

Diagnosis and Treatement of the Premature Heart Ventriculation with Cornus Officinalis Granules

【作者】 吴宗霖

【导师】 陈晓虎;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:本课题旨在观察“茱萸颗粒”方辨证论治室性早搏气阴两虚、痰瘀互阻证的临床疗效。方法:临床研究:病例收集的范围是江苏省中医院心脏科2011年6月~2012年2月期间门诊病人,诊断为室性早搏并接受治疗的患者,根据随机数字表随机分为治疗组与对照组各20例,符合气阴两虚、痰瘀互阻证对照组给予口服美托洛尔(倍他乐克)25mg2/日,疗程均为28±2天。治疗组给予口服美托洛尔(倍他乐克)25mg2/日+“茱萸颗粒”方加减1/日一剂水煎服分两次服用,疗程均为28±2天。中医症候积分表等,采用SPSS16.0建立数据库并进行分析,P<0.05为有统计学意义。结果:临床研究(1)进行两组治疗前后的总体疗效评价是基于在中医症状量化评分的基础上,两组经积极药物治疗后,症状均有明显好转,其中治疗组的总有效率明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。(2)中医症状量化评分比较提示,经治疗之后两组病人多项症状指标较前均有不同程度改善。其中,治疗组患者的心悸、气短、倦怠乏力、胸闷、头晕、自汗等症以及中医证候积分的改善程度较对照组更为明显,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:(1)“茱萸颗粒”方可有效改善室性早搏患者的临床症状,尤其对神倦乏力、胸闷、气短等气虚症状改善作用更加明显。(2)“茱萸颗粒”方可有效减少室性早搏发生次数,尤其对气阴两虚、痰瘀互阻证型者安全有效。

【Abstract】 Objective:This topic cornus officinalis granules to observe the syndrome differentiation and treatment of ventricular premature Yin deficiency of both qi, phlegm and blood stasis syndrome the clinical curative effect of the mutual resistanceMethods:Clinical experimentation range in jiangsu province hospital is collected in heart decease departement from June2011to February2012in inpatient departement. Diagnosis of premature heart ventriculation and the treatement of the patients is according to random choose number and divided in2groups, every groups have20patients and based on qi and Yin, phlegm and blood stasis intricated syndromes. The first group is treated by oral way with Metoprolol Tartrate Tablets of25mg twice a day, time of treatment is28±2days. The second group take also Metoprolol Tartrate Tablets of25mg twice a day+cornus officinalis granules (add and subtract), a dose in boiled water divided in two doses for the day. period of treatment are28±2days. The SPSS16.0the establishment of database and analysis is P<0.05for with a statistical significance.Results:Clinical research(1) the two groups before and after treatment effect assessment is based on the overall in TCM symptoms on the basis of giving a mark, two groups of the active drug treatment, symptoms, are obviously improved, including the total effective rate of the treatment group was better than control (P<0.05).(2) TCM symptoms score more quantitative hint, the two groups of patients after treatment several symptoms earlier index are different of improved. Among them, the treatment group of patients with heart palpitations, shortness of breath, languid, bosom frowsty, dizziness, spontaneous sweating wait for disease and the improvement of traditional Chinese medical syndrome integral degree is the control group is more apparent, was statistically significant (P<0.01or P<0.05).Conclusion:(1) cornus officinalis granules can effectively improve the clinical symptoms of ventricular premature, especially for god tired fatigue, chest tightness, shortness of breath and deficiency symptoms improve effect more apparent.(2) cornus officinalis granules can effectively reduce the number of ventricular premature occur. especially for gas Yin two empty, phlegm and blood stasis syndrome types of mutual resistance is safe and effective.

  • 【分类号】R259
  • 【下载频次】60

