

The Tang Dynasty Doctors Study

【作者】 樊艳芳

【导师】 胡秋银;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 专门史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是一个历史悠久的国家,是世界四大文明古国之一,传统文化璀璨夺目,中医学即是其中一颗耀眼的珍珠。在中国古代社会,有唐一代是封建社会发展的全盛时期,政治、经济、文化都得到了充分的发展并且达到了前所未有的高度。统治阶级重视医药卫生事业的发展,官方医药机构规模宏大、制度完善,在中央设有太医署、药藏局等,历史上第一次把医学教育从中央推广到地方,形成了遍布全国的医学教育系统。唐朝政府还制定了严格的医学人才选拔制度,医事制度在当时世界处于遥遥领先的地位,并且在民间建立了相对完善的医疗体系。因为医疗水平关系国计民生,所以唐代社会先进医疗体系的建立对中华民族的健康发展做出了贡献,同时使得医学发展迅速,与国外的交流也更加广泛,所有这些成果的取得是离不开医生这个群体的积极参与的。医生作为掌握医药卫生知识、从事疾病预防和治疗的专业人员,是社会生活中一组特定的人群。本文将有医疗活动和医疗事迹的人,均作为研究对象。全文从以下三个方面来展开。第一部分主要考察唐代医学教育、医学考试和奖惩等方面以展现唐代医事制度。唐朝从中央到地方形成了比较完整的医学教育体系。在科举制度影响下的唐代医学人才考试、选拔与考核如“国子监法”及仿效“明经”、“明法”的规定,反映了唐朝对医学人才的重视。而医学教育中针对不同专业的不同学制以及灵活学制,包括旬试、月试、岁终试和毕业试的考试制度,体现了医学教育的严格和灵活,唐代政府很好地把握了医学教育的特点。医学人才的选拔有生徒、制举、贡举和待诏几种方式,体现了人才选拔的多样性,而对医生的奖惩也相当严格。这些方面对后世产生了积极的影响。第二部分系统介绍唐代医生的基本状况,包括唐代医生的基本构成、医生的角色、学医方式及地位等几个方面,力求把握唐代医生的总体面貌。唐代与医学有关的人物根据史料可大致分为三类:一是可以明确为医生者;是有医学著作但不明确其是否行医;一是精医理,但不以行医为职业。从其具体身份和角色来看,医生又分为官医、民医、道医和僧医以及文仕通医者。习医的方式包括家传、师授、自习或上官方医学校这四种方式之一或兼其-二。在唐代空前繁荣和开放的环境下,医学确有不少进步,医学教育比前代更完善,医生数量更合理,地位也有所提高。但是医学领域的盛况相较于其它文化领域的空前盛况而言‘,还是不能同日而语,这一现象值得我们深思。第三部分重点分析唐朝文仕通医现象。文人士大夫对医学产生浓厚兴趣,对中医学的发展做出贡献。唐代文仕将前代及唐当代的医学临床经验进行积累并达到了前所未有的高度,这为后世医学理论的突破提供了技术上的积累。同时,唐代文仕对医学的爱好程度与魏晋时期文仕对医学避之唯恐不及的态度形成了鲜明的对比,为宋代及以后儒医阶层的崛起奠定了基础,从而也为后世医学理论的突破性发展提供了人才储备。儒医阶层的崛起使得医学及医生的社会地位发生了鲜为人知的变化。总之,唐代的官方医疗机构、医学教育、医疗制度、官医、民医及文仕通医等方面虽都有局限性,但我们也不能否定整个唐代对中国传统医学的作用、贡献,更不能轻视中国医学。

【Abstract】 China is one of the four ancient civilizations and has a long history country. It enjoys dazzling tradition culture among which traditional medical science is most prominent.In ancient China, Tang dynasty represents the peak of the feudalist society. The development of political, economy and culture has reached unprecedented height. The ruling class attached great importance to the development of medicine and hygiene. They expanded the scale of the official medical organizations, improved related institutions and set up Taiyi Shu and Yao Cang Ju. Thanks to their unremitting efforts, Tang Dynasty was the first to extend medical education from the ruling class to common persons in the history, thereby forming a nationwide education system. The government has enacted strict system to select medical personnel. The Tang Dynasty not only had a good lead in medical system, but also built relatively perfect healthcare system for its subjects. The quality of healthcare concerns national welfare and people’s livelihood. Consequently, the advanced medical system has made significant contribution to the sound development of Tang Dynasty, the rapid growth of medical science and the expansion of foreign exchange. Nevertheless, those achievements can’t be separated from the active participation of doctors. The doctor is one occupation as well as specific crowds. In the thesis, the author will analyze doctors in the Tang Dynasty doctor in order to display their general picture. Meanwhile, the author will conduct studies on the phenomenon that both the literati and officials were proficient in medicine, thereby revealing their deep interest in medicine.Doctors in the paper refer to the professions who master medicine knowledge and devote themselves to disease prevention and treatment in modern sense. Besides, those, who have no comprehensive medical knowledge but practice medicine, still under the category of research subjects.The paper is divided into introduction, the main body and summary. The main body has three parts. Part I is about the medical education, examination, awards and punishment in the Tang Dynasty, which serves as a background for the following macroscopic researches into doctors. The Tang Dynasty has formed a rather complete medical education system ranging from the central authority to local places. Under the influence of the imperial examination system, the authority formulated special rules on examination, selection and appraisal, which shows their attention to medicine talents. The school systems vary from specialty to specialty. There are examinations every ten days, month and year as well as the graduation examination, which reflects the strictness and flexibility of medical education. The central government has grasped the features of medical education. There are several ways to select medical personnel, such as Shengtu, Zhiju, Gongju and Daizhao. And the rules on awards and punishment are strict too. These aspects have exerted active effects on future generations; and some of them are worth of acting as references for modern medicine education, examination, selection and appraisal of medicine personnel.Part Ⅱ introduces the general condition doctors in the Tang Dynasty, including their basic structure, roles, status and how they practice medicine. According to historical data, the personage relevant to medical science can be divided into three kinds. The first is doctors true to the name; the second is known for their medical works; the third is those who are proficient in medical knowledge but don’t take doctor as a career. The above three kinds show the components of doctors. From the perspective of their status and roles, doctors include officials, common persons, preachers, monks and scholars. Some are doctors for generations; some are learn from professional teachers; some are from themselves; some graduate from official schools. Thanks to the prosperity and openness in the Tang Dynasty, the medical science has witnessed great progress; the medical education is better than the previous dynasties; the number of doctors is more reasonable; their status is improved. However, the prosperity can’t compare with that in cultural and art filed, which deserves our deep thoughts.Part three mainly focuses on the phenomenon that both literati and officials are proficient in medicine. Their strong interest in medicine has made huge contribution to the development of the Chinese traditional medicine. those literati and officials have summarized the clinical experience in the Tang Dynasty and the previous ones. The unprecedented accumulation lays foundation for the theoretical breakthroughs in medicine in the following days. Their strong interest, in sharp contrast with the coldness in Wei-jin Period, lays foundations for the birth of the Confucian psyhcians in the Song Dynasty and the following ages and reserves talents for the breakthrough growth of medical theories. The emerging of Confucian physicians brings out rarely known changes in the medicine and the social status of doctors.In short, there are limitations in official medical establishment, medical education, healthcare system, official and common doctors in the Tang Dynasty. Nonetheless, we can neither deny its contribution to Chinese tradition medical science nor look down upon Chinese medicine.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】R-092;K242
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】433
  • 攻读期成果

