

Electronic Records Data Transfer Protocol Based on OWL and Research of Middle Ware Interface

【作者】 肖凡

【导师】 龙毅宏;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 电子记录与传统纸质记录相比较有着诸如存储简单、容量庞大、查找和修改方便等优点,这都大大提高了工作的效率,正是由于这些优点使得电子记录在日常生活中的应用越来越广泛。现阶段用来保存电子记录的系统大都是采用传统的关系数据库,这种方式不利于记录的统一描述与扩展,并且由于缺乏语义使得在关联记录之间进行查找变得困难,而把OWL (Web Ontology Language)引入到记录存储系统中来可使这个问题得到很好的解决。OWL拥有强大的词汇表,增加了大量的基于描述逻辑的语义,使得用OWL来描述或构建本体十分方便。基于OWL的可信电子记录支撑系统就是以OWL为基础开发的一个电子记录保全系统,它能够实现对记录的保全并且支持对关联记录的搜索。在搭建好可信电子记录支撑系统后,需要解决的问题就是客户端应用系统如何与服务器端交换数据,其中包括了记录的查找、记录的存储、记录的更新与记录的删除。为了便于统一的进行记录数据的传输与交换,需要制定出一个电子记录数据交换协议。该协议是客户端应用系统和服务器端的支撑系统之间进行数据传输与交换的桥梁,它规定了客户端能够用哪些方式与服务器端进行数据的传输与交换,以及这些方式的输入参数与输出参数需要满足怎样的数据格式。本文主要研究了OWL相关的理论,制定出了基于OWL的电子记录数据的传送协议,给出了不同种类的记录数据传输的实现,并且在此基础上开发了电子记录服务中间件接口,该接口可以使得用户在对电子记录进行操作时变得简单。该论文的特色之处可以概括为以下三点:第一,通过对应用系统需求的研究,扩展SPARQL (SPARQL Query Language For RDF)协议,使新的协议能够满足数据交换的需要。第二,使用OWL规范来描述记录的元数据以及记录之间的关系。OWL规范具有自己定义的词汇,可以很方便的用来描述资源及资源之间的关系。第三,使用SPARQL规范来定义查询条件。SPARQL规范是W3C的推荐规范,用它来定义的条件格式统一,具有很强的通用性。

【Abstract】 Compared with the traditional paper record,the electronic record has many advantages:simple for storage;capacity is huge;convenient for find and modify;quick for transfer and exchange,which have greatly improved the efficiency of the life and work..Because of these advantages,more and more people use electronic records in our daily life. At the present stage to record-keeping system,mostly we use the traditional relational database,which makes inconvenient to find records between the various types of records.And,if we introduce OWL into the record storage system, this problem can be solved light.OWL has a very powerful vocabulary,and it increase a lot semantices based on description logic,which making use OWL to describe or to build motology is very convenient.OWL-based electronic records system is an electronic records preservation system which basis on the OWL,it can achieve the preservation of the records and support the search for related records. After build a trusted electronic records,we need to solve the problem that how exchange the data between the cilent side and server side,including records search,records storage,records update and records delete.We need to develop a data exchange protocol to make the records exchange and transfer more unified. Electronic records data transfer protocol is a bridge between client applications and server-side support system for data transmission and exchange, which provides the client can use the ways in which server-side data transmission and exchange, as well as the input parameters and output parameters of these methods need to meet the data format. This paper is mainly to study the theory and to develop a transfer protocol for OWL-based electronic records,and devise a model which can exchange large amounts of records data between client and server accordance with the protocol.The innovation and characteristice of this paper can be summarized as the following three points:First,after research for the requirement of the application system,we extend the SPARQL protocol,so that the new protocol can meet the needs of the data exchange.Second,using RDF specification to describe the records and the relationship between the records.RDF specification has their own vocabulary,and it can easily be used to describe resources and their relationships.Third,using SPARQL specification to describe the query condition.The SPAQRL specification is a W3C recommended specification. The query condition can be described to a consistent format by SPARQL,which has highly versatile.

【关键词】 传送协议OWLWSDL2.0SPARQL规范
【Key words】 transfer protocolOWLWSDL2.0the SPARQL specification
  • 【分类号】TP391.1
  • 【下载频次】15

