

Graduates’ Employment Survey and Analysis on Sport Science in Beijing Sport University

【作者】 王鹏

【导师】 王荣辉;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近十年来,随着我国高等教育体制改革的不断深化,就业体制由最初的“统分统包”逐步转化为“自主择业,双向选择”,高校的招生规模不断扩大,毕业生数量也急剧攀升。毕业人数的快速增长,无疑加大了就业竞争,开始出现高校毕业生的就业率降低、就业质量下降、就业难等一系列问题,也成为当前社会关注的热点。运动人体科学专业作为体育科研的重要支撑学科,近年来,随着国家对体育科研的重视,取得了长足的发展。但是,受整个社会就业环境的影响,运动人体科学专业毕业生也出现了就业难度增大、就业质量下滑等问题。本研究是通过问卷、电话、走访等形式,对近三届毕业生的就业状况进行调查,对造成目前这种状况的原因加以归纳和分析。以期找出合理有效的解决方法,一是为新教学计划的修订和完善提供依据,二是增加今后毕业生教育和就业指导服务的针对性,进而提高教学质量,增强毕业生的就业竞争力。通过数据分析和归纳得出如下结论:1.毕业生的主要就业单位是体育类相关的企业和公司,工作地域则主要集中在北京和东部沿海的大中型城市。2.被调查毕业生的月薪主要集中在2000-3000元,月薪在3000元以上的仅有27.3%,大多数毕业生对目前的工作还比较满意。3.教学内容安排仍然不够完善:一是专业课种类多但讲解深度不够;二是实习时间的安排不太合理,未能发挥实习在实践培养和就业中的作用。三是实验课的课时偏少。4.多数毕业生不满意学校的就业指导工作,希望将就业指导课列为必修课程。5.用人单位对毕业生的总体评价比较满意,但认为在创新意识和创新能力培养上仍需加强。

【Abstract】 Over the past10years, with the deepening of the reform of higher education system in China, the employment system has transferred ultimately from initial "government-planning assignment" to "independent option and two-way choice", due to the growing expansion of recruitment scale, the number of graduates also rise sharply. The rapid growth of the number of graduation, there is no doubt that it has increasing the employment competitive, and begins to appear a series of problems, such as the reduction of the college graduates’ employment rate, the decline of employment quality, and difficulty In jobhunting, and these have been a widely concerned issue.As an important support to sports research, Sport Science has made great strides in recent years, owing to the country’s emphasis on sports science. However, due to the environmental impact of the social employment, the graduates of Sport Science also suffer from the problems such as increasingly difficulty of employment, employment decline in the quality and so on. This study is done through a questionnaire, telephone, visits and other forms. We made a survey about the employment condition of the last three years, and summarized and analyzed the reasons that causing the current situation. We try to find reasonable and effective solutions, not only to provide the basis for the revision and improvement of the new teaching plans, but also to improve the relevance to graduate education and career guidance services in the future, to improve the quality of education, and enhance the competitiveness of the graduates.Through data analysis and summary we get the following conclusions:1. The main units of graduate employment is sports-related businesses and companies, working area is mainly concentrated in Beijing and the eastern coast of the large and medium cities.2. Monthly salary of graduates surveyed are mainly concentrated in2000to3,000yuan, monthly salary of3,000yuan is only27.3%, most of the graduates are quite satisfied with the current work. 3. Arrangement of teaching content is still not perfect:First, there are many kinds of specialized courses, but it’s not enough to explain the depth. Second, practice time is not reasonable, it isn’t playing the role of training and in practice employment. Third, the experimental class is relatively few.4. Most graduates are not satisfied with the school’s career guidance, career guidance course should be set as a compulsory subject.5. The overall evaluation of graduates from the employing units is satisfactory, however, they think that we still need to be improved in training of the innovative consciousness and ability.

【关键词】 运动人体科学本科毕业生就业状况
【Key words】 Sport ScienceGraduatesEmployment

