

【作者】 李思思

【导师】 胡越; 周宇舫;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 本文通过进行广安产业园一期建筑方案设计项目的实践,研究了创意产业办公建筑的具体设计方法。创意产业企业的办公园区在规模、使用群体、生产媒介等方面不同于工业区园区以及传统的创意产业园,是一类新出现的建筑项目类型。传统的写字办公楼并不能满足这一类企业的需求。随着技术、经济以及社会关系的发展,新型的办公建筑正在逐步取代传统的办公写字楼。这一变革并不是办公楼本身不适应时代发展,而是应对空间需求的发展,增加了品牌性、节点性、睦邻性、游牧性等特质。作者针对本次项目设计的客体,对业主办公模式进行了研究,以之作为出发点以及贯穿整个设计过程的主线。在本设计中,除了从业主办公模式出发进行定制化设计之外,同等重要的,是对园区建筑与城市关系的探讨。园区对城市的态度是怎样的?如何更好的尊重城市,融入城市?为了从这两个角度对方案进行整体、理性的控制,作者在设计初期以及中期方案的验证、调整阶段在参数化设计平台中进行。所设立的逻辑映射关系直接反映了笔者的设计思想,在进行这一类建筑群的设计工作时,可以通用。

【Abstract】 This essay mainly discussed the architectural design of Guangan Industrial Park, the specific design of the creative industry office building. Creative industries office park is different from the Industrial Area Park and Creative Industry Park in terms of scale, the use of groups, production and working media. The traditional office building does not meet the needs of enterprises of this class.With the development of technical, economic and social relations, the new type of office building is gradually replacing the traditional one. The reason of this change is not that office itself is outdated, but the increase of characteristics like narrative, nodal, neighborly, and nomadic. The author studied the office mode and personalized architectural design it as a starting point and the main line through the whole process.In this design, in addition to customized design departure from the owners’office mode, to coordinate the relationship between architecture and the city is equally important. What is the attitude? How to show better respect for the city, and integrated into it? To control the project rational and holistic under these two values, the authors used parametric design platform in early sketch and middle testing design phase. The logical relation mapping can be used in other project of the same kind as it is a direct mapping of design notions.

  • 【分类号】TU201
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】162

