

Chinese Juvenile Walking Race Project Reserve Personal Training Structure Characteristics Research

【作者】 陈振

【导师】 张英波;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 理论是实践的依据,少年竞走运动员基础训练理论上的相对不足致使训练实践效率低下的同时,甚至还成为成人专项提高阶段成绩进一步提高与系统最大训练成效形成的障碍。本研究认为少年基础训练研究的不足是导致后续有效的、可持续发展的重要因素,需要进行有针对性的研究,以期从根本上解决竞走项目运动员训练科学化的问题。对少年竞走基础训练阶段进行深入研究,通过以15个省市共22个国家竞走项目奥林匹克后备人才基地与11个非基地中的11-16岁竞走运动员为研究对象,对我国基层体校竞走教练员现状研究、基地与非基地少年竞走运动员现状调查与分析,并且对竞走项目基础训练不同训练阶段中存在的问题进行探讨与研究,发现相关问题并提出建设性的建议,研究主要结论如下:1.我国基层体校教练员主要来源于专业运动员退役,20-39岁之间的教练员是基层体校教练员的主体,执训年限在10年以内的是基层竞走教练员队伍的丰体,少年竞走教练员所拥有的学历大部分与其所对应的学识及能力不相吻合,有“名不副实”之嫌。2.我国少年竞走运动员主要分布为于华北地区、东北地区、华东地区、西北地区,总共所占比例为78.32%,西南地区、华中地区、华南地区运动员总共所占比例为21.68%,我国竞走训练基地主要分布于中、高纬度的我国东、北地区,低温、低湿是其显著的气候环境特点,适于开展以耐力为主的竞走运动。3.各种训练课的时数、次数安排基本与大纲相符合,并且教练员在安排上一致性很高,但是在训练时数、次数上分配训练内容时,各项训练内容的比例出现一定程度的失衡,在比赛次数安排上一般基础练阶段偏少,初级专项阶段男、女运动员基本与大纲保持一致。4.一般基础训练阶段:竞走运动员全面身体训练比例低于大纲要求,专项技术训练与专项素质训练比例均高于大纲的要求,初级专项阶段:竞走运动员全面身体训练比例基本达到大纲的要求,专项技术训练比例又进一步提高,超过大纲的要求,专项素质训练比例有所下降,低于大纲的要求。5.竞赛期比准备期运动强度提高,身体训练手段主要包括:弓箭步走、单脚跳、仰卧挺髋、坐挚摆腿、负重摆臂、俯卧撑等,技术训练手段主要包括:原地摆臂练习、“8”字走、上下坡走、勾脚尖走、直腿走、快频走、大步幅走、平衡转髋走等,准备期主要是对一般耐力的发展,竞赛期主要是对专项耐力的发展,对运动员的体能要求加大。

【Abstract】 The theory is a practical basis, the Junior Race Walkers basic training in theory, the relative lack of resulting in inefficient training practice at the same time, even as adult special to improve the results of stage to further improve the obstacles with the maximum training effectiveness of the system. In this study, juvenile basic training is the lack of follow-up effective, sustainable development an important factor in the need for targeted research, in order to Fundamentally solve the problem of race walking athletes scientific training. Junior Race basic training stage in-depth study, by Race Walking the project Olympic reserve talent base and11bases in15provinces and cities in22countries, aged11-16Walking Athletes Race coach of China’ sgrass-roots sports school Present Status Survey and Analysis of base and non-base Junior Race Walkers, and explore and examine the problems in the Race Walking the project-based training in the training stage, discovery-related issues and put forward constructive suggestions, the main conclusions are as follows:1. China’s grass-roots sports school coaches from professional athletes to retire between the ages of20-39coaches is the main body of the grass-roots sports school coaches, years of executive training in less than10years is the main grass-roots Race Coaches Junior Race Walking coaches have qualifications most of it corresponds to the knowledge and ability is not consistent,"unworthy of the name" too.2. Our Junior Race Walkers are mainly distributed in North China, Northeast, East China, Northwest Territories, a total proportion of78.32percent, southwest and central China, southern China athletes a total proportion of21.68%, China Walking Training base mainly located in the high latitudes of the Eastern, Northern region, the low-temperature, low humidity is the climate of its significant environmental features, suitable to carry out the Race Walking endurance-based.3. The number of hours for a variety of training courses, the number of arrangements basically consistent with the outline, and coaches high consistency in the arrangements, but in the training hours, the number distribution of training content, the proportion of the training content to a certain degree the imbalance, the arrangement of the number of games on the general basic training stage less than normal, primary special stage of male and female athletes the basic outline consistent.4. General basis for the training phase:the overall proportion of physical training for race walking athletes below the outline of the requirements, specific technical training and the special quality of the training ratio is higher than the requirements of the outline, primary special stages:the full proportion of physical training for racewalking athletes basic outline requirements, specific technical training ratio further improved to more than outline the requirements, the special quality of training decline in the proportion below the requirements of the outline.5contest period to prepare of movement strength, body training methods include:lunge walk, hop, sit very hip, seat leg swing, weight-bearing arm, and push-ups, technology training methods include: in situ arm practice,"8" go downhill walking, toe hook to go, straight legs go, the frequency of fast walking pace of go, balance transfer hip go, the preparation period is the development of general endurance competition of mainly the development of special endurance athlete’s physical fitness requirements increase.

【关键词】 少年竞走后备人才训练结构
【Key words】 juvenileRacereserve talentstraining structure

