

Design and Implement of Large Screen Multimedia Interactive Display System

【作者】 李建新

【导师】 吴建国;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是信息技术时代,计算机多媒体技术与网络技术得到了极其迅猛地发展,人们对视觉感受的要求越来越高,对各类亮丽超大画面的视频图像及其纯真的色彩、丰富的图像信息、高质量高清晰度的显示效果的需求越来越强烈。如今,包括工程设计、虚拟制造、模拟仿真、天文气象、影视娱乐、互动游戏等对图形应用要求较高的领域广泛用到大屏幕多媒体显示系统。当前的大屏幕多媒体显示系统主要有LED大屏幕显示技术和大屏幕投影显示技术。在投影显示设备中,按其投影方式的不同,投影显示分为正投影和背投影两种方式。背投是相对于正投影机而言的。“背投”即背后投影,是一种利用反射原理和投影技术将投影系统和屏幕组装成一体的成像显示系统。当投影机和观察者在投影显示屏幕同一侧时是正投,投影机照射出来的投影光线照射到投影屏幕上后反射到人的眼睛里,从而看到投影结果;当投影机和观察者处于投影显示屏幕的两侧时是背投,此时投影机位于机身内的底部,观察者通过投影机投射到半透明背投屏幕时透过的部分光看到投影结果。目前的各类大屏幕多媒体系统在屏幕尺寸、图像显示、画面清晰度等方面确实达到了令人震撼的效果,但是普遍存在放映形式单一、价格昂贵、组装困难的问题,更谈不上人机交互,不能引起参观者的极大兴趣,更达不到宣传的目的。本文设计了一种新的大屏幕多媒体互动展示系统,参观者在观看画面的同时,能够有效的参与人机互动,极大地调动了参观者的积极性,参观者对展示的内容印象更深刻。本系统包括投影反射系统、背投硬幕、DLP投影机、红外触摸框、展示内容制作软件等,该系统具有多种操作方式,其特有的手势操作、遥指触摸笔操作能够最大限度地满足操作者的要求,本系统应用领域广阔,适用于展馆、企事业单位、服务行业等需要信息互动展示或信息查询的各种场所,市场需求很大,市场推广前景非常具有潜力。本系统的设计思路是利用两个摄像头获取触摸物(如手指、触摸笔、教鞭等)在虚拟构建的触摸屏上的一维位置图像,采用智能图像识别和几何投影技术,利用软件方法通过坐标映射、触摸物识别、触摸物定位、触摸物动作判定等算法,实现大屏幕远距离手势虚拟触摸功能。系统配备能发出红外激光点的红外激光笔,投影遥指虚拟触摸功能是用图像传感器(或摄像头)获取计算机屏幕图像及激光光点在屏幕中的位置图像,采用智能图像识别和几何投影技术,利用软件方法通过激光光点识别、光点定位、坐标映射变换、光点动作判定等算法,实现投影遥指虚拟触摸功能。系统配备的多媒体互动展示信息平台制作、展示数据方便、灵活,该软件具有电子书架管理功能,其功能如同书房中的书架,相关的电子书都放在同一个电子书架上,便于管理和查看。多媒体信息展示内容被组织成书的形式,电子书由页面构成,页面中可以包含文字、图片,而文字、图片又可以链接到语音、视频、动画或书中的其它页面,甚至可以超级链接到另一本书,实现不同主题的多媒体信息的展示。

【Abstract】 Twenty-first Century is the age of information technology, multimedia technology and network technology developed swiftly and violently, the visual perception of the increasingly high demand for all kinds of beautiful, large screen video images and pure color, rich image information, high quality and high definition display effect of the increasingly strong demand. Today, including engineering design, virtual manufacturing, simulation, astronomy, studio entertainment, interactive games and other graphical, applications to higher areas widely used in large screen multimedia display system. The large screen multimedia display system consists of LED large screen display technology and large screen projection technology.In a projection display devices, according to the projection means different, projection display is divided into positive projection and back projection in two ways. Rear projection is relative to the front projection character."Projection" is behind the projection display system, is a kind of loan projection and reflection principle, will screen and projection system in an imaging system. Say simply, just is the observer and located on the same side of the projector projection screen, projector projection from the emitted light output to a projection screen, the observer through the projection screen reflected light to see projected results; rear projection is the observer and the projector is located on both sides of the rear projection screen, projector is mounted on the fuselage bottom, projected from the projector out of the light to a translucent screen will have a portion of the light through, the observer through the light transmitted to see projected results.At present all kinds of large screen multimedia system in screen size, image display, picture clarity, actually reached shocking effects, but widespread screening single form, expensive, difficult assembly problems, not to mention the human-computer interaction, cannot cause the visitors with great interest, but not to the purpose of publicity. This paper introduces the design of a new large screen interactive multimedia display system, visitors watching the screen at the same time, can effectively participate in human-computer interaction, greatly aroused the enthusiasm of the visitors, visitors to display content more impressive. The system includes a projection reflex system, projection hard screen, projector, DLP projection, infrared touch frame, display content production software, the system has multiple modes of operation, its unique gesture operation, remote operated touch pen to maximally satisfy the operator’s requirements, the system has wide application range, applicable to the exhibition hall, enterprises and institutions, the service industry needs information interactive display or information in various places, market demand is big, market prospect very potential.The system design is the use of two cameras to get touch objects (such as a finger, touch pen, pointer etc.) in the virtual construction on the touch screen of one-dimensional position image, using intelligent image recognition and geometric projection technology, using software method through the coordinate mapping, touch object recognition, object locating, touch object action decision algorithm, realize large screen remote gestures virtual touch function.The system is equipped with can emit infrared laser point infrared laser pen, projection remote virtual touch function is to use the image sensor (or camera) access to the computer screen images and laser light spot on the screen in position image, using intelligent image recognition and geometric projection technology, using software method by laser spot identification, spot positioning, coordinate transformation, actions of the light spot judgment algorithm, realization of remote virtual touch function projection.The system is equipped with interactive multimedia display platform of information production, display data is convenient, flexible, this software has the electronic shelf management function, its function as the study bookshelf, related books are placed in the same book shelf, convenient management and view. Multimedia information display of the content is organized into book form, e-book by page, page can contain text, images, and text, pictures can also link to voice, video, animation, or book of the other pages, or even super link to another book, to achieve different themes of the multimedia information display.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

