

A Study on the Countermeasures of Employment Aid to the Migrant Workers From the Perspective of Human Capital

【作者】 乔峥

【导师】 蒋长流;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 西方经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 农民工人力资本的提升以及顺利就业不仅关乎我国经济是否可持续发展,更影响到我国社会是否和谐稳定。通过对近年来暴露出的一系列农民工就业难题的深入分析,不难发现,由于农民工时常受到健康风险冲击、思想观念落后,外部又有政策、制度等因素的制约,因此农民工就业状况与城市劳动者相比处于全面劣势地位,而其中的关键瓶颈在于农民工所具备的知识、技能以及健康等自身软硬条件的缺陷,即所谓“人力资本”存在着弱质性。因此有必要从人力资本提升的角度出发去研究对农民工进行就业援助的问题。本文以农民工的人力资本为研究对象,从健康、教育、职业培训等人力资本构成要素剖析其人力资本的弱质性;外部制约因素方面,对我国目前就业援助体系中存在的不足之处进行分析,并从人力资本提升的角度找到农民工就业援助的对策,以实现农村富余劳动力在城市顺利就业,城乡和谐发展。具体而言,本文首先对人力资本、农民工就业转移的相关理论、就业援助对策等方面进行系统地阐述,并列举了德国、日本、美国三个发达国家对于弱势群体的就业援助对策以及对我国的启示,然后通过分析我国农民工的转移就业情况,指出农民工人力资本的弱质性是制约农村富余劳动力能否得到有效转移的关键,据此本文得出结论——应当从普及农村基础教育、加强政府与企业以及社会第三方对农民工的劳动技能培训、强化对弱势群体的社会保障等措施来提高农民工的人力资本存量,最后以人力资本提升为立足点具体分析改善农民工就业困境的各项对策。

【Abstract】 The employment of migrant workers not only affects China’s sustainable development, but also has influence on our harmonious society. But deep into the problems of migrant workers’ employment, it’s easy to find out that the lack of human capital such as knowledge、skills and health leads to the dilemma of their transfer to urban areas, which also places them at a disadvantage compared to the urban labor force. There force, how to improve the human capital of migrant workers remains unsolved.This paper concentrates on the weakness of migrant workers’ human capital, analyzes the restricting factors of the employment of migrant workers, points out that the dilemma of their employment is resulted from the weakness of their human capital. Then looks for a way to change this bad circumstance with the purpose of helping them find their ideal jobs in the city. In this paper I first introduced two mainstream theories of human capital and listed the policies which Germany、Japan and the US took when they faced the unemployment of disadvantaged labor force. I think there are several ways such as improving the education and training programs to the disadvantaged people、letting them share the same social security with the urban people and so on. Finally hoping to find the suitable policies for China from the perspective of promoting migrant workers’ human capital.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

