

The Discussion of Construction of Small Towns in Xuzhou City of Jiangsu

【作者】 吴小玮

【导师】 尹少华;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 农村与区域发展, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 小城镇作为农村和城市连接的纽带,在城乡统筹发展和社会主义新农村建设中具有十分重要的作用。由于传统城乡二元结构的长期存在,再加上行政体系、资金投入等各方面原因,目前我国小城镇建设仍有很多问题和不足,是整个城镇体系建设的薄弱环节。江苏省小城镇发展处于全国的领先水平,形成了与广东“珠江模式”、浙江“温州模式”齐名的“苏南模式”。徐州作为苏北最大的城市,其小城镇建设水平与苏南城市有很大差距,因此探讨徐州市小城镇建设中的问题和解决对策具有重要的现实意义。本文从国内外小城镇建设的现状和理论基础出发,结合徐州市小城镇发展现状,提出徐州市小城镇建设中存在的问题,包括:(1)小城镇建设缺乏科学规划,区位成为发展障碍;(2)工业产业发展无序,缺少支柱产业;(3)城镇规模偏小,基础设施不健全;(4)户籍财政体制制约发展,面临资金短缺困难。运用对比分析法,分析徐州市小城镇发展中存在问题的原因。本文旨在通过对徐州市小城镇建设的分析,学习借鉴苏南小城镇发展成功模式经验,探索徐州市进一步推进小城镇建设的发展对策,如(1)加强城镇科学规划,合理布局和构建体系;(2)强化产业定位,大力发展支柱产业和行业龙头;(3)加强小城镇基础设施建设;(4)坚持深化体制改革,促进小城镇持续健康发展。避免出现盲目发展小城镇而造成严重浪费,加快全区城乡协调发展步伐,以推进社会主义新农村建设为目标,以规划布局为龙头,以基础设施建设为重点,以产业发展为依托,以改革创新为动力,按照“因地制宜、分类指导,突出重点、梯次推进”的原则,通过政府推动、政策扶持、体制创新、市场运作,实现小城镇建的快速发展。

【Abstract】 Small towns as linkers with cities and villages, act important roles in urban and rural developments. Because the Long-term existence of the traditional urban-rural dual structure, coupled with the administrative system, capital investment and other reasons, at present there are still many problems of construction of small towns in our country, it is the weak link of the entire urban system. With the high level developments of small towns in Jiangsu province, the south Jiangsu model in Jiangsu province like Zhujiang model in Guangdong province and Wenzhou model in Zhejiang province has been formed. Xuzhou as the largest city in Northern Jiangsu, the level of construction of small towns between Xuzhou and southern Jiangsu cities has big disparity, therefore to investigate the problems and countermeasures in the construction of small towns in Xuzhou City, has important practical significance.In this paper, the status and the theoretical basis of the construction of small towns at home and abroad, combined with the development of the small towns in Xuzhou City, Come to the existing problems in the construction of small towns in Xuzhou City, such as, lacking planning of construction in small towns, disorders in industrial development, small scale of infrastructures, and financial problems which may restrict the development of the household registration.Using contrast analysis method, Analysis of small towns in xuzhou city development reasons for problems.This paper aims at the analysis of the construction of small towns in Xuzhou City, learning from the development of small towns in South of Jiangsu successful mode,explore Xuzhou City to further promote the development of countermeasures for construction of small towns, such as, strengthen town scientific planning, rational distribution and construction of the system, strengthen the industry position, vigorously develop the pillar industries and industry leading, strengthen the infrastructure construction of small towns, and insist on deepening system reform, promote the sustainable and healthy development of small towns. Avoid blind development of small towns and caused a serious waste,To speed up the pace of coordinated development between urban and rural areas, To build a new socialist rural construction and the layout as a leader, to focus on infrastructure construction, industrial development as the basis of reform and innovation as the driving force, according to "adjust measures to local conditions, classification guidance, emphasize the key phase, promote" principle, through the government to promote, policy support, the innovation of system, the market operation, and gradually realize speed up the small town construction and development.

【关键词】 小城镇建设城镇化徐州市
【Key words】 Construction of small townsUrbanizationXuzhou City
  • 【分类号】F299.27
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】561

