

A Study on English Grammar Teaching in Senior High School under the Background of New English Curriculum

【作者】 张娟

【导师】 苏勇;

【作者基本信息】 鲁东大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 语法教学在外语教学中的必要性和重要性,近年来才得到了越来越多的研究者、教师的一致认可。但纵观国内外外语教学的发展,语法教学是外语教学领域最有争议性的话题。在我国,对英语语法教学的态度也出现钟摆现象,经历了从重视、支持到淡化、排斥再到迷茫、徘徊的几个阶段。2003年教育部颁布了《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》(以下简称“新课标”)对高中英语语法教学的地位、目的、方法和原则等各方面都做了明确要求和具体阐释。现有的国内外关于外语语法教学的理论和实证研究,主要围绕某一种外语教学法下的语法教学的理念、方法策略、实施情况以及语法教学在外语教学中的地位、作用和方法等方面展开的,对于高中英语语法教学的研究也是如此。相比之下对高中英语语法教学的真实状况进行详细的调查和研究还十分有限。而真正了解高中英语语法教学现状对于语法教学、学生的英语学习都有着重要的理论意义和实践价值。高中语法教法研究是当前理论界研究的盲点与难点之一,也正是本文努力做出突破的重点。本论文采用理论探索与实际调研相结合的方法探讨高中英语语法教学。从语法和语法教学的概念入手,一方面从横向论述了语法的本质,说明语法不仅是静态的语言结构同时又具有动态功能。另一方面从纵向探讨和梳理了目前国内外语法教学研究现状及国外外语语法教学的新动向,分析了新课标对语法教学的认识和要求。另外,笔者对高中语法教学现状的调查结果的进行了分析,回答了研究问题。新课标的颁布实施已有近九年的时间,目前高中英语教师对语法教学的认识与态度如何?教师如何进行语法教学,效果如何,又是否符合新课标的要求和理念?目前语法教学遇到的困难有哪些?为了深入了解这些问题、寻找原因并提出解决方案,笔者就新课标颁布以来高中英语语法教学的现状对在山东省部分高中的师生进行了调研。调查发现大部分教师非常重视语法教学,认为语法教学是高中阶段非常必要的且必须贯穿始终的;在语法教学的方法选择上,多数教师结合并用归纳法和演绎法;语法教学策略、方法以及途径多样化,并开始加强语法教学中的实践运用活动。但同时调查也发现了当前教师对新课标和外语教学法的理解不深刻不透彻;对待学生的语言错误存在偏差;非传统语法教学中的语言活动、任务设计能力有待提高;高中生对语法学习的热情和积极性不高等问题和现象。在语法教学以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为目标的基础上,针对所发现的问题,作者提出了以下几点建议:显性与隐性、演绎与归纳结合并用,提高语法教学的效益;设计任务,让学生在做事中学习语法;创设情景,增加语法教学法的趣味性;运用交际法进行语法教学,使学生理解、运用语法的体验更深刻;对比分析,发现并掌握英语语法的内在规律,以期对英语语法教学有所裨益,希望对后继中学英语语法教学研究有抛砖引玉的作用。

【Abstract】 The necessity and importance of grammar instruction in foreign language teaching areuniversally accepted and recognized by a growing number of researchers and teachers inrecent years. However, judging from the development of foreign language teaching at homeand abroad, grammar teaching is the most controversial topic and subject in the field offoreign language teaching. In China, the attitude to the English grammar teaching hasundergone a kind of pendulum phenomenon and has gone through several stages fromemphasis to weakening and rejection then to being lost. In2003the Ministry of Educationamended and promulgated the "Ordinary Senior High School English Curriculum Standards(experimental)"(referred to as the "New Curriculum Standard" hereinafter).It made clear therequirements and specific interpretation on the status, aims, methods, principles of Englishgrammar teaching in high school.Existing domestic and international theoretical and empirical research on foreignlanguage grammar teaching are mainly around the quintessence, methods and strategies,implementation of grammar teaching under a certain kind of foreign language teachingmethods, as well as the status, role and methods of grammar teaching in foreign languageteaching. In contrast, there are relative lack of empirical research and studies on the actualsituation of current grammar teaching in senior high school, which play a theoretical andpractical role in grammar teaching and learning. Because of this, the thesis makes anempirical research based on theoretical exploration. The study of grammar teaching in seniorhigh school is insufficient so far and also is the field in which this is intended to work on.This thesis explores grammar-teaching methods in senior high school through thecombination of theoretical exploration and practical investigation. This thesis, beginning withgrammatical and grammar teaching concepts, on the one hand discusses the essence ofgrammar, illustrating that grammar is not only static linguistic structure but also playsdynamic linguistic role, and on the other hand explores the present situation of grammarteaching study and the new trend of grammar teaching of foreign language abroard and athome, and analyses the requirement on grammar teaching from the perspective of newcurriculum. In addition, on the basis of analysis of results of empirical investigation on thegrammar teaching, the author answers the research questions. It has been nearly nine years since the enactment and implementation of new curriculumstandards in2003. Currently what are the attitudes of English teachers in senior high school togrammar teaching? How do teachers teach grammar, how is the effective, and whether theymeet the requirements and idea of the new curriculum? What are the difficulties encounteredby the grammar teaching? In order to have a specific knowledge of and attempt to solve theexisting problems, the author conducted a survey of the actual situation of grammar teachingsince the enactment of the new curriculum in some high schools of Shandong Province. Thesurvey found that most teachers recognized and realized the importance and goal of grammarteaching and pointed out that grammar teaching is necessary and must be taught during thewhole process of English teaching; the majority of teachers adopted the combination withinductive and deductive methods to teach grammar; there are a diversity of strategies, modelsand ways of grammar teaching and at present teachers enhance the practice of teachingactivities during grammar teaching. But meanwhile the survey also found some problems andphenomenon: the understanding of the core of new curriculum standards and the methods offoreign language teaching is not thorough and profound; the attitudes to students’ languageerrors are biased; the capabilities and abilities to design activities and tasks need to beimproved in non-traditional grammar teaching; grammar learning enthusiasm of high schoolstudents is quite low.With the goal of developing comprehensive linguistic competence, I put forward somesuggestions for new methods in grammar teaching under the new curriculum criteria.Grammar should be taught in the process of the students’ completion of tasks, in the situationfor arousing studennts’ interest, in combination of deductive and inductiive for improvingeffectiveness, in the comparison between mother longue and target language so as to discoverthe inherent rules of English which are hopefully to preliminary insights for the furtherresearches on English grammar teaching in senior high school.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 鲁东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】930

