

The Study of the Inquiring Ability in the Senior High Schools Physics Teaching

【作者】 徐春晓

【导师】 刘文旺;

【作者基本信息】 鲁东大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 新课程标准中有一条重要理念是培养学生的科学探究能力。如何实施探究教学,并通过问题探究教学激发学生的学习热情,培养学生的探究、创新能力,已经成为当前教学中讨论最多的话题。《高中物理课程标准》对物理教学提出一个重要的要求就是要围绕“生活—物理—社会”这一主线来教学,即物理来源于生活服务于社会。在实际教学中,“会听”、“会看”、“会读”、“会写”、“会画”、“会唱”、“会跳”、“会演”等都是学生不同能力的体现,但是有一种能力即“科学探究能力”相比前面几种能力来说,前面几种能力强调从“学”到“会”,而“科学探究能力”不能只是一个简单地“会探究”就行了,而是要求学生能够主动地有目标地去探究,它是一种综合能力的体现。在物理学史上,亚里士多德一个“力是维持物体运动的原因”的观点维持了两千多年,大家对此深信不疑,是什么力量让伽利略大胆提出了质疑,并通过一系列的实验进行大胆的推理,建立了自己的观点:“力不是维持物体运动的原因,而是改变物体运动状态的原因”。这不只是一种敢于质疑的精神的体现,更是一种探究能力和创新意识的体现,当代高中生需要的就是这种精神和能力,我们不能只会去听、去看已有结论,我们要会提出问题、研究问题、分析问题、解决问题。我们要通过对问题的探究提升自己了解自然、改变自然、促进自然科学发展与进步的能力。通过查阅相关资料,发现有很多关于探究教学方面的理论,但大多数并未在实践中进行大范围内的推广,还有一些研究的课题同学生的具体生活环境并不相符,同时现有的教学条件使很多理论达不到应有的效果。鉴于此,笔者结合自己的日常教学经验与教学感悟,通过大量的调查与分析,选择《高中物理教学中学生探究能力培养的研究》作为研究命题,力争通过自己的实践总结出一些成功的做法,为高中物理教学提供可借鉴的、在实际操作中具有可行性的,能够不因地、因时而产生局限性的操作方案。通过使用“高质量的问题情境——多元化的教学组织形式——合理的评价机制”这种教学方式,激发起学生的探究兴趣,通过“自主探究”与“合作交流”相结合进一步提高了学生探究水平,养成了爱探究的习惯,进而使学生的探究能力得到提升。新课改环境下的高中物理教学,运用问题探究教学法是非常必要的,它不仅能在课堂教学中活跃课堂气氛,有效地完成教学任务,还能培养起学生质疑的兴趣和能力,养成勤思好问的良好习惯,激发自主探究的创新精神,让学生充分体验到物理同生活是紧密相连的,它来源于大自然,同时又服务于人类社会。因此培养学生的科学探究能力势在必行,并且要行之有效。

【Abstract】 One of the important concepts of The New Curriculum Standard is developing thestudents’ scientific exploring ability. How to implement the inquiry teaching, Stimulatestudent’s study enthusiasm and Cultivate the students’ inquiry and innovation capabilitythrough inquiry teaching has become the hottest topics.“High Physical Curriculum Standard”put forward an important requirement: centre on the main line "life-physics-society" to teach,that is “Physics originates from life and serve the society”.In actual teaching, listening, watching, reading, writing, Painting, jumping and acting areall the embodiment of the different abilities. But compared with those abilities, the scientificresearch ability is not to explore but need the students to have the destination to explore. It isa reflection of the comprehensive ability.In the history of physics, Aristotle’s opinion,“Force is the cause of object movement”lasted for more than2000years. No one doubted that. What make Galileo questioned itbravely and form his own idea.“Force is not the cause of the object movement but the causeof changing the state of the object movement".This is not only reflecting his spirit ofquestioning but also Research capacities and innovation consciousness. Contemporary highschool students need the spirit and ability. We not only learn how to listen and look for theexisting conclusion. We should learn to put up the question, research the question, analysisthe question, and solve it. We need to improve the ability of understanding nature, changingnature and promoting the progress of nature.By referring to the relevant information, we find that there are a lot about the inquiryteaching theory. However, the majority did not carry out a wide range of practice. Someresearch subjects don’t match the students’ living conditions. Much theory can’t achieve thedesired effect because of the present teaching condition. So I combine my teaching experienceand understanding and do lots of surveys.Choose "The training of students’ research ability inthe high school physics teaching" as my research subject in order to summarize somesuccessful ways for the physics teaching.Through the teaching method "question-communicate-explore",Stimulates the students’interest in study. By combining independent exploring with Cooperation, Improve thestudents’ exploring level and develop their study habits to make students’ research ability promoted.Under the environment of the new curriculum reform, using method of problems probingteaching is very necessary in high school physics teaching. It can not only make the Classatmosphere active and accomplish the teaching task effectively but also train students’ interestand ability, develop the good habits, and arouse the spirit of innovation. Let all the studentsrealize that physics is closely linked with life. It originates from life and serves the society.Therefore, the training of the students’ scientific research ability is imperative and we shouldcarry it out effectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 鲁东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

