

The Disciplinary Institutionalization of Science of Physical Education Training

【作者】 张红梅

【导师】 米靖;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 体育教育训练学是由体育教学理论和方法与运动训练学于1997年合并而来,其基本仟务是指导各个运动项目的技战术学习与教学训练过程的组织实施。本研究力图从学科的视角出发,采用文献研究法、词频分析法、专家访谈法和理论分析法等研究方法,对体育教育训练学学科建设的外在标准—学科建制进行了系统、深入的研究,对体育教育训练学的学科建设具有实际的理论价值和现实指导意义。本研究分别对体育教育训练学在国家学科分类标准中的定位、学科研究组织、学科代表人物、代表著作、学术会议、学术刊物、开设学科课程等情况进行定性与定量相结合的学察与分析,以此得出体育教育训练学的相关结论:(1)体育教育训练学具有深厚的历史渊源,经历了潜学科、显学科和成熟学科三个发展阶段。(2)体育学按照研究对象、研究内容以及学科层次等维度和标准划分为体育教育训练学、体育人文社会学、运动人体科学和民族传统体育学四个二级学科,各学科研究对象相对明确,研究范围边界较为清晰,少有交叉,学科层次略有差异。(3)体育教育训练学在《中华人民共和国学科分类与代码国家标准》、《普通高等学校学科专业目录》、《授予博士、硕士学位和培养研究生的学科、专业目录》以及《中国图书馆分类法》等国家各类学科分类体系中占据重要地位。(4)体育教育训练学已经具有了包括学校、研究所、协会等较为规范的研究组织,形成了较为完整、专业的学科课程体系。(5)体育教育训练学的学术研究队伍日益壮大,学术研究程度愈加精深,具有较高研究价值的论著越来越多,并出版了具有相当影响力的代表著作和教材。(6)教学与研究活动已经走上制度化轨道,具有明确的研究热点与趋势,在形式上已经作为一门独立的学科建立起来。

【Abstract】 Science of physical education training is combined with teaching theory and method in physical education and sports training theory in1997, its basic task is guiding the learning of each sports item s technique and tactics and the organization and implementation of the progress of teaching and training. My thesis tried to start from the perspective of discipline by literature consultation, word frequency analysis method, mathematical statistics and theoretical analysis method, to study on the discipline institutionalization. It has a guiding significance of discipline construction of the science of physical education training.Study on the positioning of classical systems, tissues, representative figures and works, academic meeting and magazines, offering courses to draw a conclusion:(1) The science of physical education training has three development stages.(2) The science of physical education training is different from the three other second-class subject in discipline levels.(3) The science of physical education training plays an important role in classical systems.(4) The science of physical education training has normative tissues. And it already has complete and professional offering courses.(5) The academic study teams of the science of physical education training are stronger and stronger. The science of physical education training already has representative works and teaching materials. (6) The seience of physical deucation training has clear study hot spots and tendencies and has alady establishen as an independnt subjict.


