

Under the New Curriculum Standard in Middle School Geography Situation Teaching’s Research

【作者】 赵燕平

【导师】 衣华鹏;

【作者基本信息】 鲁东大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着基础教育改革的实施与发展,地理学科也颁布了新的课程标准,新课程标准提出了“培养现代公民必备的地理素养”、“学习对终身发展有用的地理”的目标,这就意味着传统的以教师讲解为主的地理课堂教学方式,已经不能满足学生的学习需求,也很难给学生提供一个真正高质高效的学习环境。因此,转变传统教学方式,转而呼吁更为开放的学习方式已成为大势所趋。在诸多教学方式中,地理情境教学是与新课程改革要求的理念非常契合的一种教学方式,地理教师为了达成教学任务,要根据具体教学现实,设置与所要学习的地理新知识内容相匹配的各种情境,从而激起学生的兴趣和情感体验。近年来,国内外学者增强了对情境教学的关注和重视,关于地理情境教学的相关研究也越来越多,然而对地理情境教学以不同知识类型为基础的情境教学模式研究尚不太多。本论文前两章通过文献调查法研究了地理情境教学的相关概念和理论基础,对于相近的概念予以区分,并且从人本主义、建构主义和多元智能理论的角度探讨了情境教学的理论基础。然后探讨了情境教学的国内外研究现状,尤其以问卷调查的形式调研了烟台地区高中学校的一些地理教师对地理情境教学的看法和建议,进一步了解情境教学的实施情况和存在的问题,提出自己的一些看法和思考;着重结合地理学科的案例研究了中学地理课堂中情境的创设途径和方法,最后根据知识的不同类型对知识进行探讨,探讨地理情境教学的教学模式。希望本文的研究能够指导地理教师提高地理情境教学实际操作的质量和效率。

【Abstract】 With the basic education’s reform and the implementation of the development, geographyalso issued the new course standard, the new curriculum standard proposes" to cultivatemodern citizens’s essential geographical accomplishment"" lifelong learning on thedevelopment of useful geography ", which means to the traditional teacher-dominated thegeography classroom teaching mode, has been unable to meet the the learning needs ofstudents, it is difficult to provide students with a really efficient learning environment.Therefore,we must change the traditional teaching mode, promote collaborative learning,independent learning and inquiry learning learning style. In many ways of teaching,situational geography teaching is the requirement of the new course reform idea and agreeswith a way of teaching, geography teachers in order to achieve the task of teaching, accordingto the specific teaching practice, creation and teaching content of geography to match the realor simulated situation so as to arouse students’ emotional experience.In recent years, domestic and foreign scholars enhance the situational teaching and moreattention about the situational teaching of geography, related researching is also increasing,but the geographical situation teaching in different types of knowledge based general teachingmode research is not too much. The first two chapters of this thesis through the literaturesurvey method to study the geographical situation teaching related concepts and theoreticalfoundation, for similar concepts to be made, and choose Humanistic psychology, EducationalPsychology and the theory of Multiple Intelligences Perspective of situated teaching theory.And then discusses the situation teaching research at home and abroad, especially in the formof questionnaire survey Yantai area’s schooles’ some geography teachers of geographyteaching views and suggestions, to further understand the teaching situation and existingproblems, and puts forward some of his own views and thoughts; and then focused on thecombination of geography case study middle school geography classroom situation way andmethod, according to the knowledge of the different types of knowledge are discussed, thegeneral of the situational teaching of geography teaching mode. Hope that through this studyto guide geography teachers to improve implementation of situational geography teachingquality and efficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 鲁东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

