

The Method of Cycle Ergometer Test to Evaluate Cardiorespiratory Function for Middle School Student

【作者】 李常青

【导师】 熊开宇;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 运动人体科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:本研究在PWC170机能试验的基础上,设计功率自行车逐级递增的亚极量负荷实验,计算当心率达160次/分时的相对体重功率值(PWC160相对值),旨在利用PWC160相对值及建立的等级标准评价初中生的心肺功能。研究方法:以初一学生307人(男165人,女150人)为研究对象,对同一群体进行功率自行车极量、亚极量负荷实验和台阶试验,以最大摄氧量为效标,将测得的台阶指数、PWC160相对值与最大摄氧最结果进行相应的分析。研究结果:(1)、男、女生台阶指数与最大摄氧量相对值的相关系数分别为0.265、0.124;男、女生PWC160相对值与最大摄氧量相对值的相关系数分别为0.762、0.707;PWC160相对值的信度系数为0.831,目.两次测试的结果无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(2)、男生PWC160相对值建立预测最大摄氧量回归方程为:y=22.779+9.256x,R2=0.581,R2c=0.574,SEE=2.81ml/kg·min。最大摄氧量实测值与预测值的相关系数为0.844(P<0.01),且实测值与预测值间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。女生PWC160相对值建立预测最大摄氧量到归方程为:y=24.777+6.679x,R2=0.5,R2c=0.492,SEE=1.75ml/kg·min。最大摄氧量实测值与预测值的相关系数为0.835(P<0.01),实测值与预测值间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。(3)、PWC160相对值在各等级分布比例理想,不同PWC160相对值等级人群的最大摄氧量相对值的趋势为:上等>中上等>中等>中下等>下等;不同体型人群PWC160相对值趋势为:体重正常组>体重偏重组>体重过重组。研究结论:(1)、PWC160相对值与最大摄氧量相关性显著高于台阶指数与最大摄氧量相关性且PWC160相对值的信度较好,因此PWC160相对值可更准确地反映初中生的心肺功能。(2)、PWC160相对值推测最大摄氧量回归方程为,男:y=22.779+9.256x;女;y=24.777+6.679x。(3)、利用PWC160相对值制定的评价标准的区分度好,与最大摄氧量量对值评价心肺功能的一致性好,对肥胖影响心肺功能的敏感性好,因此可利用功率自行车实验测得PVVC160相对值的方法及评价标准评价初中生的心肺功能。

【Abstract】 Purpose: This study designs cycle ergometer progressively increasing Sub-maximal intensity test which is based on the PWC170test. Calculate the physical work capacity relative body weight valne when the heart rate is160beat/niin(PWC160relative value). This study aims to evaluate the cardiorespiratory function of middle school students by the evaluation criteria established by PWC160relative value.Methods: The subjects are307middle school students(165boys,150girls),we do the maximal cycle ergometer test, step test and the Sub-maximal cycle ergometer test for the same group of person, the VO2max measured on the cycle ergometer is standard. Then analysis the relationship of step index and PWC160relative value with the VO2maxResults:(1) Tlie correlation coefficient of step index and VO2max boys and girls are0.265、0.124;The correlation coefficient of PWC160relative value and VO2max boys and girls areO.762、0.707;The re-test results that the correlation coefficient of twice PWC160relative value is0.831.There was no significant difference(P>0.05).(2) In the Regression equation for boys, R2=0.581. R2c=0.574, SEE=2.81ml/kg·min. The correlation coefficient between VO2maxactual measmed value and predictive value is0.844(P<0.01) in the assessment group. There was no significant difference between them(P>0.05). In the Regression equation for girls, R2=0.5. R2c=0.492. SEE=1.75ml/kg·min. The conelation coefficient between VO2max actual measured value and predictive value is0.835(P>0.01) in the assessment group. There was no significant difference between them(P>0.05).(3) In the evaluation criteria established by PWC160relative value the PWC160relative value distribution ratio in all levels are ideaL The general trend of the relatively VO2max in different levels group is excellent>better>good>commom>poor>very poor. And there was significant difference during the group(P<0.05). The general trend of the PWC160relative value in different body weight group is normal weight>overweight>obesity. Conclusions:(1) The correlation coefficient between PWC160relative value and VO2max is higher than step index. And it is reliable. So it’s good to evaluate the cardiorespiratory for the middle school student.(2) The regression equations of PWC160relative value Speculate VO2max are:for boys: y=22.779+9.256x. for girls: y=4.777+6.679x.(3) In the evaluation criteria established by PWC160relative value, the differentiation is good. The PWC16o relative value is consistent with the VO2max relative value. PWC160relative value is sensitive to obesity. So we can evaluate the cardiorespiratory for middle school students by the evaluation criteria established by PWC160relative value.


