

Teachers Resource Development in Stage of Basic Education

【作者】 朱江

【导师】 茆邦寿;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 行政管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 人力资源开发仿佛一直是企业界的专利,教育领域很少涉及,或者说教育领域的教师人力资源开发很少引起人们的重视。在大力提倡素质教育,推进课程改革的今天,我国基础教育要适应现代教育的发展趋势,就必须对基础教育的教师人才进行开发,创新基础教育阶段人才资源的管理,这是基础教育实现跨越式发展的重要途径。把人力资源的开发研究引入到教育领域,不仅意味着对教师的管理观念从传统的人事管理开始转向人力资源管理,更意味着对教师资源进行充分的开发及利用。针对我国在教师人才‘开发中存在的问题,必须从实现源头上树立正确的人才观念,形成科学合理的人才开发与管理的指导思想。从我国第一代领导人毛泽东到现在的国家主席胡锦涛,他们都曾经对基础教育予以高度重视,提出了要大力发展基础教育,对基础教育阶段的教师资源进行合理开发,以满足国家对人才的需要,满足现代社会发展的需要。基础教育对于一个孩子的成长尤为重要,好的基础教育能够让孩子成为对社会有用的人,而不好的基础教育有可能会毁了一个孩子的终身。所以,要尤其重视基础教育阶段的教育质量,努力提高基础教育阶段教师的各方面素质和能力,以更好的教书育人。基础教育学校教师人才资源的开发与管理应以优化人才配置为目标,从教师的招聘、考核、培训、激励等方面予以优化。只有优化了各类人才的配置,才能提高基础教育阶段的教学质量,才能更好的给国家和社会输送大量的高素质人才‘。本文共分为五个部分,第一部分为绪论,主要介绍课题的来源、研究的意义、研究现状以及研究方法。第二部分主要介绍了人力资源管理相关的理论,对公共部门人力资源管理的理论进行概括和论述。第三部分主要是对国外一些国家的基础教育阶段教师资源的开发进行介绍,选取了发达国家美国和德国,发展中国家古巴作为例子,通过对这些国家在基础教育阶段教师资源开发领域所取得的经验,来为我国基础教育阶段教师资源的开发提供经验。第四部分主要以怀宁县为调查对象,从教师的招聘、考核、培训、激励等方面出发,发现其中存在的一些问题并提出改进建议。最后一部分是对我国基础教育阶段教师资源开发提出的建议。本文通过对安庆市怀宁县基础教育阶段教师人力资源开发的研究分析,找出制约基础教育阶段教师资源开发的因素并提出建议。这对于我国基础教育阶段教师人力资源的开发具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。本文主要通过文献法、调查法、数据分析法等,对怀宁县基础教育阶段教师资源的开发进行了实证研究。通过问卷调查,发现怀宁县基础教育阶段教师资源开发所存在的一些问题。这些问题的存在既有内因又有外因。因此,树立以学校为主,政府为辅的教师资源开发的理念十分重要。通过学校在各方面对教师的引领,来解决现阶段基础教育教师资源开发存在的问题。

【Abstract】 Human resource as if the patent of the business community, the field of education is rarely involved, or education teachers in the field of human resources development, has been paid little attention.Today, strong proponent of quality education and promoting curriculum reform of basic education are very important. Our country must develope basic education teachers talents and innovate the stage of basic education of human resources management to adapt the trend of development of modern education. This is an important way of basic education by leaps and bounds.The introduction of human resource development research to the field of education, not only means that the management concept of the teacher began to shift from the traditional personnel management human resource management, but also means that the full development and utilization of teacher resources. For the problems of our country in the talent development of teachers, we must establish a correct concept of talent from the realization of the source, formate a correct way of the guiding ideology of the scientific and rational development of human resources and management.From the first generation of leaders Mao Zedong to the current President Hu Jintao, they have all the basic education attach great importance to develop basic education, the rational development of the stage of basic education teachers resources to meet national manpower need to meet the needs of the development of modern society. Basic education is particularly important for a child’s growth, a good basic education that allows children to be socially useful, without good basic education likely will ruin a child for life. Therefore, particular emphasis on the quality of education of the stage of basic education, efforts to improve the stage of basic education teachers in all aspects of quality and ability to have better teaching and educating.The goal of the the human resources development and management of basic education school teachers, should be to optimize the allocation of talent. The purpose of optimizing the allocation of talent is to improve the quality of basic education, to transport a large number of highly qualified personnel for the state and society.This article is divided into five parts, is the introduction of the first part introduces the source of the topic, the significance of the study, research status, and research methods. The second part introduces the human resource management theory, summarizes and discusses the theory of public sector human resource management. The third part of some foreign countries, the stage of basic education teachers in resource development, the selected developed countries, the United States and Germany, developing countries, Cuba as an example by those countries in the stage of basic education teachers in the field of resource development the experience of the stage of basic education teachers resources development experience. The fourth part, Huaining County survey, in terms of teacher recruitment, assessment, training, motivating and found some of the problems which exist and make recommendations for improvement. The last part of the recommendations of the stage of basic education teachers in resource development.By researching and analyzing the county of Huaining’s stage of basic education teachers in human resource development, to identify the factors of restricting the stage of basic education teachers resource development and make recommendations. This has important theoretical and practical significance for the development of human resources of the stage of basic education teachers in China.In this paper, I do an empirical study on the stage of basic education teachers in the development of resources of Huaining County, through literature, survey, data analysis. Through questionnaires, I found some problems in the resource development of the stage of basic education teachers in Huaining County.These problems have both internal and external. So, it is very important to make the concept of establishing school-based teachers, supplemented by government resource development. Leading the teacher by the school to solve the problems at this stage of basic education teachers resource development

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

