

Beijing Union University Staff Physique Health and Fitness Habits of the Investigation

【作者】 白雪冬

【导师】 郭永波;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以北京联合大学全体教职工的体质健康和体育锻炼为研究对象,运用文献资料法、测量法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等等研究方法,对该群体的健身习惯与体质状况进行调查研究。得出如下结论:1.我校教职工的身体健康状况不容乐观,在体检中共检查出40多种疾病,其2374人有不同程度的症状或病变,总检出率64.04%。危害我校教职工健康的主要疾病是高脂血症、高血压、脂肪肝等。2.我校教职工体质综合评价结果合格率高于全国平均水平,但是优秀率、良好率均低于全国平均水平。相比较而言,我校教职工中心性肥胖趋势更明显。总体上,我校教职工身体机能低于全国平均水平,心肺耐力较差。我校教职工肌力低于全国平均水平,下肢爆发力、肌肉耐力、身体平衡能力优于全国平均水平。柔韧素质部分年龄段优于全国水平。我校教职工的神经系统反应和动作的综合能力较强。3.我校教职工尚未形成良好的健身习惯。不参加体育锻炼比例较高。障碍我校教职工参加体育锻炼的主要原因是“工作忙”、“没兴趣”、“缺乏组织指导”、“家务重”。我校教职工主要以校内体育场馆做为健身场所,健身场所和健身方法选择有年龄、性别特点。对体育锻炼的健身作用认识比较到位,都将“增强体质”作为参加健身活动的第一目的。4.我校教职工体质健康状况不佳与未形成良好的健身习惯有关。良好健身习惯有助于提高人的健康水平,通过对不同锻炼水平人群的各项体质监测指标比较研究,发现良好健身习惯有助于改善身体机能、能够促使身体充实度明显改善、减少脂肪、提高身体素质。基于此,提出对策与建议。教职工本人应养成科学生活方式,积极参与体育锻炼,主动学习健康知识,定期进行健康检查。有关部门应积极为教职工减压,加大投入,应积极引导组建教职工体育组织,提高他们参与体育锻炼的能力与兴趣。同时建议今后加强对“体质健康弱势群体”体质健康的针对性研究,提供针对性强的理论与实践指导,提高我国国民体质健康研究成果的实践应用性。

【Abstract】 Based on the Beijing union university all staff of physical health and physical exercise for the study, using the literature material method, measurement method and the comparative method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics method and so on research method of the group fitness habits and constitutional condition to investigate. The conclusions are as follows:1. Our school staff’s health is not optimistic, medical check out of the communist party of China’s in40kinds disease, its2374people have different levels of symptoms or lesions, total detection rate64.04%. Harm to the health of the staff in our school major disease is hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure, fatty liver, etc.2. Our school staff physique comprehensive evaluation result qualified rate was higher than the national average, but excellence rate, good rate is lower than the national average. In comparison, our school staff of central obesity trend more obvious. Overall, our school staff body function below the national average, cardiovascular system is bad. Our school staff strength below the national average, the explosive force, the lower limb muscles endurance, body balance ability is better than the national average. Flexible quality is better than the national average of age. Our school staff’s nervous system response and the comprehensive ability strong action.3. Our staff have not form the good fitness habits. Don’t take part in physical exercise ratio is higher. Our school faculty obstacles in physical exercise is the main reason of the "work busy","not interested","the lack of organization, guidance,""housework heavy". Our school staff to the main sports venues as fitness place, fitness place and fitness methods choose to have age, gender characteristics. For physical exercise fitness function understanding is in place, will be "the enhanced physique" as the first purpose of a fitness program. 4. Our school staff physique condition and not formed a good fitness habits. Good habits help to improve fitness health level, through different exercise level the constitution monitoring index crowd comparative study, found that good fitness habits help to improve the body function, can make full body, reduce the fat obviously improve the degree, improve the quality of the body.Based on this, puts forward some countermeasures and Suggestions. Staff I should form a scientific way of life, and actively participate in sports exercise, active learning health knowledge, regular health checks. The relevant departments shall actively teaching staff reduced pressure, increasing investment, should actively guide to build a staff sports organization, improve their participation in sports exercise ability and interest. Also recommended that in the future to strengthen "physical health vulnerable group" of the specific physical health and to provide targeted the theory and practice of the guidance, and improve our national physical health of the research of practical application.

【关键词】 体质健康健身习惯教职工
【Key words】 physiquehealthfitness habitsstaff

