

Representation Research on Fuzzy Pungency for Chili Product Based on Scoville Index

【作者】 马东兴

【导师】 杨代明; 邓学良;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 食品科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是辣椒生产大国,据统计,2000年种植面积近8.6×104hm2,总产量5×104-6×104kt。同时,辣椒是湖南省种植面积最大的蔬菜作物。据不完全统计,湖南省目前辣椒年种植面积在66700hm2左右,约占湖南省蔬菜种植面积的8%左右。除了鲜食以外,辣椒加工已成为湖南省辣椒产业发展中最具活力的产业。然而长期以来辣椒行业缺少适宜的辣椒及其制品的分级评价的手段和方法,在对辣椒原料品质的评价方面主要是以评价果实色泽及外形为主。而在辣椒及辣椒制品的重要评价指标辣味程度评价方面并没有合适的定量标准。由于辣椒制品品尝得到的辣度即表观辣度与辣椒的真实辣度之间存在显著差异,因此开展辣椒制品模糊辣度的研究是辣椒制品标准化的最重要的课题,对于辣椒制品的科学研究、引导辣椒产业发展、指导消费及宣传具有重要意义。本论文主要研究具有湘菜风味的辣椒制品的模糊辣度。研究的内容主要由以下几部分组成:辣椒制品模糊辣度测定方法的研究、模糊辣度的表示与计算研究以及辣椒制品中花椒油素含量的测定及其对辣椒模糊辣度的影响研究。试验以剁辣椒及辣椒酱为实验材料,通过各影响因子的单因素试验可知辣椒制品中食盐、食用糖、食用油、总酸(以乳酸计)含量是对感观辣度有减弱作用的影响因素。采用四元二次回归通用旋转正交设计研究了这四个因素对剁辣椒制品感观辣度的影响,并获得了其减弱程度的线性关系:单因素含量越高,对感观辣度的减弱作用越大,并且有交互影响。据此,以斯科维尔(scoville)指数为基础,根据传统辣度概念“不辣、微辣、轻辣、中辣、很辣、猛辣”相对应的“0度(表示为0°M)、1度(表示为1°M)、2度(表示为2°M)、3度(表示为3°M)、4度(表示为4°M)、5度(表示为5°M)”模糊辣度分级来表示辣椒制品的感观辣度,获得与传统辣度相匹配的模糊辣度(0-5°M)指数的计算公式,从而排除了感观辣度确定时人为因素的影响和消除了以辣椒素单方面计算辣椒制品辣度的片面性。在对辣椒酱用模糊辣度的公式进行验证时发现,42号、48号、50号辣椒酱的模糊辣度指数分级与传统感观辣度级别有明显的跳级,经检查其标签配料表发现,这些样品中含有花椒、胡椒等香辛调味料,而我们在对辣椒制品进行感官辣度表示时,往往忽略了香辛调味料中花椒油素带来的辣味而总是片面的以辣椒素含量来表示辣椒制品的辣度,所以将与辣味含量有关系的斯科维尔(scoville)指数计算公式做进一步改进,将花椒、胡椒带来的辣味考虑进来。花椒油素又称花椒素,是花椒的主要辣味成分。在现实生活中,人们往往为了个人辣味需要而在辣椒制品中添加其他含辣物质,比如在剁辣椒及辣椒酱中添加花椒。而花椒中的花椒油素所带来的辣味对评价辣椒制品的表观辣度时产生一定的影响。本研究以两次提取,提取时间分别为3.0h,0.5h,提取溶剂甲醇量分别为70mL,20mL,采用ZORBAX XDB-C18柱(4.6mm×150mm,5μm)为色谱柱,甲醇-水(体积比为60:40)为流动相,流速0.8mL/min,检测波长289nm,柱温30℃进行液相色谱测定辣椒制品中的花椒油素。结果表明,花椒油素在0.001~0.04mg/mL范围内呈良好线性关系,加标平均回收率为96.8%,RSD为3.62%。对添加了其他辣味物质的辣椒制品的模糊辣度进行了初步研究。通过花椒油素与辣椒素的辣度感官审评,获得了其质量转换系数,从而获得了花椒油素辣度的斯科维尔指数计算公式,并获得了辣椒制品总斯科维尔指数公式。综上所述,鉴于辣椒制品表观辣度本身的模糊性,通过单因素试验和二次回归通用旋转组合设计与分析,获得了总酸、食盐、总糖和油脂对辣椒制品真实辣度降低值的四元二次回归方程;在此基础上,以模糊辣度来表示辣椒制品的表观辣度,首次构建了辣椒制品的模糊辣度指数(MD值)的计算公式及辣椒制品模糊辣度的表达方式,并对辣椒制品中影响辣度的SHU指数换算公式进行了修订。

