

Beijing Colleges Students Focus on the Causes of Sub-health Status and Physical Intervention of Thinking

【作者】 王爽

【导师】 竭晓安;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展,社会的竞争态势趋于白热化程度,不同群体在各自范围内承受着比以往更多的身心压力,亚健康状态的发生已经成为全球人类中的普遍存在现象。作为国家经济可持续发展的储备力量和后备人才,高校学生的亚健康状况严重影响着学生自身的成长和发展,对社会的整体可持续发展也会产生内在的制约作用。本研究采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数量统计法、逻辑分析法等方法对北京市26所重点高校(国家211工程院校)学生的亚健康状况以及体育锻炼情况进行调查研究,在全面了解和掌握北京市重点高校学生亚健康状况的基础上,分析其形成亚健康状态的原因;通过对体育预可行性的研究,从学生角度出发,选择相应的体育干预内容和方法。得出以下结论:1、北京市重点高校学生的亚健康状况比较普遍:1)北京市重点高校学生亚健康状态发生率为67.98%,低于世界卫生组织提出的75%的亚健康发生率;2)北京市重点高校学生的亚健康状态呈现以下分布特征:女生的亚健康发生率略高于男生;大四学生的亚健康发生率在其他年级中位于首位;农村学生的亚健康发生率高于城市学生;内向型性格学生的亚健康发生率远高于外向型性格学生。2、北京市重点高校学生亚健康状态的成因由多方因素所致:1)学习生活因素:表现为课程设置较多,学习负担较重;学习生活压力较大;饮食不规律,睡眠时间不足;过度上网等不良习惯及嗜好。2)社会环境因素:就业形势严峻造成就业压力较大;缺少人际活动交往;家庭经济条件的客观制约;生活环境污染较严重等社会环境所致。3)体育锻炼因素:体育锻炼的重要性认识不够;参与体育锻炼的时间不足,运动频率不充分。4)其他影响因素:先天性体质遗传;学生自我健康意识较低。3、对亚健康学生群体进行体育干预具有一定的有效性和可行性:1)体育锻炼对亚健康具有生理、心理、社会适应的整体效应机制;2)体育锻炼作为预防大学生亚健康最简单易行的方法,可以通过完善体育课程设置,多样化体育项目教学,改进体育锻炼方式等方法和途径进行干预。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economy, society tends to intense level of competition, in different groups within their respective scope under far more physical and psychological pressure, sub-health has become a widespread phenomenon in the global human. As the economic sustainable development of the country’s reserve forces and reserve forces, sub-health of college students seriously affects the student’s own growth and development, on the sustainable development of society as a whole will also have the inherent constraints of. This research used literature information method, and questionnaire investigation method, and number statistics method, and logic analysis method on Beijing26by focus University (national211Engineering College) students of Asia health status and sports exercise situation for investigation, in full understanding and master Beijing focus University students Asia health status of Foundation Shang, analysis its formed Asia health state of causes; through on sports intervention feasibility of research, from students angle starting, select corresponding of sports intervention content and method. Draw the following conclusions:1. Beijing focus University students of Asia health status comparison General:1) Beijing focus University students Asia health state occurred rate for67.98%, below who made of75%of Asia health occurred rate;2) Beijing focus University students of Asia health state rendering following distribution features:girls of Asia health occurred rate slightly higher than boys; senior students of Asia health occurred rate in other grade in the is located in first; rural students of Asia, health occurred rate above city students; Student inward-looking character sub-health rates far higher than export-oriented character of students.2. The key cause of sub-health of University students in Beijing caused by multiple factors:1) learning factors:demonstrated by the curriculum more burden heavier; learning life stress; irregular diet, lack of sleep; excessive Internet use and other bad habits and hobbies.2) social factors: the employment situation is grim employment pressure larger;lack of interpersonal activities; family economic conditions of objective constraints; living environment due to the social environment of more polluting.3) physical exercise factors:insufficient understanding of the importance of physical exercise participation in physical exercise time is less than, exercise frequency is not sufficient.4) other influence factors:genetic congenital Constitution; students’health awareness is low.3. The sub-health student group has a certain validity and feasibility of sports intervention:1) physical exercise on sub-health has the overall effect of the physical, psychological and social adjustment mechanisms;2) to physical exerci se as a means of prevention of sub-heal th of college students the most simple and easy, you can improve the diversification of curriculum of sports and sports teaching and improvement methods such as physical exercise ways and means to intervene.

  • 【分类号】G647.8;G807.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】325
  • 攻读期成果

