

Narrowing the Gap between Rich and Poor and Promoting the Social Justice

【作者】 刘栋

【导师】 范秀英;

【作者基本信息】 鲁东大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国改革和发展已经进入关键时期,而在建设社会主义和谐社会中我们而临的一个重要问题就是贫富差距的问题。缩小贫富差距、推进社会公正可以减小我国各项事业发展中的阻力,减少社会经济发展的障碍,为当今我国经济的发展提供不错的环境,并且对我国和谐社会的建设有重大的作用。如何解决好贫富差距的问题,不仅关系到人民群众的切身利益,而且关系到我国建设社会主义和谐社会成败。因此,本文将贫富差距和社会公正问题一起研究,符合我国改革和发展当前的实际,意义重大。本论文的内容主要有五部分。首先,阐释了贫富差距的内涵和界定。贫富差距的内涵包括新华字典中“贫”与“富”的解释、世界银行对贫困的概念的概括、贫富差距的定义、贫富差距的社会属性等。贫富差距的界定是根据世界上比较通用的描述贫富差距的基尼系数,得出我国贫富差距扩大是不争的事实,不能任其发展,必须缩小贫富差距,推进社会公正。其次,总结了我国贫富差距的现状,并且分析了我国贫富差距的原因。我国贫富差距的现状可以分成个人差距、城乡差距、区域差距、行业差距和代际差距五个方面。而贫富差距的原因包括不合法的原因、合法但不合理的原因和合法又合理的原因。通过总结我国贫富差距的现状,分析贫富差距的原因,为贫富差距问题的研究提供理论参考。再次,阐述现代意义下的社会公正。主要包括公正的概念、公正的目的、公正的途径和公正的意义。为我国的体制改革和制度架构奠定了道义基础,为推进社会公正提供坚实的理论基础。再次,提出缩小贫富差距、推进社会公正的对策。1、加快经济增长。结合马克思主义基本原理,92年邓小平南方讲话,及联合国粮农组织数据库提供的数据,解决农民就业问题,改变农村经济增长方式。2、打破二元结构。以刘易斯的“二元结构”模型理论为依据,提出打破二元结构的对策。即户籍改革、统一城乡劳动力市场和使城乡居民同等享有接受义务教育的权利。3、健全保障体系。健全城乡保险制度,加强社会保障的法制建设。4、发挥税收杠杆作用。完善个人所得税征收,扩大征收范围,借鉴西方先进经验。5、善行慈善事业。宣传慈善事业,促进民间慈善机构发展,健全慈善制度。6、加大教育力度。办好农村教育,发展职业教育,完善特殊教育。最后,只要我们正确认识贫富差距的内涵与界定,现状及原因,合理阐释现代意义下的社会公正,采取积极、有效地措施,就可以控制贫富差距的扩大,实现社会的公正。

【Abstract】 China’s reform and development has experienced a crucial period,and in the constructionof the socialist harmonious society the important issue that we are facing is the gap betweenthe rich and the poor. Narrowing the gap between rich and poor and promoting the socialjustice can reduce the resistance in our country ’s development, reduce the social barriers toeconomic development, provide a good social environment to economic development, andhave the great significance on our country harmonious society’s construction. How to solvethe problem of the gap of the rich and the poor, not only is related to the vital interests of thepeople, but also to China’s construction of socialist harmonious society. Therefore, I studythe problem of the gap between the rich and the poor and social justice together. It conform tocurrent situation of our country reform and development and have great significance.The main content of this paper includes five parts. Firstly, it explains the connotation anddefinition of gap between the rich and the poor. The connotation and definition includes theexplanation to" poverty" and "wealth"in Xinhua Dictionary, the concept of poverty definitedby the World Bank, the definition of the gap between rich and poor and its attributes. The gapbetween the rich and poor is defined according to the Gini Coefficient, and we can know thefact of the gap between rich and poor.It must not be allowed to develop and we shouldnarrow the gap between rich and poor, promote social justice.Secondly, it has summarized the current situation of gap between the rich and poor inChina and analyzed of the reason of difference of the rich and the poor. The current situationof gap between the rich and poor in China is divided into individual difference, the differencebetween the urban and rural, area difference, trade gap and generational gap. The reasons forthe gap between the rich and poor include the not legitimate reason, legitimate but notreasonable reason and legitimate and reasonable reason. Through summing up the status ofgap between the rich and poor in China, we can analyze the reasons for the gap between therich and the poor and provide academic reference for the research of problem of the gapbetween rich and poor.Once again, it is the modern meaning of social justice. It mainly includes the concept ofjustice, the purpose of justice, the way to the justice and the significance of justice. We canlay the moral foundation for the system reform of our country and system architecture and provide the solid theory foundation to promote the social justice.Finally, I put forward measures to narrow the gap between rich and poor and promotesocial justice. We should accelerate the economic growth. According to the basic principles ofMarxism, Deng Xiaoping’s talk in the south in the year of1992, the data provided by Foodand Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the requirement of the seventeenthParty Congress,I put forward seven measures to solve the problem.We should break the two element structure. With the two element model theory of putforward by Lewis as the basis, I put forward the measures to break two element structure.They include the reform of the household registration system, combination of labor marketand equal right of receiving compulsory education.We should enhance the safeguard system. It includes improving the insurance system ofthe urban and rural, and strengthening the legal system construction of social security.We should develop the use of tax leverage. One is to improve the collection of personalincome tax, two is to expand the range of collection, and three is to draw lessons from theadvanced experience of the west.We should perfect deeds of charity. It includes promoting charities, non-governmentalcharity development,and perfect charity system.We should increase education strength. Content includes improving the rural education,developing of occupation education and perfecting the special education.Finally, as long as that we understand the connotation of the gap between the rich and thepoor definition of the status and the reasons for a reasonable interpretation of social justice inthe modern sense, we can take active and effective measures to control the expansion of thegap between the rich and poor, to achieve social justice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 鲁东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

