

Investigation Report on Construction of Hunan Province Forestrysocialized Service System

【作者】 晋书元

【导师】 曾玉林;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 “三林”问题严重影响着新农村建设的发展,为此国家进行了全面深入的集体林权制度改革,旨在解决林区、林业、林农发展问题。随着集体林权制度改革的顺利进行,为了进一步推进集体林权制度改革,巩固改革成果,建立完善的林业社会化服务体系就迫在眉睫。加强林业社会化服务体系建设,是实现传统林业向现代林业转变的迫切要求,是全面深入推进集体林权制度改革的现实需要,是促进林农持续增收、促进农村和谐的内在要求。本课题通过对湖南省四个县200户林农的深入调查,分析林农对育林资金补贴、林权抵押贷款、科技服务、森林保险、发展林业合作组织等林业社会化服务的需求情况和供给现状及林农支付的意愿,揭示出当前湖南省林业社会化服务体系建设存在的诸多问题,如:(1)林业社会化服务供需不均衡;(2)林业市场化程度低,公众认知力度不高;(3)林业产业结构单一,服务动力不足;(4)林业资金投入不足,难以满足林业社会化服务需求;(5)公共服务机构的服务效率不高;(6)体系不健全、服务质量较低;(7)服务管理水平不高;等。针对当前林业社会化服务体系建设中存在的主要问题,通过多角度系统的分析,提出了改善湖南林业社会化服务体系建设的对策与建议:(1)扩大社会化服务范围,重点优先发展林农急需的服务;(2)鼓励多主体参与,建设多形式供给模式;(3)提高林农文化水平,完善林农需求表达机制;(4)提高服务主体的人员素质,充分发挥林业站的职能;(5)完善管理体制,加强组织领导;(6)优化运行环境;等等。

【Abstract】 This problem has a serious impact on the construction of new rural that forest areas, forestry and foresters only obtained little directly benefited. So countries have carried out a thorough reform about the rights of collective forestry, designed to solve it. With the smooth progress of reform of collective forest rights, in order to further implement the collective forest right system reform and consolidate the results of the reform. This is very urgent one measure:improving forestry socialized service system. Strengthen the socialization service system of forestry construction, it is to realize traditional forestry transforms to contemporary forestry demands, is to comprehensively promote the collective forest right system reform reality needs, is to promote the farmers continued to increase, to promote rural harmony of the inherent requirements.In this study, through in-depth investigation of the200farmers in four counties of Hunan province. Analysis of the demand for and supply of social services of forestry social services about farmers subsidies in terms of afforestation, mortgage loans on forest right, technology services, forest insurance, development of forestry co-operation organization, and so on. Revealed the main problems in the current construction of Hunan province, forestry socialized service system:(1) Forestry socialized service supply and demand are not balanced;(2) Forestry market-oriented low level of public awareness is low;(3) Forestry industry structure is simple, service underpowered;(4) Forestry funding is insufficient to meet the needs of forestry socialized service;(5)The service efficiency of public services is relatively low;(6) Poor quality of the system;(7) Forestry socialized service management is limited.In order to solve the main problems in the forestry socialized service system construction, from multi-angle analysis of the causes and related countermeasures and suggestions to improve the Hunan forestry socialized service system, the promotion of China’s forestry socialized service system has a certain reference value:(1) We should focus on giving priority to the development of farmers in urgent need of services to expand the scope of social services:Actively to the formation of forestry professional associations and cooperation Organization; accelerate the system of forestry In terms of financing, science and technology promotion, forest fire prevention;(2) Encourage subject participation, and build in various forms and modes of supply;(3) Improve foresters cultural level and farmers demand expression mechanism;(4) Improve the quality of personnel for the service principal, give full play to the functions of the forestry station;(5) Improve the management system, strengthen organization and leadership;(6) Optimize the operating environment.

  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】145

