

The Research on the Establishment of the Landscape Design Guidelines for the University City

【作者】 严莉

【导师】 彭重华;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 我国大学城的建设起步较晚,经验的不足以及缺少科学合理的指导致使其景观建设面临着环境品质下降和景观特色缺失的问题,同时,在大学城景观设计当中,设计意图在实施中难以被充分贯彻,常规的设计成果面临着可操作性和有效性严重不足的巨大挑战。因而本论文借鉴城市设计的手段和方法,通过对大学城景观设计的调查和研究,制定相应的可供遵循或参考的大学城景观设计导则标准和范例,来控制大学城景观设计的建设和实施,为解决大学城景观所面临的环境质量、环境特色的问题提供参考和借鉴,同时以期更有效地推动设计导则的研究。论文依据为什么编制大学城景观设计导则,大学城景观设计导则是什么,怎样编制,编制成果是什么,以及成果是否具有实用性的思路而展开。首先,阐述研究的背景、目的与意义,内容及方法。其次,阐释“大学城景观设计”、“设计导则”“景观设计导则”的概念及阐述国内外相关的研究水平。再次对从设计导则进行哲学的理性思考和理论解析,指明大学城景观设计导则的控制要素。随后,确定大学城设计导则编制框架,包括目标体系、依据与原则、使用范围、程序和工作内容等内容。之后,对大学城景观设计导则的编制成果进行了深入的研究。最后选择实际案例进行个案编制,对以上理论成果进行实践应用。主要研究成果如下:(1)大学城景观设计导则是基于大学城环境景观设计对建设操作实施的一种有限理性控制。(2)大学城景观设计导则引导和控制的两大核心内容:整体环境的营造和各功能片区的景观控制。(3)大学城景观设计导则的编制框架:大学城景观设计导则的目标体系、编制依据、原则、使用范围以及工作程序与内容。(4)大学城景观设计导则的编制成果:总则和分则。总则:大学城景观的总体控制和整体环境的综合营造,分则:各功能片区的控制目标、遵循原则,以及生态、空间、文化等各方面的设计要点、建议和相关指导性规定。

【Abstract】 The construction of our University City started later. The lack of experience and scientific and reasonable guidance result in the landscape construction facing the problem that the falling off of the environment quality and the missing of the landscape characteristic. In the meantime, in the landscape design of the University City, the design intent is hard to fully implement in the implementation, and the regular design production is facing huge challenge that the maneuverability and effectiveness is woefully inadequate. So the thesis learn from the means and methods of urban design by the investigation and study of the landscape design of the University City, making the standard guide and paradigms that can be follow to and referred in the landscape design of the University City, to control the construction and implementation, and to provide reference for solving the problem that the environment quality and characteristics of the landscape of the University City, meanwhile, expecting to promote the research about the design guideline more effectively.In the paper, the author expound the thinking basis for why guidelines for the landscape design of the University City, what the design guideline of the landscape design of the University City is, how to compiled it, what the achievement is, and if the achievement has maneuverability. First, this paper describes the background, purpose and meaning, content and method. Then, explain the concept of the "the landscape design of the University City","design guideline","the landscape design guideline" and the relevant research level at home and abroad. It specified the control elements of the landscape design guideline of the University City by doing rational thinking and theoretical analysis of philosophy to the design guideline again. Later, determine the preparation framework for the landscape design guideline of the University City, including target system, basis and the principle, use scope, procedures and work content, etc. Then study the preparation achievement of the landscape design of the University City deeply. Last, choose the actual case to establish the guidelines preparation to practical application of the above theoretical results. The principal results are as follows: The landscape design guideline of the University City is based on the limited rational control of the landscape design of the University City to the construction practice.The landscape design guideline of the University City leads and controls two core contents:the overall environment construction and the landscape control of each function area.The preparation framework of the landscape design guideline of the University City:target system, compilation basis, principles, use scope, procedures and work content.The preparation achievement of landscape design guideline of the University City: the general rules and branch guidelines. The general rules:the overall control the landscape of the University City and the comprehensive construction of the overall environment. The branch guidelines:the control objective and the principles to follow of each function area, and the key points of design, advice and related guidance provisions of ecological, space, culture, etc.


