

The Optimized Design of Sports Movement Pattern

【作者】 程翀

【导师】 袁守龙;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 运动训练, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 竞技体育的本质即是动作模式,动作模式就是在相应的动作程序指令下人体各环节程序化、系统化的操作和执行过程。动作模式承载着运动素质和技术,并最终决定运动表现力。本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法、观察法、专家访谈法、个案研究法、数理统计法,以竞技体育动作模式及其优化设计理论为研究对象,并将国家帆板队运动员及我国优秀网球运动员徐俊超作为应用研究对象进行论文的撰述,得出以下结论:1动作模式是在神经系统支配下,肌肉、筋膜及关节系统共同对预先储存在人脑中相应中枢动作编码进行程序执行的过程,其过程按照动作时空连续理念有序完成。神经肌肉系统和动力链、核心柱是形成正确动作模式的重要环节,合理的动作模式可使训练效益最大化地迁移至专项技术,有效预防损伤,提高运动能力。2动作模式按照身体各关节有机组合结构,可以由部分到整体进行分层分类:第一层包括各个单关节动作模式;第二层分别包括上肢、躯干、下肢动作模式;第三层包括上肢躯干、下肢躯干及上下肢动作模式;第四层为全身性动作模式。3通过对运动员标准化动作模式(FMS)测量可以对运动员身体运动功能进行筛查,可以作为动作模式训练设计的依据。4通过对网球运动员徐俊超为期8周的动作模式训练,有效促进了其训练身体姿态的改善,提高了髋关节灵活性、核心柱力量及击球爆发力。5通过对国家帆板运动员进行功能训练的实践应用,有效地控制伤病,将新增伤病降低到零,并提高运动员专项体能的贮备。

【Abstract】 The essence of sports is Movement Pattern, a systematic and programmed operation process of all parts of human body under the corresponding instructions of action procedures, reflects the quality and techniques of sports and determines the expressive force of the movement.By applying the literature study, expert interviews, observations, logical analysis and Mathematical statistics, this paper studied the optimization design of the movement pattern of sports, analyzed the application of such design among the excellent tennis player Xu Junchao and national sailing players and finally concluded:(1) Movement pattern is controled by the domination of the nervous system, and then is a procedures process which muscles, fascia, and joint systems execute the corresponding central movement coding which is pre-stored in the brain, the process in accordance with the space-time of movement continuum concept to compete orderly. The key of forming correct movement patterns is the neuromuscular system, kinetic chain and the core pillar. Correct movement patterns can effectively prevent sports injure, improve athletic performance and reinforce the technical expression.(2) On the basis of the systematic combination of main joints, movement pattern is classified by different combinations:first, the movement, of every single joint; second, the movement patterns of the upper limb, trunk and lower limbs; third, the movement patterns of the upper limb add the truck, the lower limb add the trunk and also the upper add lower limbs; Fourth, the movement patterns of the whole body.(3) After the systematic training of movement patterns for8weeks, the posture of tennis player Xu Junchao is improved, his hip mobility, core pillar strength and the power of batting are also improved. (4) Through the practical application of functional training on the national windsurfing athletes, injuries rate of athletes has effectively control, new injuries reduced to zero, and to improve athletes special physical reserve.


