

On the Problems and Countermeasures of Archives Work in County Economic Development Zones

【作者】 郭庆文

【导师】 李财富; 武元庆;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 档案学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 经济开发区是一种为引进外资和技术,促进经济发展,由国家政府划定实行优先鼓励工业建设并给予优惠政策的特殊区域,是我国对外开放的“窗口”、发展外向型经济的基地。县级经济开发区作为我国经济开发区的组成部分,在提高县域经济发展水平,促进中小城市发展上起着不可估量的作用。“只要有人类活动的地方就会产生档案”,在县级经济开发区发展建设中,必然会产生各种各样的档案。这些档案反映了地方政府的经济发展步伐及城市建设发展进程,是地方政府城社会记忆重要组成部分以及国家宝贵的档案资源,因此做好经济开发区档案工作具有重要的社会现实意义。然而由于经济开发区的特殊性,其管理机构是政府部门的派出单位,部门机构精简、高效,工作重心在于招商引资与经济开发区建设上,经济开发区的档案管理工作则被视为“副业”,没有有效地抓管起来,档案工作水平也就远落后于经济开发区建设水平,成为经济开发区发展不协调的一幕,也反过来制约着经济开发区的发展。本文作为马鞍山市和县的“安徽大学与地方政府共建研究生培养基地”的课题,把和县经济开发区作为一个案例,分析其档案工作存在的问题,针对问题,提出相关的完善对策,进而探索做好县级经济开发区档案工作之路,为做好县级经济开发区档案工作进言献策。全文共分五个部分:第一部分是绪论,论证了选题的研究目的、研究意义,对经济开发区档案工作的国内外研究现状进行总结评述,最后阐述本文的主要研究内容、研究思路与研究方法以及主要创新点。第二部分介绍和县经济开发区一些基本概况和档案工作现状,并对档案工作存在问题进行总结。和县经济开发区主要由经济开发区管委会和开发区企业共同组成。和县经济开发区管委会是和县人民政府的派出机构,主要负责开发区的规划、建设和招商引资工作;开发区企业则是以三联泵业和县电线电缆有限公司为龙头的五十多家企业。经济开发区管委会在县档案局的督导下,档案工作初步开展;而开发区企业档案管理情况则是良莠不齐。总体上来看,和县经济开发区的档案管理状况呈现出“三角形”结构:实现档案综合管理的单位,数量极少;初步开展档案工作的单位、数量次之;而大多数企业的档案管理较差甚至根本没有开展。第三部分是针对和县经济开发区的档案工作存在的问题进行全面分析。宏观上,经济开发区档案管理体制不明确,缺乏开发区档案管理制度和档案管理机构;具体的管理上则是个各单位、企业档案意识薄弱,重视程度不高,并且缺乏档案专业人才等。第四部分从和县经济开发区这一特例上升到一般,从县档案管理部门的角度提出做好县级济开发区档案工作的对策。先从提高开发区人员的档案意识入手,做好宣传教育工作,进而制定统一的经济开发区档案管理制度、建立开发区档案管理机构,加强对开发区档案工作执法检查。同时还要加大对开发区档案人员的培训,提高其档案业务素养。第五部分是结语,提出县级经济开发区档案工作发展愿景与方向,指出论文研究的不足之处。

【Abstract】 The Economic Development Zone is a special area for introduction of foreign capital and technology and promoting the economic development, delineating by the state and providing preferential policies government to encourage industrial construction. It is the "the window" of China’s opening to the outside world and the development of export-oriented economy base. The County Economic Development Zone, regarded as our country economic development zone components, plays an inestimable role in improving the level of county economy development and promoting the small and medium-sized city development."As long as there are human’s activities, there will generate archives", there will generate all kinds of archives during the construction and development of the County Economic Development Zone. Because that these files reflected local government economic development and city construction process and also they are the important components of social memory of the local city and valuable national archival resources, it is of great social significance to manage these archives well. However, due to the particularity of the Economic Development Zone------its management mechanism is the government’s sending units, the departments and agencies streamlined, efficient, and its working centre of gravity is investment and Economic Development Zone building------the archives management work is seen as" avocation" in Economic Development Zone, did not effectively to catch up, the level of archival work also far behind the economic development zone construction level. This becomes an incongruous scene and also in turn restricts the further development of the Economic Development Zone.This paper is the " Anhui University and local governments build postgraduate teaching base" task of Hexian County, based on Hexian County Economic Development Zone, analyzes the existing problems of archives work, and explore a road to improve the archives work in County Economic Development Zone, and to suggest ideas to the local government. The full text is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, to discuss the topics research purpose, research significance, and the domestic and overseas research status about the archives work of Economic Development Zone, finally the paper expounds the main contents of this article, the research mentality, the research method and main points of innovation.The second part introduces some of the basic profiles and the present situation of archives work and the problems of archives work in Hexian County Economic Development Zone. Hexian County Economic Development Zone can be mainly divided into two parts, one is the Management Committee and the other is the whole enterprises in Hexian County Economic Development Zone. The Committee, the government agency of Hexian, is mainly responsible for the development of district planning, construction and investment; There are more than50enterprises in The Development Zone by the end of2011. The Economic Development Zone’s archives work preliminary development under the management of the county Archives Bureau, the special archive administration department of the government; however, the enterprises files management is uneven, some good and some bad. Overall, the archives management level presents a "triangle" structure in County Economic Development Zone:comprehensive management unit, which the number is seldom; initially carry out the work units which the number is limited; but most of the enterprise’s archives management is poor even did not carry out.The third part is for the problem analysis in archives work of Hexian County Economic Development Zone. Macroscopic, The archives management system is not clear, the lack of archives work management institution and management mechanism; specific management in each unit and enterprise, the archives consciousness is weak, emphasis is not high, and the lack of professional person with ability.In the fourth part, the paper ascended from Hexian County Economic Development Zone to general. Standing on the point of the County Bureau, this paper put forward countermeasures to the archives work in County Economic Development Zone. Starting from improving the person’s Archives Consciousness in the Zone,the Archives Bureau should do the work of propaganda and education, and formulate a unified archives management system of Economic Development Zone, then establish the archives management mechanism, strengthen the development of archives work in law enforcement and inspection area. At the same time, the Bureau should increase archives personnel training, in the Development Zone to improve their archives literacy.The fifth part is epilogue, where put forward the vision and direction of archives work in the County Economic Development Zone, and then points out the shortcomings of this research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

