

Optimization of Task Allocation and Scheduling for Knowledge Workers Based on Particle Swarm Optimization

【作者】 郑汉超

【导师】 王庆;

【作者基本信息】 天津商业大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 众所周知,知识员工任务指派及调度是NP-HARD问题,科学合理的进行知识员工任务指派及调度是企业人力资源合理配置的重要组成活动。本文详细描述了知识员工任务指派及调度研究问题,并明确了问题假设;构建了研究问题的数学模型,同时提出了基于粒子群算法进行知识员工任务指派及调度优化求解策略。在设计仿真程序时,采取了一种直观的借鉴遗传算法的矩阵编码方法,可以充分利用粒子群算法的并行搜索能力。本文主要的研究内容以及成果如下:(1)首先结合国内外已有的文献,系统总结了知识员工任务指派及调度以及粒子群算法的研究现状,在此过程中发现较少利用粒子群算法来对知识员工任务指派及调度问题进行研究。(2)分析总结了知识员工的定义、特征、知识员工任务指派及调度对企业的意义以及知识员工任务指派及调度过程中的难点,依据知识员工任务指派及调度优化的特点建立了相关的优化数学模型,为解决该类问题提供了科学依据。(3)受粒子群算法应用解决车间作业调度问题的启发,本文探索性的将粒子群算法运用于知识员工任务指派及调度优化问题,并详细的阐述了粒子群算法的概念和基本原理,同时构建了基于粒子群算法的知识员工任务指派及调度优化的算法模型。(4)基于MATLAB7.0平台建立知识员工任务指派调度决策仿真系统,案例的实证结果表明通过设置适当的参数,粒子群算法可以快速的得到一个较优的排序结果,同时也验证了粒子群算法是一种求解知识员工任务指派及调度问题的有效方法。

【Abstract】 Task allocation and scheduling for knowledge workers is known as an NP-hard problem.Scientific task allocation and scheduling for knowledge workers is an important part of rationalhuman resources management in enterprises. This paper gives a detailed description of theresearch problem of task allocation and scheduling for knowledge workers. It also gives theproblem an explicit assumption. Besides,this paper builds a mathematical model of the questionand proposes a constraint problem to solve task allocation and scheduling for knowledgeworkers based on particle swarm optimization (PSO). When designing the simulation program ofthe problem,this paper takes a visual matrix encoding method that draws lessons from the geneticalgorithm,because the method can take advantage of the parallel search capability of the particleswarm algorithm.The content studied and conclusions drawn are as follows:(1) This dissertation first reviews the domestic and foreign studies of task allocation andscheduling for knowledge workers. Besides, it gives the state of the field for PSO. In the process,using the PSO to study task allocation and knowledge workers scheduling is rarely found.(2) On the basis of the research of the definition and characteristics of knowledge workers,thepaper analyzes and summarizes the importance of task allocation and scheduling for knowledgeworkers for enterprises. In allusion to the characteristics of task allocation and scheduling forknowledge workers,this dissertation establishes a mathematical model of task allocation andscheduling for knowledge workers.(3) In this paper,PSO is used to solve task allocation and scheduling for knowledge workers. Theconcept and principle of the PSO are elaborated. At the same time, this paper builds a algorithmicmodel of task allocation and scheduling for knowledge workers.(4) Decision system about task allocation and scheduling for knowledge workers is built, whichis based on MATLAB7.0platform. The empirical case confirms that PSO is an effective methodof solving the problem of task allocation and scheduling for knowledge workers.