【Abstract】 China is one of the largerst pepper-producing countries.According to statistics,the planting area is near8.6X104hm2and the total output in the year2000is5X104~6X104kt. Meanwhile,pepper is the largest vegetable crop in Hunan Province.Pepper’s cultivated area recently is about66700hm2in Hunan Province according to incomplete data,which accounts for about8%plant vegetables in Hunan province.Besdies freshing food,pepper processing has become the most promising industry in Hunan Province.However,in the long time,there is lack of appropriate methods of evaluation of classification of chili and its products.The evaluation of pepper raw material quality is mainly based on fruit color and shape while evaluation of spicy degree in chili products as one of the most important evaluation factors has not yet appropriate quantitative standard.The research on apparent pungency of chilli products has become a most important issue in the standardization of pepper product for the scientific research due to the difference of evalation between the apparent pungency and real pungency.lt may well guide pepper industrial development and lead the promotion and consumption of chili industry.The paper mainly focused on the fuzzy pungency of chili with Hunan local style.It consists of the following parts:the study on determination of fuzzy pungency of chili product,the study on fuzzy pungency standard and related calculation and the determination of xanthoxylin in chili product and the effects it’s content exerts on the pungency of chili products.Chopped pepper and chili sauce were the main research material in this study.Single factor experiment proved that salt,sugar,oil and total acid had weakening influence on sensory spicy of pepper products by taking quadratic orthogonal rotating combination method which are designed to study the effects of these four factors.Besides, chopped fresh chili was also used as raw material.Linear relationship about weakening apparent pungency has been obtained,which show that the more amount of the each single factor has,the more profound effects it has on the weakening apparent pungency. So based on scoville index,the sensory evaluation of chili product can be demonstrated as no spicy(0°M),light spicy(1°M),mildspicy(2°M),much spicy(3°M),more spicy(4°M),most spicy(5°M),and the calculation formula about fuzzy pungency index was also obtained to exclude the effects of human error and eliminate the one-side effects caused by calculation of apparent pungency merely according to capsaicin.When the constructed formula was used to verify the fuzzy pungency of chili sauce, it is found that index of fuzzy pungency in sample42,48and50skipped distinctively in levels of classificatioin with the traditional senses spicy.A few zanthoxylum,pepper and other spices were found when lable list of ingredient is checked.However,determination of senses spicy degrees often ignore considering xanthoxylin from spices and focuse on the content of capsaicin to present the spicy degree of pepper products.So this study made further improvements in the scoville index formula and take the piquancy from zanthoxylum and pepper into account.Xanthoxylin is main piquancy composition of zanthoxylum bungeanum maxim.But people tend to add other piquancy components products to the material,dut to personal taste,such as chopped pepper and chilli sauce add zanthoxylum,which has influences on the sensory pungency.In this study,xanthoxylin in chilli products was extracted using methanol as extraction solvent with70mL at3.0h and20mL at0.5h.And then HPLC was applied to identify the xanthoxylin,the conditions were as follows:chromatography column was ZORBAXXDB-C18(4.6mm X150mm,5μm) the mobile phase was methanolwater (60:40),the flow rate was0.8mL/min,the detection wavelength was289nm and the column temperature was30℃.The results showed that the concentration of xanthoxylin was within0.001~0.04mg/mL displaying good linearity and the average recovery rate was96.8%and RSD was3.62%.Fuzzy pungency degree of chilli products which added other capsaicinoids was preliminary studied.With organoleptic evaluation on the pungency degree of xanthoxylin and capsaicin,its mass conversion coefficient was got,then the scoville index of xanthoxylin and chilli products were obtained.To sum up,a four element secondary and regression equation which show the influence of acid, salt, total sugar and fat on weakening the real pungency of chili product has been obtained by both single factor experiment and second-order generalized rotation design experimentation in order to eliminate the fuzziness of the present evaluation of chili pungency.On this basis,fuzzy pungency is used to indicate the apparent pungency of pepper products and calculation formula for apparent pungency index is constructed while means of expression about apparent pungency of pepper products(MD value) is explored for the first time.The study has also revised the SHU index formula.


