

The Dangerous Goods Safety Operations Management Research of Laizhou Port

【作者】 田瑞巍

【导师】 曾庆成;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着市场经济的迅猛发展,我国港口建设随经济的发展而不断扩建,我国港口在普通货物安全作业、危险品安全作业上提出了更加严格的要求和巨大的压力。安全作为我国港口危险品生产管理的最主要的部分,一直占有最重要的位置。我国港口企业的安全生产能力和安全生产管理水平,经过长期的建设和发展,有了较大的提高,主要危险品港口的生产作业安全事故死亡率在逐年下降,说明我国危险品港口在转型中取得了很大的成绩,但港口危险品作业中重特大事故仍时有发生。本文主要研究了我国港口危险品作业安全管理中的突出问题,通过现阶段港口发展中产生的问题,以当前国内港口的基本形式和发展类型,结合本人在莱州港的实践经验,分析莱州港危险品安全作业管理中存在的问题,借鉴西方成熟港口对危险品安全管理的管理方式方法和我国大型危险品港口的成功案例,针对存在的安全生产和管理实践等方面的主要问题,提出了莱州港危险品作业安全管理方案,并提出了相应的对策。本文运用文献索引、案例研究、层次分析、数据模型分析法等方法,结合实践,建立莱州港危险品作业安全管理指标体系,通过数据模型演算、运用公式推导、层次分析检验,得出最后结论并加以总结:一、完善相关法律法规;二、建立员工考核录用制度和标准;三、善员工培训、晋升机制强化现场监督检查;四、保企业长治久安健全安全管理体系和应急救援体系。通过缜密分析,最终建立有效、有序、完善的整套危险品作业安全管理体系,从而确保莱州港危险品安全作业和港口快速稳定的持续发展。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid development of market economy, the development of port construction in our country and the continuous expansion, port dangerous goods safety brought great pressure of our country, puts forward the port dangerous goods is very strict requirements. The harbor dangerous goods production management is the most important part of security, it has held the most important position. Although our country’s port enterprise of the production safety of the ability and the safety production management level after long-term construction and development, with large improvement. Port operation safety first,dangerous goods production operation safety accidents and death accident declined year by year, means our dangerous goods in port in transformation have great achievements.This paper mainly studies the harbor dangerous goods safety management in the prominent problems, through the present in the development of port and the cause of the problem, the basic form of the port and development type, based on his own experience in laizhou, put forward the laizhou the dangerous goods safety management of some problems, reference to mature western port management mode of the dangerous goods safety management method and our dangerous goods port successful cases, in view of safety production and management practice and so on the main problems, and proposes effective measures, and the laizhou the port in the development of their own problem analysis and the development trends and the prospects of the development goals.This paper using literature index, case studies, hierarchical analysis, data model analysis and other methods, combined with practice, establish laizhou the dangerous goods the operation safety management index system, through the data model calculation formula, using hierarchical analysis, inspection, draw the conclusion and summarized:a, perfect the relevant laws and regulations; Second, set up an employee appraisal system and standard employed; Three, the good employee training, promotion mechanism strengthen site supervision and examination; Four, the enterprise stability and improve the safety management system and emergency rescue system. Through the careful analysis, and finally establish effective and orderly, perfect set of dangerous goods the operation safety management system, so as to ensure that a safe operations laizhou the dangerous goods and port of rapid and stable for sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】U698.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】186

