得乡村旅游成为人们工作之余的主角。度假村、农家乐旅游村落的大量出现,不仅反映了建筑在向休闲化的方向发展,同时还揭示了农家乐形式的乡村旅游村落已逐渐成为人们丰富业余生活中的一部分,它一为人们提供娱乐和出游的场所与住所;二为人们的身心发展提供机会,使人们摆脱日常琐事,更多地接触新鲜事物;三为社会经济起到带动的作用,扩充了乡村旅游和娱乐市场;四为人们提供观赏与参与的对象。不难发现人们在谈论乡村旅游去处的同时,已经开始关注以农家乐形式发展的村落及其建筑。由于随着当今我国整体经济的发展,农村经济同样得到进一步提高,从而导致农村生产力已逐渐达到极限,农村经济增长需要另辟新法。因此乡村旅游可以作为建设新农村,发展乡村经济的理论依据。本课题以乡村休闲旅游为背景,在乡村旅游此范围内研究国内关于以农家乐形式为主的村落的再更新设计问题,通过对农家乐形式旅游村落的实地调查,对其物质条件及现有环境等方面分析通过改造成为农家乐旅游村落后出现的问题及更新改造的不足之处。分别从乡村旅游村落改造更新的特点及更新后村落的现状对村落环境、建筑、地域文化、村民意识形态、生活行为方式的改变等不同角度来进行分析说明乡村旅游村落再更新的必要性及其设计策略的研究。通过分析案例总结以农家乐形式为主的乡村旅游村落再更新的设计方法。将村落的再更新与农家乐形式的乡村旅游联系起来,结合农家乐形式的乡村旅游村落再更新的可行性进行论证;在此基础上对以农家乐形式开发为主的旅游村落改造过后的现状进行综合分析、评价,总结实地调研村落在更新后出现的问题并论证其需要再更新的必要性;最后得出再更新的策略与设计方法,希望对基于开发农家乐形式的旅游村落的再更新研究进行一些较为系统的探讨。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as China’s urban residents recreational needs of development, make rural tourism become a hot topic in recent years, the development of social economy, make rural tourism become the people of the job of leading role. Resort, farm tourism village time, a lot of reflects not only in the direction of the building to take a leisurely life development, but also reveals the organic forms of rural tourism has gradually become the people rich village spare part of life, it is a provide people with entertainment and travel places and dwelling; two for people’s physical and mental development opportunities to make people get rid of daily chores, more contact new things; Three for the social economy have drive effect, extend the rural tourism and entertainment market; Four for provide people with ornamental and participation of the object. It is not difficult to find that people are talking about rural tourism place at the same time, have started to pay attention to the development of alternative to form villages and their buildings.Because with the whole economic development in China, the rural economy also being further improved, leading to the rural productivity has gradually to the limit, the rural economic growth need additional monarch the new law. So the rural tourism can be used as the new country building, the theoretical basis of the rural economy.This issue to rural leisure tourism as a background, in the rural tourism within the scope of the research about the domestic farm form of the village again give priority to renew the design problems, through the form of farm tourism village the field survey of the material conditions and the existing environment analysis through the transformed tourist village farm behind the problems and the improvement of the shortcomings. Respectively from the rural tourism village reconstruction and the characteristics of the renew after the present situation of village to the environment, construction, local culture, the villagers ideology, life behavior change and so on the different Angle of rural tourism, this paper analyses the necessity and its villages to update the design strategies. Through the case analysis in the form of summary of farm mainly rural tourism to update the design method of the village. Will the village again with organic forms of renew rural tourism is connected, combined with organic forms of rural tourism to renew the feasibility of the village argument; On the basis of the farm to form development as main tourist village after the reform of the present situation of evaluation, comprehensive analysis, this paper summarizes the on-the-spot investigation in the village after the renew the problems and demonstrates its need to renew the necessity and Finally come to renew the strategy and design method, hope to farm tourism based on development in the form of the village to renew the research on some of the more system discussed.

  • 【分类号】TU982.29
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】550

