

Research on the Scientific and Technological Achievement Transformation Mode of Natural Disaster Monitoring and Forecasting System

【作者】 夏凌燕

【导师】 沈立新;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国因各种自然灾害造成的损失越来越大,灾害监测与预警已成为防灾减灾中重要组成部分。将已经研制成功的实时、可靠的自然灾害监测预警系统进行科技成果转化,对我国自然灾害防治战略部署和保证社会稳定具有重大意义。论文首先在理论研究、比较分析、政策解读和案例分析基础上,对我国自然灾害监测预警系统成果转化模式进行深入研究。目前科技成果转化模式主要有四种,它们分别是:高校自办企业转化模式;高校与企业合资主导的转化模式;“官、产、学”三位一体转化模式和BT建设模式。论文紧接着对以上几种科技成果转化模中存在的与市场需求脱节问题、融资问题、产权归属问题、政策法规以及管理机制问题进行了一系列研究和探讨。根据自然灾害监测预警系统特有的公益性科技成果性质特点,提出将“官、产、学”转化模式与BT建设模式相结合,以社会需要、市场需求为导向,政府为主导的形式对预警系统科技成果进行转化和商品化。从“公益科研—政府”双向视角分析了我国公益性科技成果转化的各种因素和优势,对解决自然灾害监测预警科技成果转化过程中出现的问题有很大帮助,对我国公益科技成果有效转化提供了可行性建议。最后,本文结合华中灾害预警研究开发有限公司研发的自然灾害监测预警系统科技成果转化的案例分析,提出“官、产、学”&BT建设模式在预警系统科技成果转化中的可行性思路和应用办法。采用此模式不但扩大了融资渠道,提高科技成果转化效率,还增强了市场竞争能力,提升了科技成果转化过程中抗风险能力,对加快公益性科技成果产业化,推进区域经济可持续发展,起到了积极的促进作用。

【Abstract】 In recent years, loss resulting from natural disasters increases greatly in our nation. Natural disaster and forecasting system has become the important component of disaster prevention and mitigation engineering. Consequently, stetting real-time and accurate information of hazard monitoring is a key issue in natural disasters monitoring and forecasting system. It is benefit of natural disaster prevention and strategic plan, which is very significant to economic development and social stability.The paper studies on references summarizing, policy deciphering and case analysis. the in-depth study of scientific and technological (S&T) achievement transformation mode of natural disaster monitoring and forecasting system. At present, conversion mode of technological achievements there are four main models in China, including: High-tech Park, college and enterprise cooperation mode, industry-university research cooperation (IURC), BT construction mode.The paper research and analyses the existing problems of S&T achievements transformation mode, such as scientific research is out of tune with the market, question of financing project, allocation of property of knowledge, management machine-made question and so on. According to the nonprofit scientific and technological achievements characteristics of natural disaster monitoring and forecasting system, so the researcher suggests that IURC and BT mode. The mode has to market-oriented, dominant by state and government, transformation and commercialization of scientific and technological achievements of the early warning system. the author analyzed the factors influencing the transformation process of non-profit research institutes S&T achievements in China in a two-way perspective of "Non-profit research-Government" by employing the theories regarding technological innovation as well as balance between supply and demand, for the countermeasures on possible solutions improving the result of non-profit S&T achievements transformation, in order to innovate the system of non-profit S&T and promote active participation of users of non-profit S&T achievements. Finally, the combination of a disaster warning research and development of Central China Co., Ltd. R&D of natural disaster monitoring and early warning systems for S&T achievements into the case analysis, the feasibility of ideas and way of "IURC"&BT construction mode in the S&T achievements of the early warning system. Using this model not only to expand the financing channels, improve the efficiency of scientific and technological achievements, enhanced market competitiveness, and enhance the ability to resist risks in the process of scientific and technological achievements, speed up the industrialization of the nonprofit scientific and technological achievements, and promote regional economic sustainable development, since to a positive role in promoting.

  • 【分类号】X43
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】157

