

The Present Level of Senior Middle Schools’ Politics Teachers’ Professional Development And How to Improve It

【作者】 姜正伟

【导师】 张新洲;

【作者基本信息】 鲁东大学 , 教育管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》明确提出:“百年大计,教育为本。教育大计,教师为本。有好的教师,才有好的教育。”当前,我国基础教育的不断改革和山东省素质教育的深入实施,对高中政治教师的专业发展提出了全新的挑战。作为新时期的高中政治教师,不仅担负着传授政治学科知识的任务,更重要的是肩负着对高中学生进行思想品德教育的重任;不仅需要具备崇高的职业道德和全新的教育理念,更要具备较全面的专业知识和专业能力。高中政治教师的专业发展不仅是深化素质教育改革的要求,而且是教师自身发展、自我实现的客观需要。潍坊市属于经济相对发达的地区,近年来基础教育实现了长足的发展,普通高中教育教学质量不断攀升。但随着基础教育新课程改革的不断深入,随着山东省规范办学行为、实施素质教育的不断推进,部分高中政治教师的专业素养与时代的发展和教育的新要求还有一定差距。随着教育发展方式的转变,广大高中政治教师的专业发展与教育内涵发展的要求还不相适应,他们在职业愿景、教育理念、师德修行、素质水平、教学改革等专业发展态势方面还存在一些问题,已成为制约当地教育发展的重要因素。本研究以自己编制的高中政治教师专业发展现状调查问卷为研究工具,以潍坊市的普通高中学校为例,对高中政治教师专业发展的现状及存在的问题进行研究,分析其背后的制约因素,提出促进高中政治教师专业发展的应对策略。从调查来看:总体上,高中政治教师的学历达标率较高,对教育教学工作也都比较负责,参与培训的热情也较高;但也存在一定的不足,如:政治教师对自己所从事的职业满意度比较低,部分政治教师专业发展内动力不足,缺乏高远的职业愿景,大多满足于现状;终身教育意识淡薄,不注重学习新的理论和知识,缺乏必要的反思;教师评价制度存在缺陷,专业培训模式有其弊端等等。这些都影响到高中政治教师的专业发展,影响到教育教学质量的提高。为提升高中政治教师的专业素养,促进其专业发展,本研究从三个层面提出发展和管理对策:教师个人要树立高远愿景,加强师德修养,坚守职业操守;更新教育观念,告别应试思维,坚持育人为本;加强学习,修炼专业能力,历练教育智慧,实现自主发展;学会反思,勤于总结,加强教育教学研究。政府和教育主管部门要加大教育投入,提高教师待遇,稳定高中政治教师专业队伍;完善教师准入和管理制度,调动教师参与教学和研究的积极性;改革培训模式,注重理论与实践有机结合,保证教师培养实效。学校要改革和完善教师评价制度,实现评价主体和评价内容多元化;创设良好环境,形成终身学习、主动成长的氛围,促进教师专业发展。

【Abstract】 National medium and long-term educational reform and development program (2010-2020)put forward clearly:“Teachers are the basis of the project of education, just as education is thebasis of a100-year project. Good education depends on good teachers.”At present, the continuingreform of China’s basic education and the in-depth implementation of quality education inShandong Province are the new challenges to the professional development of politicsteachers in high schools. As high school politics teachers of new times, they should not onlyhave the task of imparting knowledge, and more importantly, they should have the task ofcarrying ideological and moral education; they should not only require a noble professionalethics and a new philosophy of education, but also have a more comprehensive professionalknowledge and expertise. Professional development of politics teachers of high schools is therequirements of deepening the quality education reform and the needs of their owndevelopments and self-realization.Weifang is relatively a developed area of basic education in recent years, and its basiceducation and teaching quality all have made great progress. With the quality educationreform developing, there is a gap between some high school politics teachers’ professionalismand the development of the times. With the ways of education changing, there are still someproblems in their career vision, educational philosophy, ethics, practice, quality level,teaching reform and so on, so they should adjust themselves to these changes. This hasbecome an important factor restricting the deepening reform of local education and furtherpracticing of quality education.This study using the questionnaire of high school politics teachers’ professionaldevelopment status as a research tool, based on the ordinary high schools in Weifang,researches and analyzes their status and restricting factors, and then put forward somestrategies to promote the professional development of politics teachers in high schools.Judging from the survey, politics teachers’ high education compliance rate is higher, and theyare more responsible, and also they have higher enthusiasm of participating in training; ofcourse, there are certain deficiencies, such as: the lower job satisfaction, lack of motivation,lack of lofty career vision; imperfect assess system and training form, and so on. All thesehave an impact on the professional development of politics teachers of high schools and thequality of education and teaching. In order to enhance the professionalism of politics teachers of high schools, and promotetheir professional development, the study proposes the development and managementstrategies at three levels: teachers personally should build a lofty vision, strengthen ethicscultivation, and adhere to professional ethics; they also should update the concepts ofeducation, get rid of examination thinking, and adhere to educating people; besides, theyshould enhance learning and practice their professional ability, experience, education, wisdomto achieve self-development; Government and education authorities should increaseinvestment in education and improve the treatment of teachers to keep on the stability of highschool teaching profession; they should improve teachers’ access and management system topromote teachers’ enthusiasm in teaching and researching; they should reform the trainingmode, focusing on the combination of theory and practice, to ensure the training effectiveness.Schools’ reform and teachers’ evaluation system should be improved to achieve thediversification of evaluation subjects and evaluation contents. And all these can create afavorable environment for lifelong learning and active growth to promote the professionaldevelopment of teachers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 鲁东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

