
实施品牌战略 打造视觉盛宴

The Implementation of Brand Strategy, Creating a Visual Feast

【作者】 马宗妍

【导师】 苗登宇;

【作者基本信息】 山东工艺美术学院 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 当今社会,世界范围内产品同质化现象日益严重,人们更加注重文化消费品所具有的独创性和新鲜感,所以当今市场竞争的核心已不再全部围绕产品的品种和品质,品牌形象间的激烈角逐已成为时代主流。近几年来,电视频道品牌形象的塑造已成为设计领域中的一个热点。在过去,以内容为主的竞争策略是电视行业长期坚守的原则。丰富多彩的节目内容为频道带来较高的收视率,从而拉动了高回报的广告投入。由此可见,以节目内容为主的经营策略是电视频道所奉行的制胜法则,如同产品质量是产品畅销的重要保证一样。然而,在愈加激烈的市场竞争中,如何让同类产品在琳琅满目的环境中获得消费者的青睐,品牌形象起到关键性的作用。电视频道的品牌形象与市场简单商品的品牌形象相比,其重要性更为显著,主要原因表现为两点:首先是绝大部分省级卫视的频道编排格式和节目内容等十分相似,由此可见国内电视传媒的同质化程度相当高,有“千台一面”的说法。面对极为雷同的频道播出内容,形式不得不成为打造特色化频道的有力武器;其次是受众在选择电视频道的时候表现出的随意性相当高,如果在两三秒内频道吸引不了观众,观众就会换台,频道越有吸引力观众的换台概率越低。就在这短短几秒的时间里,形式往往比内容更具有说服力,更能抓住观众的眼球。所以只有充分利用资源,形成频道自身的特色化优势,鲜明的频道品牌形象才能在受众心目中得以树立,以此拉大与竞争者的差距,进而为频道赢得更广阔的发展空间。卫星直播网和数字化电视的普及也对号称绝对强势传媒的电视行业提出了前所未有的挑战。如今的电视传媒行业已不再是备受宠爱的稀缺资源,传媒市场已经由买方市场替代了之前的卖方市场。电视行业的竞争已如火如荼,电视频道品牌形象设计也日趋受到重视。它并不是单纯的强调频道的视觉表现,它是对电视频道从精准定位到综合视觉设计再到宣传推广的系统整合过程。虽然目前国内的电视频道品牌形象设计取得了显著的进步,形成了品牌化的雏形,但发展尚不成熟也不够完善,多数流于形式化,跟风式,没有真正形成自己的特点。因此,以新的视角对电视频道品牌形象设计进行系统、科学的研究,有利于完善电视频道品牌形象设计的理论体系,有利于弥补电视频道品牌形象设计理论滞后于创作实践的空白,有利于理清电视频道品牌化的发展脉络,有利于综合掌握电视频道品牌形象设计理论的发展态势。电视频道品牌形象,担负着吸引受众、加重印象、传递理念的重任,它是一件披在电视频道身上的华丽外衣。怎样让电视频道的品牌形象准确定位、突出特点,怎样避免形式化、脱离跟风怪圈,这都是本文要积极面对的现实性课题。为使电视频道能从品牌竞争中脱颖而出,增进其在社会文化发展中的影响力,必须不断引入新的设计理念。该课题研究从视觉传达与品牌推广角度出发,以美国加州大学著名品牌教授大卫·艾克的“品牌识别理论”为支撑,探析电视频道品牌形象设计对于整个电视频道发展的重要性和可行性。总结设计方法、探索设计原则,挖掘发展空间,在分析的过程中,穿插优秀国内外案例,以辩证的视角围绕“理念”“视觉”“行为”三大设计要素的具体应用来全面解读电视频道品牌形象设计。力求在以往的理论研究基础上更加全面与深入,期望理论成果对现实实践具有一定的指导意义和参考价值,促使电视频道打造出具有识别性,独创性和价值性的品牌形象,以带给受众完美的视觉体验。

【Abstract】 In today’s society, worldwide product homogeneity is becoming more serious,people pay more attention to the cultural consumer goods with originality andfreshness, so now the variety of products, quality are no longer the core of thecompetition in the market, the fierce competition between the brand images turned tobe more important. In recent years, the image of the brand of TV channels has becomea hot topic in the field of design. In the past, the content-based competitive strategy isa long-term adhere to the principles of the television industry. A variety of programcontent for the channel result in higher ratings, the high share of the ratings and bringa high return on advertising investment. Thus, the content is simply the survival of TVchannels, as the product quality is an important guarantee of the products sellingwell. However, in the increasingly fierce market competition, how to make similarproducts to consumers in the range of environment, brand image plays a crucialrole. Compared to brand image of simple commodity in the market, the importance ofthe brand image of the TV product is more significant, the reasons expressed as twoaspects: First, most of the provincial TV programs orientation, the format is verysimilar, we can see the media of our country is with a very high degreeof homogeneity,"A Thousand of cannels have the same face". To face that all thechannels are extremely similar, form has to be the powerful weapon to createcharacteristics of a channel. Secondly, audience choose channels by a high degree ofrandomness, they will change it if in two seconds the channel cannot attract audiences.If the channel is more attractive, then only the probability for audience to chance itwill be lower. In a few seconds time, the form is more convincing than content, moreeasier to attract audience; so only make full use of resources, to form a channel’s ownunique advantages, distinct channel brand images can be established in the minds ofthe audience, in order to make the gap with other competitors bigger, and thus for thechannel to win a broader space for development.Direct broadcast network of satellite and the popularity of digital TV also give unprecedented challenges to television industry which is called the absolute strengthof the media. Today’s TV media industry is no longer a scarce resource, the mediamarket which was a seller’s market has been replaced by the buyer’smarket. Competition in the television industry has been in full swing, the televisionchannel brand images design is becoming increasingly valued. It is not only simplelimited to visual performance, it is a system integration process for TV channels fromprecise positioning to integrated visual design then publicity and promotion. Althoughdomestic television channel brand image design has made significant progress, theformation of the embryonic form of the brand, but the development is not yet matureand perfect, the majority of a mere formality, to follow suit style, there is no real formfor their own characteristics. Therefore, a new perspective for systematic andscientific research on the television channel brand image design, helps to improve thetheoretical system of the TV channel brand image design, to make up for the TVchannel brand image design theory lags behind the creative practice of blank, isconducive to management definition television channel brand development context, acomprehensive understanding of the development trend of the TV channel brandimage design theory.The brand image of the TV channels, is responsible to attract the eye, adding tothe impression that the important task of passing philosophy, it is a gorgeous coatdraped in the body of TV channels. How to make positioning of the brand image ofthe TV channels accurate, highlight the features and how to avoid formal, leaving thecycle of bandwagon, that’s what this article is going to face. To make TV channelsstand out from brand competitions, enhance its influence in the social and culturaldevelopment, we must continue to introduce new design concepts. This topic startsfrom the visual communication and branding point, the well-known U.S. brandmanagement guru Ike "brand identity theory supported, Analysis of the brand imageof the TV channels to design the importance and feasibility for the development of theentire television channel. Summary of design methods, explore the design principles,and tap the space for development in the process of analysis, interspersed withexcellent domestic and international cases, three specific applications of the design elements of a comprehensive interpretation of the TV channels around the "idea" ofthe "visual" behavior "dialectical perspective brand image design. Strive to previoustheoretical studies based on more comprehensive and in-depth, the expectedtheoretical results on the real practice of guiding significance and reference value,prompting the TV channels to create identification, originality and value of brandimage, to bring the audience perfect visual experience.


