

The Features and Innovation of Maijia’s Novel

【作者】 石晓磊

【导师】 王木青;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 《解密》获中国小说学会2002年度长篇小说排行榜第一名,第六届茅盾文学奖提名;《暗算》斩获第七届茅盾文学奖;《风声》荣获第六届华语文学传媒大奖年度小说家奖,创下《人民文学》连载十期的历史记录。麦家在学术界和影视界所向披靡的骄人成绩,不仅意味着一颗文坛新星的迅速崛起,也体现了文学在大众传媒时代渐变的趋势。本文以麦家的文学作品为中心,从文本内容和形式两个维度来研究麦家文学创作的价值。但笔者对麦家的解读和文学作品风靡原因的探究并未停留在纯粹的文学理论层面,在此文的最后一章,笔者运用了哲学、政治学、艺术学、大众传媒等多门学科的知识,对麦家的文学创作意义进行了多角度的剖析和审视。事实上,在大众传媒挤占文学空间的现代社会,麦家的独特之处,并不在于他的文本里很好的融合了时代的元素,而是在人们习惯了精神快餐消费带来的便捷时,他还能坚信创作的缓慢力量,数十年如一日的讲述一群鲜为人知的无名英雄的故事。这些天才在困境面前会困惑、会彷徨,但他们依然会无怨无悔的踏上迈向远方的路。正是这种担当和毅然前行的勇气和信念,让我们发现了久违灵魂力量的闪光。也正在于此,麦家的风靡并不是一种偶然,它恰恰暗合了中国现代的精神转型。

【Abstract】 In the paper, the author respectively from the spiritual world of genius writing, password thinking and spirit as content of this Shouting three main dimensions and the text in the form of the labyrinth narrative, fiction and documentary and other art innovation to analyze their text the unique value of existence.And in comb the literary creation course, it is not hard to find the film and television, network and so on the mass media to its text to step in and influence. Therefore, the author and from the text in the media age in the literature for external perspective, to dig deeper into the text of the generation of soil characteristics unique society.Full text is divided into three chapters, the first chapter in the text from a travel tradition of special image, the character of the direction of the character and destiny absurdity of be vividly portrayed bear feeling to explain the beliefs of the strength and spirit have long time no see the Shouting.The second chapter, mainly in the form of text around a family travel tradition innovation spirit of exploration to touch the fusion of time elements. Chapter3, the research to a family travel tradition of the text itself to its existing internal perspective of external perspective, and from the contemporary social body awareness, carnival and film between the surge of text and the influence of evils.

【关键词】 密码意象迷宫叙事灵魂守望精神重构
【Key words】 Fate absurditySpiritual powerBeliefMass media
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

