

Research on the Guangdong Province’ Maritime Current Situation and Countermeasures

【作者】 龚明

【导师】 吕靖;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 公共管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在广东省,由于其经济发展水平和特殊的管理水域、港口建设以及水上交通运输的形式,海洋经济是举足轻重的经济发展领域。近年来随着广东海洋经济发展战略的确定,沿海港口和内河航运将迎来新一轮的快速规划发展期,届时辖区水上安全及溢油风险不断加大,社会公众对安全和环保的诉求不断提高,履行国际公约与维护国家权益责任日益加重,海事管理作为保障海洋经济健康、快速、稳定发展是一项至关重要的行政职能。广东海事局作为保障广东省辖区水上交通安全、高效的主要职能部门,一方面担负着保障航行安全,保护海洋环境、便利水上运输、维护国家权益的神圣职责,另一方面又在服务区域社会经济发展中承担重要的角色,是海事系统分支机构最多、功能较为全面的直属海事局。在近年广东海事管理面临摊子大、战线长、业务全和任务重等特点的情况下,广东海事局不断探索海事管理的新方法和新技术,力图提高海事管理效率,提升海事管理水平。本文通过对新公共服务理论、整体性治理理论、网络化治理模式和信息化背景下一站式政府服务理论的解读,结合广东省海事部门的实际情况,针对广东省海事管理实践中的问题提出建设性的改进措施。本文主要分为五个部分。第一部分是阐述问题的提出与选题的意义、相关学者的研究现状和论文的内容与结构安排。第二部分是对海事管理职能相关概念和理论的阐释,为海事管理职能的健全优化提供理论基础。第三部分是对西方发达国家典型海事管理的先进工作经验进行描述和分析,主要包括英国、美国和北欧各国的海事管理现状,通过对现状的分析总结,概括西方国家的典型海事管理经验为广东海事管理提供借鉴。第四部分是对我国广东省海事管理的现状和存在问题进行分析论述,对目前海事管理过程中存在的问题进行分类概括,主要包括组织体系复杂权力分散,管制主义严重服务理念缺乏,预警应急系统的落后,缺乏社会组织和公民对海事管理的参与,海事管理电子政务的构建不完善,法律法规的不健全等问题。第五部分是为广东海事管理的改革提供对策和建议,在广东海事管理职能的基础上,强化海事管理的服务意识,提升服务水平;对海事管理部门进行整体性治理使其管理结构趋于合理化;海事管理应急预警系统的不断加强和完善;对海事管理电子信息系统的充分有效利用;对海事管理法律法规的健全和完善。广东海事管理作为政府职能的重要一环,是适应海洋经济不断发展完善,加快海事管理机构自身转变和海事管理职能不断优化的所需要的。如何构建最优的海事管理机构,怎样才能使海事管理机构发挥最大的效用,使得一个服务意识不断增强,技术手段日益先进完善,行政能力不断提高的海事管理机构日臻成熟,是一个具有深刻实践和理论意义的选题。

【Abstract】 In Guangdong, Marine economy is an important economic development area, due to its economic development level and as special management area, the construction and the port in the form of water transportation. In recent years, with Guangdong Marine economic development strategy decided, coastal ports and inland water transportation will have a new round of rapid development planning, during this time, water safety and jurisdiction of oil spill risk will continuously increase, the appeal of social public to improve safety and environmental must higher than before and same as performing international convention and maintenance national rights. As a safeguard of Marine economic rapid, healthy and stable development of maritime management is a very important administrative function.On the one hand, the Guangdong maritime have the right for the security navigation safety, protecting the marine environment and convenient transportation, on the other hand, as directly bureau under the maritime affair own the most branches and functions, taking an important role in the service area in social economic development. In recent years, with these problems so as big, front stall long, business and characteristics of the heavy task, the Guangdong maritime administration takes exploration of the maritime administration, new method and new technology, trying to improve maritime management efficiency, improve maritime management level.This article try to puts forward constructive improvement measures, through an interpretation of theory to the new public service theory, the integrity management theory, network management mode and one-stop service based on information, combined with the practical situation of the Guangdong maritime department, in view of the problems in the practice of Guangdong province maritime administration.This paper mainly divided into five parts. The first part is to explain why choose this subject, the present research conclusion and structure arrangement. The second part is about maritime management function related concepts and theoretical explanation, providing the theoretical foundation for maritime management function optimization. The third part is description and analysis of typical of the western developed countries maritime management work experience in advanced for reference, mainly including Britain, the United States and the Nordic countries maritime management status. The fourth part is the current situation and existing problems of Guangdong maritime management, in the process of generalization classification, this paper on the maritime manage the problems mainly including organization system complex scattered power, control socialist serious lack of service concept, warning of the emergency system backward, the lack of social organizations and citizens to participate in the maritime administration, maritime management of the construction of the electronic government affairs is not perfect, laws and regulations. The fifth part is suggestion, on the basis of Guangdong maritime management function, such as:strengthening the management of maritime service consciousness, improving the service level; make its management structure tend to be reasonable; the maritime administration emergency warning system constantly strengthen and improve; make fully effective use of electronic information system; improve Legislation.Guangdong maritime management, as an important part of government function, need to adapt the development of Marine economic perfect, and speed up the maritime administration to their own transformation and maritime management function of the continuous optimization. This paper is a profound practice and theoretical significance selection of subject about how to construct the optimization of the maritime administration, and how can the maritime administration maximum utility, to form a maritime administration mature gradually with a sense of service, more advanced technology, and having the administrative ability continuously raised.

【关键词】 海事管理服务整体性治理整合
【Key words】 Maritime managementServiceIntegrity managementIntegration
  • 【分类号】F552
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】368

