

Study on Optimization of the Stope Structure Parameter of Upward Layered and Full Tailings Cemented Method

【作者】 王东华

【导师】 章光; 李向东;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类对矿产品需求的不断增加,矿产资源变得越来越少。如何合理、高效、经济、安全地进行矿产资源开发利用,降低资源的损失,减少矿石的贫化,提高矿石的质量,是矿产资源开发者共同关心的问题。充填采矿法以其高回收率、低贫化率的优点,在开采较高价值的难采矿床中取得了突破性进展,出现了无轨机械化胶结充填采矿法,点柱充填采矿法,分段充填采矿法,大孔径阶段空场嗣后尾砂胶结(块石胶结)充填采矿法等。同时,计算机广泛应用于充填体与围岩互相力学作用机理方面的研究,为设计和生产提供依据。本文结合河北某金矿采矿工艺技术改造工程,寻求适合该矿山高品位、高价值的急倾斜薄中厚贵金属矿体的采矿方法。采用理论分析、数值模拟等方法,对采矿方法转变时的采场结构参数进行优化。论文的主要成果有:(1)通过分析国内外岩石力学及胶结充填采矿方法方面的研究成果,阐述了地下深部采场顶板冒落的的原理、确定充填体设计强度的方法及充填体的作用机理。(2)为降低矿石的损失率和贫化率,根据矿体的赋存状况、开采技术条件,结合矿山现状,通过经济技术比较选取了上向分层全尾砂胶结充填法,并在180m中段采场进行试验,沿走向布置采场连续回采。(3)为确定充填体满足生产要求的强度,从采场充填体的力学特性出发,在实验室进行了充填材料配比试验,通过实验分析出了该金矿全尾砂胶结充填体的物理力学性质,总结出影响充填体强度的主要因素,即灰砂比和料浆浓度,灰砂比越大浓度越高,充填体的强度越大。根据该矿的具体情况,选取该金矿自产尾砂作充填骨料,水泥作胶凝剂,灰砂比为1:6的料浆进行充填。(4)由于所采用的上向水平分层采矿法没有划分矿房和矿柱,造成顶板的大面积暴露,为确保安全高效的回采矿石,运用FLAC-3D数值模拟软件对不同的采场结构参数进行模拟计算,得出该金矿采用上向分层全尾砂胶结充填时合理的采场结构参数,为矿山以后的生产、设计提供一定的依据。

【Abstract】 With the constant increase of the mankind demanding the mineral products, the mineral resource becomes fewer and fewer. How to carry on the development and utilization of mineral products resources rationally, high-efficiently, frugally, safely and reduce losses of resource and dilution of ore and enhance quality of ore is the question of the mineral resources developer caring about. Filling mining technology has made a break through in our mining mineral deposit of high value with high ore recovery and low dilution and appeared no-trolley mechanized to filling method of stabilized tailing (upward bed and downward pathway), dot-post filling method, subsection filling method, large aperture open stope (mining) method and filling empty with stabilized tailing filling (block stabilized) and so on. Meanwhile, the computer applied to research filling body and mechanics function mechanism provides the basis for the design and production. This paper combinations mining technology transformation projects of the gold mine in Hebei, to seek suitable mining method for the mine of high grade, high value of steeply inclined thin and medium-thick orebody of noble metal. By theoretical analysis, numerical simulation method, this paper optimizations the stope structure parameter. The main results:(1)By analyzing the research results of rock mechanics at home and abroad and cemented fill mining method on the deep underground stope roof down principles to determine the mechanism of action of the backfill design strength and backfill.(2) In order to reduce the loss rate and dilution rate of the ore occurrence conditions of the ore body, mining conditions, mine the status quo, layered on to the tailings backfill method selected by economic and technological, and mining within180m middle of the field test, continuous along the strike of the layout of stope mining.(3) Determine the backfill to meet the production requirements of strength, starting from the stope backfill the mechanical properties of the ratio test of the filling material in the laboratory by experimental analysis of the gold mine full of tailings cement filling the physical and mechanic summed up the main factors affecting the strength of the backfill, sand-lime ratio and the concentration of slurry, sand-lime than the higher the greater the concentration, the greater the intensity of the backfill. According to the actual situation of the gold, the paper select tailings for filling aggregate, cement for the gelling agent, sand-lime ratio of the1:4,1:6the slurry filling.(4) Because of the mine having no division level hierarchical mining stope and pillar, resulting in the exposure of the large area of the roof, ensuing safety and effective mining ore using FLAC-3D numerical simulation software on a different face structure parameters reasonable stope structure parameters and the simulation obtained to the the stratification whole tailings filling the gold mine after the production, designed to provide a basic.


