

The Research of the Development and Change About the Television Psychological Service Column

【作者】 刘阳

【导师】 吕萌;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 伴随着社会的高度发展,人们的生活压力也与日俱增。这种生活压力的增长不仅表现在物质生活层面,更多的集中体现在心理层面。每年我国都有相当一批生命因心理压力没有得到及时排解而走上不归路,还有不少人生活在心理的亚健康环境中。自杀、暴力等因为心理问题而导致的自我伤害和伤人事件不断曝光在人们的视野之中。虽然出现了《心理访谈》等专注于此类问题的电视栏目,但目前学界对此类栏目的研究还不够多、不够系统化。本文则试图对此类栏目的发展变化进行梳理并力求探索变化背后的原因。当下,学界在分析《心理访谈》、《幸福魔方》等栏目时,多将其划归为电视访谈类、情感类栏目。但笔者认为心理服务类栏目的分类更适合此类电视栏目。为此,笔者首先对电视心理服务类栏目的基本概念做出了界定。在对此类栏目进行基本的类别界定后,首先以《幸福魔方》栏目为个案,从栏目构成要素和叙事策略等方面对其进行了基本解读,为下文的对比分析打下基础。然后,对《心理访谈》和《幸福魔方》两大栏目进行梳理对比分析,从栏目本体层面和核心层面两个角度分别探寻电视心理服务类栏目在发展过程中的变化与不变之处。栏目变化与不变的表象背后总是与社会的发展变迁有着密切的关系,所以本文的重点是在梳理分析后探讨促成电视心理服务类栏目发展变化的深层次原因,主要包括社会环境的变迁、受众心理需求的发展和媒介生存空间的变化三大方面;并试图从中总结出媒介与受众、媒介与社会环境、媒介与社会发展之间的关系。在论文的最后,笔者将把目光重新收回到电视心理服务类栏目本身,描述此类栏目的最新发展状态,并提出自己总结的一点发展启示。本文希望通过对电视心理服务类栏目整体发展变化的梳理分析及原因探究,能够进一步加深业界对此类栏目的深入研究,为实际操作提供一些借鉴。

【Abstract】 Along with social development, people’s living pressure also grow with each passing day.The life stress growth not only in material life level, more concentrated at the psychological level.Every year our country has quite a batch of life because of mental stress have not been timely troubleshooting and go on the road of no return, there are a lot of people living in psychological sub health environment.Dutch act, violence because of psychological problems caused by self harm and wounding incident is ceaseless exposure in people’s field of vision.Although there has been a "psychological interviews", focusing on such problems on TV, but the current academic circles of such program research is not enough, not enough systematic.This paper tries to the section of the development change review sought to explore the reasons behind the changes.At present, the academia in the analysis of "psychological interview","happy Cube" and other columns, the classified as television interview, emotional column.But the author thinks that the psychological service program classification is more suitable for this kind of television program.For this, the author firstly TV psychological service program’s basic concept was defined. In the column are basic categories defined, first to "happy Cube" column for the case, from the column elements and narrative strategies in the aspects of the basic interpretation for the following analysis, lay the foundation for.Then, on the "psychological interviews" and "happy Cube" two columns carried out comparative analysis, columns from the ontology and the core dimensions of two angles to explore television psychological service programs in the development process of change and change.Inheritance and evolution of column of the presentative backside is always with the social development has the close relationship, so the focus of this paper is to explore the psychological analysis to television after service program development change reason, including the social environment changes, the psychology of audience demand development and media living space changes in three aspects; and attempts to summarize of media and audience, media and social environment, the relationship between the media and social development.At the end of the thesis, the author will look back to TV psychological service program itself, describe the sections of the latest development status, and put forward their own summarizes the point of development and enlightenment.This article hopes to TV psychological service program overall development change analysis and study, can add further deep and critics on this section of the in-depth study, to provide some reference for the actual operation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

