

Study on the Countermeasures and the Present Situation of Professional Development for Junior High School Teacher in County Area

【作者】 郭锋

【导师】 葛明荣;

【作者基本信息】 鲁东大学 , 教育管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 “新一轮”基础教育课程改革已经悄然落下帷幕,它带给广大教师诸多发展和进步的空间,但不可否认,教师也同样体悟到自身在适应新课程中的困惑和不足。教师急需进一步提升自身的整体素质,以从根本上与课程改革的新要求接轨。但是与教师专业化的欣欣向荣相比,实际上教师的专业发展状况并没有如期望的那么尽如人意,教师专业发展还存在着这样那样的问题。因此,针对县域初中教师专业发展中存在的教师专业发展动力不足、缺少团体合作、脱离课堂教学研究、教育视野狭窄、缺少专业引领、培训形式单一、培训内容滞后、教育科研能力普遍偏低等现实问题,笔者以H市初中教师为研究对象,以H市初中教师专业发展存在的问题及对策为研究重点,采用文献研究、调查研究、行动研究等方法,提炼出了群体激励式对策、立体交互式对策、问题破解式对策、系列突破式对策、整体推进式对策等五大对策,并将其细化分为精细化过程调控、集中互动式专题培训、多层次合作攻关、经验提升式教学观摩、以学定教的课前设计等15项具体对策。坚持县市集中培训、校本自主培训、教师团队研修相结合,坚持专家引领、同伴互助、个人反思相结合,做到学习、研究、培训、教学一体化。通过这一系列对策,将教育行政管理、教师专业培训、教育科学研究、有效教学研究、学科教学改革有机融合。从而为有效地解决教师专业发展中的问题提供更多参考意见,在使教师自身素质得到提高、进一步与新课程改革相融合的同时,建构起改进教师专业发展的对策群落。在县域内有效地提高教师专业发展,切实加快教师专业化发展进程。

【Abstract】 The new basic education curriculum reform has already been ended, which brings teachersmuch more space of development and progress, but likewise undeniable, teachers alsorecognize that there have many confusion and insufficient in adapting to the new curriculum.In order to fit the new demands of curriculum reform fundamentally, teachers are in urgentneed of further enhance for their overall quality of their own. But in contract with thevigorous development of teachers’ professional development, the reality is, teachers’professional development is not as well as we expected, there are also many more problemsfor teachers’ professional development. For this reason, because of the problems inprofessional development of junior school teacher in county area, such as there has notenough power for teachers’ professional development, lack of cooperation in group, lack ofclassroom teaching research, lack of professional leading, training form is single, trainingcontent is lag behind, education scientific research ability is generally low, the author makesthe junior school teacher in H city as the research object, makes the existing professionaldevelopment problems and countermeasures of junior school teachers in H city as the focus.And by using the literature research, survey research, action research and experience methods,we refine out the following five countermeasures, the group inspired, stereo interactive,problem crack, series breakthrough, whole advancement countermeasure. And refine it into15countermeasures, such as fine process control, concentrated interactive title training, design ofsetting teaching as learning design before class. In order to be integration of learning researchtraining and teaching, insist on counties training, school-based autonomous training andteacher team training, and combine the experts leading, companions co-helping and personalreflection. Through this series of countermeasures, integrate education administrativemanagement, education scientific research, effective teaching research and teaching reformorganically. At the same time in improving the quality of teachers in their own and furtherwith the new course reform, constructing the countermeasures community of improvement ofteachers’ professional development. Thus, improve teachers’ professional developmenteffectively, and speed up the teachers’ professional development process in the county.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 鲁东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

