

Study on Monitoring System of Difficult-to-production Resources Mining Based on LabVIEW

【作者】 闫振雄

【导师】 周洪文; 任高峰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 难动用矿产资源,是指在现有的技术、经济条件下难以投入开发的探明储量,主要包括矿山在开采中预留的矿柱、间柱、顶底柱,采空区周围存在的过去被认为是“贫矿”的大量矿产资源,以及采空区周围新发现和探明的矿产资源。据不完全统计,难动用矿产资源已经占到我国有色金属资源的33%。因此,难动用矿产资源的回采对缓解我国日益严重的资源短缺问题,延长矿山服务年限,实现矿产资源的可持续发展具有重大的意义。基于Lab VIEW设计的难动用矿产资源开采监测方案,以湖北某铁矿为研究对象,由难动用矿产资源回采方法入手,选择钻孔应力计监测顶板、点柱的应力分布情况,顶板离层仪、多点位移计配合电位器式位移传感器监测顶板、点柱的位移变化,既保证了监测仪器对地下矿山恶劣生产环境的适应性,又保证了监测过程的连续性和稳定性,同时,实现了数据的自动采集,确保了监测过程的实时性。选择无线总线技术,以ZigBee为基础,结合Compact RIO,建立了无线传感器网络,并进行了设备选型,包括NI9206电压测量模块、NI9401计数器、cRIO-9024控制器、cRIO-9118机箱、Gateway NI9795和NI WSN-3230测量节点。无线传感器网络实现了数据的无线传输,节约了成本,提高了系统的便携性。基于Lab VIEW平台,设计了一套实时监测系统,包括系统登录、数据采集、信号分析、数据库管理和报表生成五大模块。以case结构和事件结构为基础的系统登录模块,确保只有操作人员可以访问系统,有效的保护了监测数据及程序本身的安全;数据采集模块通过DAQmx进行程序设计,以监测点布置图控制数据采集过程,图形化界面更加便于操作;信号分析模块首先对频率和电压信号进行预处理,使之转化为应力值和位移量,并设计了预警值,建立了超过预警值即预警的顶板、点柱预警系统;数据库管理采用免费工具包—LabSQL设计,实现了对数据库的存储和查询;报表生成模块实现了报表格式的统一性,有利于矿山的日常管理工作。利用Lab VIEW实现了对应力传感器和应变传感器的仿真模型设计,并通过激励仿真传感器产生仿真信号,对所建立的监测系统进行了验证。结果证明,基于Lab VIEW建立的难动用矿产资源回采监测系统能够实现数据的采集、分析,并对超过预警值的信号进行预警,有助于矿由企业及时作出应对措施,减小安全事故造成的损失。

【Abstract】 Difficult-to-production resources, mainly including obligating jamb, rid pillar, roof and bottom pillar, surrounding lean ore and the new discovered orebody, have made up33%of nonferrous metal resources in our country, according to incomplete statistics. Therefore, hidden danger resources mining has great significance on alleviating resource shortage, prelonging mine service life and realizing mine sustainable development.The designed monitoring program for difficult-to-production resources mining based on Lab VIEW is started from stopping method, taking an iron mine in Hubei as the subject. The borehole stress-meters are chosen to tested the distribution of stress in roof and pillar, while the combination of potentiometer, roof separation indicator and multi-point extensometer to the displacement of roof and pillar. The selected devices can run normally in bad underground workplace and make a automatic and continuous data-collecting process.The wireless bus is designed to build wireless system network(WSN), based on ZigBee and Compact RIO. To match WSN, devices such as NI9206analog input module, NI9401counter, cRIO-9024controller, cRIO-9118chassis, Gateway NI9795and NI WSN-3230nodes are selected. WSN has made data wireless transmission realized. Furthermore, the system cost is cut down and its portability is improved by WSN.Real-time monitoring system has been built base on Lab VIEW, which including login module, data-collecting module, signal-analyzing module, database management mudule and report generation mudule. The login module is built by case structure and event structure, which make a limitation to login. Only operators have access to the system. The monitoring data and program itself are protected. Data-collecting module is designed by DAQmx. The process of data-collecting is controlled by monitoring layout diagram. That makes operation more easier. With signal-analyzing module, frequency and voltage signal are converted to stress and displacement. When the value of stress and displacement exceed the designed alarm standard, the monitoring syetem will give an alert. LabSQL, a free toolkit, is used in database management mudule to store and inquire collected data. A standard of report form has been established by report generation module, which is helpful for management. The simulation modles of stress sensor and strain sensor have been designed by Lab VIEW. The modles can be stimulated to generate simulation signal, which is used to testing the established monitoring system. The result shows that data collecting and analyzing can be realized in this system and alarm will be given if signal exceeds the standard. The monitoring system of difficult-to-production resources based on LabVIEW has great use to predict mining accident.


