

Regulation of Tree on Flowering and Fruiting of Swida Wilsoniana

【作者】 向明

【导师】 蒋丽娟; 李昌珠;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 林业, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 光皮树(Swida wilsoniana)是一种分布广、果实产量高、含油率高的木本油料植物。近年来,随着石化能源的日益枯竭和价格的大幅度上涨,生物燃料作为一种环保和可以再生的绿色能源越来越受到各国的重视。作为生物柴油的重要原料树种光皮树,改良品种以及栽培方法以提高光皮树果实的产量成为了研究重点。本文以提高光皮树开花结实率为目的,对3年生嫁接植株开展不同方式环割、修剪等处理,观测分析不同人工造伤和整枝修剪方式对光皮树早花丰实的影响,为光皮树高产栽培提供参考。主要研究结果如下:1、环割倒贴皮法、铁丝绞缢法、绳索绞缢法、环刻等不同的处理方法对光皮树生长产生不同影响的研究表明,铁丝绞缢法较其他方法对树高生长的抑制作用和树主干地径的增粗具有较强的促进作用,促进光皮树开花,其处理的植株开花保持在83%左右,与其他处理差异显著(P<0.05),同时开花数量显著提高,共有678个花序,占所有开花植株总开花数量的58.2%,与其他处理相比差异极显著(F>F001),相同处理方法在主干和主枝不同位置处理的差异不显著。2、铁丝绞缢法不同处理时间对光皮树生长及开花结实产生不同影响。7月份用铁丝绞缢法处理对光皮树树高的生长抑制作用更强,有效地促进地径的生长,与对照相比差异显著(P<0.05),不同时期处理对光皮树南北、东西冠幅的生长差异不明显;不同时期处理对光皮树开花株树和开花数量的增加作用差异都非常明显,且不同时期的处理开花数量的差异极显著(F>F0.01),其中以7月开始第一次处理促进开化效果最好,平均每株384枝花序,为对照的34.9倍。3、不同树形对光皮树开花结实产生不同的影响。根据栽植立地条件,采用不同的修剪方法对光皮树嫁接幼树进行整形,形成三种较好的树形:(1)自然开心形,其特点是枝轴的支撑力强,树冠低矮,中心开张,通风透光好,结果早,适宜坡地和平地栽植,为大多数品种选型;(2)主干疏层形,特点是主枝层次多,层间距大,树体相对较高,主侧枝立体分布好,支撑力较强,通风透光好,该树形适用于肥沃平地,栽植株行距大;(3)多主枝丛状开心形,其树形特点是主枝角度比较开张,树冠较小,成形快,通风透光良好,进入结果期较早,管理较为方便,适应密植高产要求。三种树形的共同特点是树体空间结构好,能改善通风透光,提高光合速率,促进早花,提高产量,便于后期管理。

【Abstract】 Swida wilsoniana is a widely distributed woody oil plant, which has high fruit yield with high oil content. In recent years, biofuels who environmental friendly and renewable green energy was attracted more and more attentions all over the world as oil depletion and prices inflationas. As an important raw material of biodiesel feedstocks, high yield varieties and cultivation techniques were needed to improved. In order to improve yield,3-year old grafted plants were studied by different artifical wound and pruning methods. The main results showed as follows:1Swida wilsoniana’s growth had different influences by the methods of girdling with barkwrapper up-down, binding stem with stranded wire, binding stem with rope and stem girthcutting on plants and flowering. Binding stem with stranded wire controlled the high growth and enhanced the diameter growth of cornus tree more strongly compared with the other3method. Also the method promoted obviously blooming, the rate of blooming trees was83%, which was significant different from that of treated with the other methods. Meanwhile, the number of flowers from per tree was678, which accounted for58.2%of the total flowers from all the treated trees. However, there was little difference between binding trunk and binding bough to promote flowering. All these methods destructed sieves of bark, and then prevented organic matter transporting from leaves to root, thus inhibited the high growth and promoted the increase of tree trunk, enhanced early blooming and fruiting.2Binding stem with stranded wire has different effects at different time on tree growth and flowering. Binding stems inhibition of high growth most strongly in July, which and diameter of stem base was increased, and control compared to significant difference (different was significant at0.05level).There was no difference in north crowm and south crown among different treating time. However, the effects of different binding time on the number of flowering trees and per tree flowers were quite different (different was significant at0.01level).Particularly, trees were binded starting in July had the most flowers per tree, up to384flowers per tree averagely, which was34.9times of that of control trees.3Different tree shapes resulted in different flowering and fruiting. Based on location conditions of planting places, different methods were taken to prun and tender grafted Cornus trees, and then3kinds of high yield tree form and pruning methods.(1) Natural open heart tree form, it was characteristiced by strong branch axis, low crown, open center, powerful light and ventilation, early fruiting, which was suitable for most varieties planted at slope or plain areas;(2) Backbone stratified layer tree form, its traits were multi-layer stratified, relatively high tree body, main stem and collateral branches distribution formed well, good light and ventilation, high yield.This kind of tree shape applied to the fertile plains, wide planting spacing.(3) Multi-main branch of happy-shaped tree from, which was characteristiced with many main branches separated at large angle, small crown, forming fast, good ventilation and light, early fruiting, which was convenient to manage, and it was more adapt to high density of high-yield planting.All the three types of tree form were common in good tree body structure for improving ventilation and light, then to enhance photosynthesis, promote early flowering, increase production, and it was easy to tender and manage.


