

Research on the Construction of Chinese Family Lawsuit Procedure

【作者】 欧园

【导师】 刘艳芳;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 诉讼法学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 家事案件是在家庭身份关系基础上派生出的各种矛盾纠纷,家庭纠纷自然也被视为民事纠纷的一个重要组成部分。但人们很少会探究家事案件的内在属性,也很少关注家庭矛盾对家庭关系乃至社会稳定的影响,对其是否适用现行民事诉讼法或能否设置专门地诉讼程序以应对这类案件也不曾做出过细致地思考。随着经济社会的不断发展,面对家事案件大爆发的社会现状,家事诉讼程序作为专门处理家事案件的专业化审理程序和完善民事诉讼法体系的重要一环,逐渐受到人们的重视。纵观两大法系的主要国家和地区对家事诉讼程序的法律规定,不仅皆存在针对家事案件的专门立法和审判机构,并且大多设置了特别规定用来完善家事诉讼程序。例如,日本在传统地家族观念和遵循职权主义原则的影响下,设置了《人事诉讼法》,并建立家庭法院、配备专业化地审判法官审理家事案件。而英美法系的代表美国,则受本国双轨制的司法制度和判例法的影响,只在联邦和各州的法律条款中散落规定处理家事案件的法律规则,并随着社会矛盾的激化,大力倡导调解结案和检察官介入家事案件的特别规定,综合处理家庭纠纷。对于这些家事法律规定的域外经验,在我国构建家事诉讼程序的过程中,是值得借鉴的。随着家事矛盾数量的不断激增,家事诉讼程序的设置与否,关涉到家庭成员的合法权益能否得到有效保障,关涉到家庭和睦关系和社会公共利益能否得到有效维护,关涉到民事诉讼法专业化地发展道路能否得到有效把握。面对国内家事立法和家事审判制度缺失的局面,若要更好地设计我国的家事诉讼程序,就必须从“立法”和“司法”两方面对其进行必要地探究。由于现行民事诉讼法推崇当事入主义原则,导致在很多家事案件中把责任推向当事人,法官完全消极地应对审判过程,再加上当事人诉权空间的有限性,法律不能最大化地保障其合法权益。而遵循职权主义原则则能很好地促进家事案件的公正裁判,维护家庭社会利益。我国的基层法院审判任务逐年加重,且法官往往既忙于调解又忙于审判,对家事纠纷这种专业性较强的案件又缺乏专业知识予于应对,在很大程度上不能正确有效地解决家事纠纷所触及的核心矛盾。若在家事诉讼程序中设置专门法院和专业化地家事审判人员,不仅能大大分流基层法院的审判压力,还能促进家庭矛盾得到科学、合理地解决。同时,为避免各方诉讼对立使得本已脆弱地家庭关系再次受到伤害,为完善民事诉讼法判决执行对当事人权益的保障,重视调解制度在家事案件中的灵活适用和建构家事诉讼程序中的行为保全制度等规定,也是在具体设计中需要考虑的重要内容。

【Abstract】 Family cases in family identity relation is derived out on the basis of the various disputes, family disputes also was regarded as the civil dispute is an important part of. But very few people will pay attention to the intrinsic attributes of family cases, are rarely studied in family conflict on family relations and social stability, the applicability of the current civil procedure law or could set up specialized procedure to deal with such cases have not been made careful thinking. With the continuous development of social economy, in the face of family cases, a large outbreak of social status, family procedure as a specialized treatment of family cases specialization trial procedure and perfect law of civil litigation system is important one annulus, gradually the attention of people.In two legal systems of the major countries and regions of the family procedure law, not only have the family cases special legislative and judicial organizations, and most of them set up special rules to improve the family procedure. For example, Japan under the influence of in traditional family values and the authority principle,to set the 《personnel procedural law》and establish the family court, equipped with professional trial judge family cases. While the Anglo-American law system of representatives of the United States, by its dual-track justice system and case law, only in federal and state law in terms of the scattered provisions of family cases in the rule of law, and along with the intensification of social conflict, advocate mediation and prosecutors involved in the special provisions of family cases, treatment the family disputes comprehensively.Along with the domestic contradiction quantity increase sharply, the family lawsuit procedure is set or not, related to the family members of the legitimate rights and interests can be effectively protected, related to family relationships and social public interests can be effectively maintained, refers to the civil procedure law professional development can be effectively grasp. In the face of domestic family legislation and the situation of lack of family trial system, to better design of our country family lawsuit procedure, must from" legislation" and" justice" in two aspects carries on the necessary inquiry.Due to the current civil procedure law respected the litigant principle, resulting in many family cases in the responsibility to the party, judge completely negative response to the trial process, plus the litigant right of the limited space, the law cannot maximize safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. And follow the authority principle can well promote family cases of justice, the maintenance of family social interests. And follow the authority principle can well promote family cases of justice, the maintenance of family social interests. China’s grass-roots court trial task increased year by year, and the judge is often busy busy again tried to mediate, family disputes in this highly specialized cases and the lack of professional knowledge to deal with, to a large extent can correct effectively solve family disputes involved the core contradiction. If the family procedure set up a specialized and professional family court judges, not only greatly shunt grass-roots court trial pressure, but also promote the family conflicts are scientific, reasonable solution. At the same time, in order to avoid the parties to the litigation against the already fragile relationship between family hurt again, in order to perfect the civil procedure law enforcement of the judgment on the legitimate rights and interests of litigants, attached to the mediation system in family cases in the flexible application and construction of family procedure rules of conduct preservation system, but also in the specific design needs to consider important content.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

