

The Cultural Interpretation on Symbols of Shuidong Candied Jujube

【作者】 余红艳

【导师】 王邦虎;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 人类学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 人类文化自产生以来,就具有可以被理解的特点。同时,文化借助象征符号得以创造和呈现。因此,对文化象征符号的观察和阐释成为人类学家积极追寻的方向。本文以水东蜜枣为研究对象,梳理了国内对枣文化的研究和西方人类学家关于神话-仪式的理论,采用参与观察、文献分析、深度访谈等方法,获得了丰富的资料,旨在对水东蜜枣文化进行微观描述,并对其中的文化符号进行解读,发现并理解其在当地社会中的文化功能和意义。对素有“蜜枣之乡”的水东之枣文化进行深刻解读,离不开对其展开深入详实的实地调查。只有将水东蜜枣文化放置于它存在的当地社会生活中,才能获得对水东蜜枣文化的深刻阐释。此外,通过对水东蜜枣文化的解读,笔者希望为“如何在现代化影响下,既保护水东蜜枣的历史文化,使它不失活力地传承下去,又促使当地形成文化产业”提供思路。本文由引言和四个章节组成。引言部分简要阐述了本文的研究缘起。第一章导论主要梳理了国内枣文化研究概况以及国外关于仪式研究的理论范式及研究领域,阐明了研究意义、研究方法,并界定了相关概念。第二章介绍了水东镇的地理环境和文化环境,包括气候、资源、当地主要经济方式、方言、饮食等多方面情况。第三、四章为本文的主体。第三章主要介绍了水东蜜枣文化中的制枣文化、食枣文化以及有关蜜枣的民间传说。虽然水东蜜枣制作经历了由家庭手工作坊到蜜枣合作社、现代工业化枣产品加工企业的历史过程,但是水东镇上当地的传统制作工艺和工具至今仍保留着,即使是在现代加工工艺中也渗透着一些传统气息。在食枣文化中,对当地比较典型的春节、婚礼这两个场合中关于枣的运用进行了细致的描述。水东当地关于蜜枣起源的民间传说有几个版本。在这些传说情节不但引人入胜,而且与当地社会事实紧密联系。第四章结合上一章对蜜枣文化的描述,重点分析了和尚帽子、茶枣、“枣归传说”作为象征符号在当地社会生活中的意义。结语部分对水东镇蜜枣文化进行了小结,并通过对水东蜜枣的文化符号阐释为其未来发展提供了一些思路。

【Abstract】 Human culture can be understood since its inception. With the symbols and signs, culture was able to be created and presented. Therefore, observation and interpretation of cultural symbols became the direction of anthropologists’studying. This thesis focuses on Shuidong jujubes, coordinating the domestic study on jujubes and Western the myth-ceremony theory. Based on the rich literatures from the methods such as participant observation, literature analysis and depth interviews, this thesis aims to describe Shuidong jujubes culture microscopically, interpret the cultural symbols in it and discover and understand the cultural function and significance in the local community.The field survey is vital to culturally interpret Shuidong;"the hometown of jujubes" as deep as possible. In order to interpret Shuidong jujubes culture deeply, local social life should be taken into consideration. In addition, the author hopes to provide a little hint for "how to protect the historical culture of Shuidong jujubes without losing the vitality, and to promote the local cultural industries under the influence of modernization" through this interpretation.This thesis composes of the foreword and four chapters. The foreword briefly illustrates the origin of this study. The first chapter introduces the overview of domestic research on jujube culture and foreign theory of myth-the ceremony to clarify the significance of research, research methods, and define the relevant conceptions. The second chapter describes geographical and cultural environment of Shuidong, including climate, resources, local economic, dialect, diet and other aspects. The third and fourth chapters are the main body of this thesis. The third chapter introduces the production culture, diet culture and folklore related with Shuidong jujubes. Although its production has become modern industry from family workshops, traditional production process and tools are retained so far. Even in modern processing technology, traditional atmosphere can also be found. The significance of jujubes in traditional Chinese New Year and local wedding customers is detailed explained. Shuidong local folklore on the origin of jujubes has several versions, not only fascinating, but also closely linked with the local social fact. Following the previous chapter, chapter four focuses on the significance of symbols such as monk hat, tea jujubes,"jujubes naturalization legend " in the local social life. The conclusion part summarizes the culture of Shuidong jujubes, and provides some ideas to it through interpreting.

【关键词】 枣文化符号
【Key words】 jujubesjujube culturesymbol
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

